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  1. hijack

    weight training

    During basic, the gym won‘t be available to you...you will be otherwise occupied ie: cleaning, studying, preparing and helping-out your coursemates. If you have time to go to the gym something else is suffering.
  2. hijack

    New Soldier

    Ok, first-off...their is a standard, and if you do not know about it then it is a problem. Secondly, the minimum is exactly that....the least needed to acheive a Pass. Do not be fooled into thinking Basic is easy. Basic does not begin until you get to your home unit. Prepare yourself physically...
  3. hijack

    Issued Weapons

    It depends, on course you sign for a C7, and everything else is passed around. Everyone gets their turn humping around all the kit, just so everyone can appreciate their weapons more. In the regs, you are given weapons based on a few factors, Pl strength (all C9‘s go, if there are not enough...
  4. hijack

    Infantry.....what Do You like About it? And what is your weapon of choice?

    Any gunners out there will tell you the C6 kicks everyones *** ....it is the best f@#%$**@## weapon around. It is a pig to carry and bitch to clean but when it‘s working ****...... -I chose the infantry, because it chose me. I joined on a whim (army brat) and loved every minute since...
  5. hijack

    Mandatory service for reserves

    As far as the Primary Reserves and Operational deployments go...you should review the CF‘s LFRR, which is already well into phase II. Reserves are taking-on ever increasing roles in deployments, and are filling critical staffing positions at home. They very fact that we have CRC‘s on tour is a...
  6. hijack


    Invest in a few pairs of Spenco/ Sorbothane insoles. It will cost you $15-25 a pair, but you will have them for years. Also, after Pt stand straight and tap your toes up and down...just do it, because the flexion action loosens-out the muscles on the lower part of the limb. cheers
  7. hijack

    Mirror,mirror on the wall.

    This is just giving me a "Warm Fuzzy....." 6‘4, 240, Physically imposing, excellent shape, but poor cardio (I‘ll hump all day with my ruhk full, and with the Karl G), but I suck at running anything over 8-10km, that is army suck, not civi. mental: university, smart enough to learn and smart...
  8. hijack

    Your Favorite Quote

    "Only the Dead Have Seen the End of War..." -When We Were Soldiers, original quote? "Charlie Don‘t Surf!" -Robert Duval in Apocalypse Now "Suffering Builds Tolerance, and Pain Builds Character." -Every Single ex.Airborne NCM should know this, it was in one of the old trng rooms in the old...
  9. hijack

    Reinstate the Airborne Petition

    They are coming back, with a different name most likely , but hopefully with the same professional expertise. "In every barrel there are a few bad apples", which need to be weeded-out.
  10. hijack

    Infantry Parachute Companies, and Airborne after the loss of the CAR.

    Checkout a couple of books...."******* Sons", Eat Your Own", get a copy of the Somalia Inquiry summary...check online and get the info. Proud Regiment...that was scapegoated and politically assassinated.
  11. hijack

    Joint Task Force 2 (JTF 2) - Canadian Special Forces

    Maybe you should just "give them a call..." or drive by their compound and ask for some brochures.