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  1. Bubblez

    Independent Rank list of global firepower

    Any body else click on the "Fear No Man" heading directly below the paragraph?
  2. Bubblez

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

    Avidence for the mens side of the argument "should women be allow to operate large armoured vehicles or not?"
  3. Bubblez

    New Army.ca Game (HEADLINES)

    It's the nude beach patrol. The new gear helps them fit in more with the surroundings. (Imagine how noticable you'd be in full gear) I can't help but wonder what was going through his head when he decided to dress like that, then let someone take a picture... :P
  4. Bubblez

    If Hitler was a cat

    The 10th and 25th cats deffinaitly take the cake on this one!! lol, Very funny!
  5. Bubblez

    When Hubbies Away....

    Dont feel bad I'm lost too. And what is this thing with the stickers?
  6. Bubblez

    teens views on the army

    Yes thats true but I also think that teens have the right to know what they are getting into before they sign up.
  7. Bubblez

    Merged subject - Nicknames

    Please post your nickname and where it came from. Mine is Bubblez, which was given to me this summer by O/CdT Kalincak for the simple reason that I could not keep a straight face when I looked at him and I kept bubbling over with laughter, but I do refuse to say why I kept laughing!! So what...
  8. Bubblez

    teens views on the army

    The 49th Feild Regiment and The Field Battalian in my area come to our high schools every year and allow us to ask questions and take a look at some of the simpler equipment. needless to say this does generate alot of curiosity in the cf and quite a few people have enlisted. I plan to join them...
  9. Bubblez

    A Collection Of Army.ca Humour - including SKIPPY'S DAMN LIST AGAIN!!

    USMC Answering Machine message Thank you for calling the United States Marine Corps. I am sorry, but all of our units are out at the moment or are otherwise engaged. Please leave a message with your country, name of organization, the region, the specific crisis, and a number at which we can...
  10. Bubblez

    Soldiers Burning Drugs!!

    Ohh that is awsome!!!!! really funny!
  11. Bubblez

    201 or 401?

    Nope no number just the Sea Cadet Manuel of Drill and Ceremonial. http://www.cadets.ca/seacad/resources-ressources/1_e.asp For those of you who just want to varify the facts check the link above. As well sea cadets also follow the 201 (Gunners Bible)
  12. Bubblez

    Boot cleaning / polishing / care of

    Lip Gloss?!?!?!?! I've had the worst expierence ever with that stuff and my boots but don't worry unless your a complete idiot like I was 2 years ago you won't even think of doing what I did.
  13. Bubblez

    Boot cleaning / polishing / care of

    Ive noticed that when I shine my boots I can only shine them so much then I have to leave them for about an hour or so and then go back to them ot they just get dull and plus a second pair of boots wouldn't hurt make them both look good that way if one pair gets all messed you have a spare pair...
  14. Bubblez

    Summer camps .... what did you get!

    Oh it is but You've got to be careful or you'll go home missing either a few fingers or a whole hand. The breach weighs about 30 pounds so that will crush or fingers and as you continue to push the handle in to lock it the breach turns to lock itself in place and presto, there goes you hand. LoL
  15. Bubblez

    Movie Quotes....

    Men Of Honor A Navy Diver is not a fighting man, He is a salvage expert. If it's lost under water he finds it, if it's sunk he brings it up, if it's in the way he movies it. Some day you might have the priveldge and honor to die young 200 feet below the waves for that is the closest you will...
  16. Bubblez

    Movie Quotes....

    This is my rifle. There are many like it, but this one is mine. My rifle is my best friend. It is my life. I must master it, as I must master my life. Without me my rifle is useless. Without my rifle, I am useless. I must fire my rifle true. I must shoot straighter than my enemy who is trying to...
  17. Bubblez

    Summer camps .... what did you get!

    Drill, OAT, field guns, theary, how to fold a map ;D LoL <---That was funni!!!, when it was to hot to do drill we'd work on our uniforms up in massey (203) and watch little funny flashes on the computer. Cerimonial stuff like colours and divisions. Jetty jumping, leadership classes and I wasn't...
  18. Bubblez

    Any Cadets from RCSCC#1 Nelson or RCSCC#24 Magnificent?

    LoL very good point, I wasn't even looking for this web site when I found it but here I am! Hey, Rebel_RN your from sudbury? That means your in my floatila.
  19. Bubblez

    Summer camps .... what did you get!

    It was great, i loved it!
  20. Bubblez

    Any Cadets from RCSCC#1 Nelson or RCSCC#24 Magnificent?

    I know that noone from #46 Royal Soveriegn goes on this web site, accually there are very few sea cadets according to a pole I just read (only like 1.3%) but I'll respond anyway. Hello!