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‘White nationalism’ a threat the Canadian Armed Forces aren’t equipped for: watchdog

Ah yes the « white nationalist extremism » is just a hoax argument.

Why is it so hard to believe that in western culture that has been predominately white for a while that white extremism might actually be thing…
You know what Threat to Canada is in the news EVERYDAY? The Trudeau Liberals incompetence
Ah yes the « white nationalist extremism » is just a hoax argument.

Why is it so hard to believe that in western culture that has been predominately white for a while that white extremism might actually be thing…
Nobody is denying it doesn't exist. What we are denying is that it is not the existential threat that the government is putting forward. It is nothing more than a way to smear Caucasians as the biggest threat in Canada or our military. It's just a false narrative. They would have us believe that only white nationalists are responsible for some sort of physical threat to Canadian society. That is bullshit. The red and orange liberals are the greatest danger to Canada and our population. Change white nationalism for any group persecuted by the Third Reich, Idi Amin Dada, Stalin, Mao or PolPot. There's your narrative.
Nobody in this thread and that article made it out to be an existential threat. Just that it remains a threat the CAF seems ill equipped to deal with.
Just that it remains a threat the CAF seems ill equipped to deal with.
I agree, but:

I would honestly say it tracks far, far, far down the list of threats we are ill equipped to deal with.

Air Defence seems to come to mind, as well as Cyber Security. Hell extortion by foreign entities would be more of an existential threat than WNism.

It's like worrying about genetic markers for cancer when the patient has a sucking chest wound; definitely something to consider, not something to prioritize....

‘White nationalism’ a threat the Canadian Armed Forces aren’t equipped for: watchdog​

“White nationalism” is an “active” threat to the Canadian Armed Forces, a new report says, but the Forces’ counter-intelligence unit is under-resourced and unable to “proactively” deal with the issue.

In a report released Monday, the independent National Security and Intelligence Review Committee (NSIRA) said the Department of National Defence has known for years their internal “counter-intelligence” branch has been underfunded and hindered by policy constraints.

The report also found the counter-intelligence unit was unable to “proactively” address white nationalism within the ranks, an issue that the top brass in all three branches of the Canadian Armed Forces have identified as a threat.

“White supremacist groups actively seek individuals with prior military training and experience, or conversely, encourage individuals to enlist in order to gain access to specialized training, tactics and equipment,” the partially-censored NSIRA report read.

“As such, the CAF remains attractive to elements of the right-wing, with a series of internal reports having warned of white supremacist membership among the ranks.”

What do you suppose the NSIRA does to proactively deal with white nationalism infiltrating their ranks?

It's a problem, but a relatively isolated one. Why should we be proactive about it vice taking a reactive stance and punting someone if they make it through recruiting and something comes up? Or are we supposed to actively surveil anyone in uniform?
I agree, but:

I would honestly say it tracks far, far, far down the list of threats we are I'll equipped to deal with.

Air Defence seems to come to mind, as well as Cyber Security. Hell extortion by foreign entities would be more of an existential threat than WNism.

It's like worrying about genetic markers for cancer when the patient has a sucking chest wound; definitely something to consider, not something to prioritize....
And there are plenty of articles on us not being ready for cyber. Trust me I am aware.

But some seem real sensitive about this when brought up.
And there are plenty of articles on us not being ready for cyber. Trust me I am aware.

But some seem real sensitive about this when brought up.
We always train for the next war by training for the last war. This is a trademark of most armies.

At one time we had forward thinkers.....
What do you suppose the NSIRA does to proactively deal with white nationalism infiltrating their ranks?

It's a problem, but a relatively isolated one. Why should we be proactive about it vice taking a reactive stance and punting someone if they make it through recruiting and something comes up? Or are we supposed to actively surveil anyone in uniform?
The issue is that they are targeting the CAF. They aren’t actively trying to join environnement Canada or the food inspection agency.

Security clearance issues would be a good start. But our recruiting system is so bogged up I doubt there is much they can do about it.
And there are plenty of articles on us not being ready for cyber. Trust me I am aware.

But some seem real sensitive about this when brought up.
You're talking to someone who wouldn't have been classified as "white" 50 years ago. I'm not one to get my hackles up about what the mangiacake population is getting defensive about.

My point is that we have bigger fish to fry security wise than the potential for WNists joining the CAF. I'd be more worried about the fact Pte. Bloggins Int Op can't afford to sleep in a van in Ottawa; I'm certain China has noticed this all too well themselves.
Similar things came up in the late 2000s - apparently OMGs were hiring former military to train them in weapons, tactics and explosives.