I was mildly surprised (well, not actually) that no mention had been made in this thread of the recent, final speech in the House by
the a former leader of the CPC, Erin O'Toole, especially since there has been
much some editorial comment about it (such as
here and
here . . . ). I will admit I didn't watch the speech, either as originally presented or repeated as part of media discussion. That is until today. I was aware of his remarks about the divisiveness of politics and that he apparently included himself, his party and (though not by name, just suggestion) the current leader of his party as part of the problem, but it wasn't until this morning after listening to The Current on CBC radio when Mr. O'Toole was interviewed by the host, Matt Galloway, that I was interested enough to find what he actually said, in full, in the House.
I'll also admit that I didn't like O'Toole as a politician, but I will give credit where credit is due. And though he didn't completely forget his place on the opposition benches (had to get a few jabs in), he does deserve credit for his comments; though, I do feel it would have been more courageous to do so sooner than his last day in the House.
What did he say? For the aliterite, there is always Youtube.
And for those, like me, who need to parse his words, there is Hansard. The final few paragraphs of his address contain the meat (as well as some of the partisan jabs). I
And his comments on The Current this morning were also telling, though I did get the feeling he was being more circumspect. You can listen to them here,. For those who object to the CBC on principle, what have you to lose; you might as well take advantage of what your tax dollars have already paid for.