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Search results

  1. Cossack

    Reserve Occupations - Summer Course Not Required.

    Thank you for the quick reply. I will definitely speak to my employer. Since the the summer courses are all but mandatory I also have to ask a follow up question. Are the summer courses held at the unit or within the general proximity? I read a bit of info stating that all naval reserves...
  2. Cossack

    Reserve Occupations - Summer Course Not Required.

    I have been looking forward to applying for Naval Reserves at the Unit in Toronto. I e-mailed the unit about positions they were looking to fill and was responded to the next day with the following. " Thank you for your interest in the Naval Reserve and HMCS YORK. We are currently looking for...
  3. Cossack

    Communicator Research Operator - 1 year waiting for clearance, but where?

    I have searched on this site and can't find much info. I've applied to become a comm res op, and I know ill be basic training if accepted then sent to wait for security clearances(for possibly up to one year). Now my girlfriend is curious, where would I be serving? Wherever needed? Far away...
  4. Cossack

    Online Applications

    Thank you all for the info, I called, left voice-mails ,  and e-mails.  Plan to go in Monday afternoon to sort things out and complete the application process . Wish me luck!
  5. Cossack

    Online Applications

    I had personal issues and completely understand that, but the holiday season as well as the board of education misplacing my Transcripts (my name and surname are misleading) , cuz off half a month of my deadline
  6. Cossack

    Online Applications

    but worst case scenario , what happens if I miss it?
  7. Cossack

    Online Applications

    I was given 60 days after online application to hand in my documentation (birth cert etc) . However due to personal issues + near the end having a mix up with my transcripts then the holidays.. with all offices closed.. I missed the 60 day limit of my online app. Can I still apply ? I'm...
  8. Cossack

    Pre-BMQ course UPDATE

    Also , upon doing a search - virtually NONE of the threads have posts that date past February 2008, when the updated literature and "streamlined recruitment program" was instituted on June the 13th 2008.
  9. Cossack

    Pre-BMQ course UPDATE

    God I wish I had saved my conversation with the recruiter in my area. I had literally asked them : "Is there a pre-BMQ program one can take if they fail the PT test" The reply : Yes "In order to streamline the recruiting process, to increase the level of success for new recruits and to...
  10. Cossack

    Pre-BMQ course UPDATE

    "In order to streamline the recruiting process, to increase the level of success for new recruits and to expand the CF as part of larger Defence goals applicants no longer have to complete a pre-enrolment physical fitness evaluation."
  11. Cossack

    Pre-BMQ course UPDATE

    The locked thread I am updating was asking about the PT test and if failed what are the consequences.  Also that he had heard that if you are not able to pass you are able to attend another program to physically prepare you for BMQ. This poster was then shot down by a member of staff here at...
  12. Cossack

    Pre-BMQ course UPDATE

    Despite the other thread being locked, and a member of this site claiming otherwise , there *IS* a pre-BMQ course ran by the Canadian Military. The course is called RFT , Recruit Fitness Training . to quote the literature given to me earlier today at my local RC "The innovative Recruit...
  13. Cossack

    Underage Drinking Fears (Merged)

    Don't worry, MADD people dont hate drinking just Drunk Driving*. Also people in AA should understand the most.
  14. Cossack

    Is there some kind of pre-BMQ course?

    Not to be rude my self, but I think your are pretty ignorant for agreeing with him. Some of us may not be military fit, but have been or are close to being in shape. IMO* 4 weeks can be of pre-BMQ as well as some personal training before that even (lets say  2weeks) can cut down more than...
  15. Cossack

    Hurry Up..And Wait!! - Application Process Update

    May be a stupid question but why a doctors appointment?
  16. Cossack

    hope i dont wait to long!!

    How much weight do you recommend putting in the nap sack?
  17. Cossack

    Getting the job

    My goal is to become a Communicator Research Operator,  and when I say goal  - I mean dream. (navy, but I know its not much more than a uniform most of the time for this trade). However I get the sinking feeling I will not get it . I have the ability to learn languages quickly Decent to good...
  18. Cossack

    Waiting For The Phone Call For BMQ

    I am dying to join, I applied for Communicator Research Operator (Navy) and would like to get a call today to leave today but it does not look like that is going to happen. I am nervous that I will not be accepted even though it is what I want to do for my career (at the moment)