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3D World


Puggled and Wabbit Scot.
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Further to Ferguson's, and the CIA's and most intelligence agencies's, sense that the window of vulnerability is the next two to three years, and, in my opinion we should start acting like its 1938 all over again, should we start pivoting on production?

It is my belief that there is much we can do with the innovative and the novel. But there is stuff that we can't replace that relies on "ancient" technologies that are being pushed out of service. Facilities like steel foundries.

We need steel for ships and submarines. We also need it for locks, stocks and barrels.

If we have a limited supply of native steel where is that steel best utilized?

In a 100 m AOPS that weighs 6600 tonnes when you can build a 100 m OPV in steel that displaces 3750 tonnes full load and 1500 to 2000 tonnes light (OPV Holland).

In a submarine that won't be available until 2032, after the crisis has been resolved one way or another?

Or in building trucks and guns, particularly medium calibre autocannons and small arms which will be useful in two years time?
Or supplying armour plate? Armour plate that can be "diluted" while still remaining effective, with plastics, and ceramics and explosives?

If we are limited in raw materials should we be spending that raw material on 155mm cannons for depth fires or should we be more reliant on missiles and drones that can be fabricated from composite materials readily available?

In my opinion building Icebreakers in a time of crisis, assuming this is a time of crisis, would be a folly A vanity project. That steel could be put to much better use.

Those two polar icebreakers displace 26,000 tonnes each. How much of that is steel?

How many 60 kg M230 Bushmasters could be manufactured from that steel?
How many 60 tonne Abrams or Leos? Or 30 tonne CV90s?

And which are going to be ready to use in two years?

So, in addition to 3D printed subs

3D printed aircraft

3D printed rockets

I won't be satisfied until we develop MP-35s as used in John Scalzi's "Old Man's War"

The MP-35, also known as "empee", is the main infantry weapon used by the Colonial Defense Force (CDF). The weapon features self-assembling and self-repairing capabilities, the ability to interface with BrainPal, and ammunition composed of nano-robotic bullets able to transform immediately into any type of projectile desired, including bullets, incendiaries, explosives, and beams. These features make it superior to conventional weapon types, as it solves the problem of excessive weight associated with carrying multiple weapons, weapon jamming, and enemy use.

I won't be satisfied until we develop MP-35s as used in John Scalzi's "Old Man's War"


Going that route I want Elon's implant. The one that lets me project my wishes on you...
Going that route I want Elon's implant. The one that lets me project my wishes on you...
Ah! You're talking about the BrainPal(TM) - same author - same book.

The BrainPal is a neural implant that allows members of the Colonial Defense Forces (CDF) to send and receive data, including speech, battle plans and much more. CDF soldiers use their BrainPals to communicate with each other, translate alien languages, watch classic cartoons, and read old books.

A BrainPal allows a CDF soldier to operate colonial technology by thought alone. A CDF rifle can only be used by someone with a BrainPal.

To the members of the Ghost Brigades the BrainPal does much more: it provides a synthetic consciousness that allows the newborn soldiers to function until their own identities develop. This gives people who meet Special Forces the impression that they know everything. When presented with a situation that is unfamiliar to the newborn soldier, the BrainPal loads the relevant and important information directly into the mind at an amazing rate.

Ah! You're talking about the BrainPal(TM) - same author - same book.


Seems like a waste of effort to go mucking around with weapons - skip the logistics. :p