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450 Tactical Helicopter Squadron Is Reborn

Infanteer said:
We should call it 1st Aviation Regiment and throw their wedgie hats into the furnace.... ^-^

Actually wedge caps have a distinguished history in the Canadian Army ~ see here.

... etc
Infanteer said:
We should call it 1st Aviation Regiment and throw their wedgie hats into the furnace.... ^-^

Infanteer for CDS, King, and Emperor!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That reminds me; at my new unit the RAAF Air Defence Guards are allowed to wear their berets, while the Australian Army (they have some engineers here I think?) were prohibited b/c of danger of skin cancer or something ridiculous that I heard 3rd-hand through my new co-workers. 

Maybe I should start wearing my RCAF beret just to poke the bear ('roo?)  Or my fur hat?  Choices, choices....  :blotto:
Actually light infantry and rifle regiments wore glengarrys as far back as about 1880 ...


... and they still wear a variant of them as ceremonial dress today.

Dimsum said:
That reminds me; at my new unit the RAAF Air Defence Guards are allowed to wear their berets, while the Australian Army (they have some engineers here I think?) were prohibited b/c of danger of skin cancer or something ridiculous that I heard 3rd-hand through my new co-workers. 

Maybe I should start wearing my RCAF beret just to poke the bear ('roo?)  Or my fur hat?  Choices, choices....  :blotto:

definately Yukon Hat and we want pics >:D
E.R. Campbell said:
Actually light infantry and rifle regiments wore glengarrys as far back as about 1880 ...


... and they still wear a variant of them as ceremonial dress today.

Is that your recruit ID picture, Edward?  >:D
Danjanou said:
definately Yukon Hat and we want pics >:D

You make it sound like I wouldn't do it at a drop of a (Yukon) hat. 

I'm here all week.  Try the veal.  :bowing:
Infanteer said:
We should call it 1st Aviation Regiment and throw their wedgie hats into the furnace.... ^-^

Help us the get our Naval Aviation back and we can't be beat!







And yes I fully support the Army owning completely the aircraft, Chinooks and Griffons, that support them. Same as the RCN should own the Sea Kings and eventually the Cyclones.

Flame away light blue mutha's  :evil: :evilrifle:
Be careful what you wish for!  The Aussie CH 47's have difficulty getting and keeping their hours since it all comes out of the same pot of money from the Army brass.  As being a separate unit but under operational control of the Army, we get the best of both worlds.  The Army cannot easily touch our budget (to do "actual" Army trg, which would definitely be priority over aircrew trg/cross country trips/airshows/etc) but they still maintain control over us as an attachment when it counts - exercise and deployments.

HeavyHooker said:
Be careful what you wish for!  The Aussie CH 47's have difficulty getting and keeping their hours since it all comes out of the same pot of money from the Army brass.  As being a separate unit but under operational control of the Army, we get the best of both worlds.  The Army cannot easily touch our budget (to do "actual" Army trg, which would definitely be priority over aircrew trg/cross country trips/airshows/etc) but they still maintain control over us as an attachment when it counts - exercise and deployments.


HH -- Just to let you know, the BIG airshows are on a separate budget through CanadaCom for Op CONNECTION.

Just throwing that in there so people don't think the RCAF is throwing all their money towards dog and pony shows.
Infanteer said:
We should call it 1st Aviation Regiment and throw their wedgie hats into the furnace.... ^-^
1st Canadian Heavy Aviation Regiment.

I could care less what they wear on their heads.....as long as those babies fly and deliver.
Inky said:
Nonsense, they look positively spiffing!

Mind you, it' probably the RMC cadet in me trying to rationalize our sticking to the wedge.

They didn't look bad:


I see a lot less spiffy berets being worn these days.
Actually, they don't look bad - certainly better than some chef boyardee berets I see out there.

Having been to Kingston and seen the RMC Cadets out in their Full Dress (or whatever it is called), those kids look sharper than us in DEUs.
Infanteer said:
Having been to Kingston and seen the RMC Cadets out in their Full Dress (or whatever it is called), those kids look sharper than us in DEUs.
I'll say!  :nod:


Hey, at least they're not dressed like the flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz like a certain American military academy.
Privateer said:
They don't look too bad in black and white, but in colour...!

I'll admit that, circa 1944, a few were a wee tiny bit ... how shall we say this? ... garish:


But we are not exactly subdued in 2011, are we?
