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5 year Cadet medals

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This is all the info, made by the Army Cadet League of Canada, so it will have all the info you need on the medal.
OK!! Thanks for the info, however if you could just use that fancy spell checker before posting, that would be awesome :) The medal is just something for the cadets that never got anything and stuck around long enough.
Just to add on to that, no where in that document does it say that those who have medals already cannot receive the ACSM... Infact at the bottom it says where it is worn with other medals :)
If you read my post you will find out i said  to the one's that have " ALL KIND'S OF AWARDS AND MEDAL'S!!" now that's what i was told from our office.
As to my spelling " YOU " just tend to your own and let Me! tend to mine OK?
sgtatarms2004 said:
mwo's and cwo's will not receave them nor will any cadet that has all kind's of award's and medal's these are for cadets that may have not
receaved any promotion's or the one's that didn't get a chance to go to summer camp's excetra!

they can't transfer out to a diferent corps and then return to their old corps or they will not get one!!
This is not what's written in the policy.   The policy document that was linked from here indicates that a cadet can indeed transfer from corps to corps "...such eligible service may be portable between army cadet corps." - paragraph 8.

Also, there is no indication in the policy that there is any restriction on rank, therefore it would appear that MWOs and CWOs are indeed eligible.

Thanks for the preliminary info though.   Too bad that the Air and Navy Leagues passed up on this one - I think the Air and Sea cadets would have appreciated it as well.
your wellcome garbageman:   I think what they were saying was that if a cadet changed from an Army cadet corps to say a Sea or Air cadet corps before receiving the medal and then after a year or so decide to return back to their old corps that they wouldn't receave one.
Easy there Sergeant At Arms... I happen to know plenty about the medal and whether or not people with tonnes of awards and medals can receive it. I should know, I've got 3 medals already. Hopefulyl I will get it before I'm "mugged out" in December at our Christmas dinner.
well then if you seem to know so much about the medal's then i would suggest you contact the ARMY LEAGUE in Toronto,Ont and inform the ARMY LEAGUE as to what all pertains to the medal's and fill them in on the rules and regs of thouse medal's I'm sure they would love to have your input as to thouse rules and regs. i spoke to them personally and that is what i was told. and just in case you were wondering the CO'S have the last say in other words it is up to the CO'S who receave the medal's " not " the Cadet's.
As well at the time that i placed this post i was not aware that the national league office in Ottawa had placed the rules and regs on the medal's on their web site other wise i would have posted the link to it. so don't   :soldier: the messenger i said i would inform the one's that were wanting to know about what all pertained to the medal's and after speaking to them that's what i was told and just In case you were wondering I'm not a CADET or CF personnel I'm with the ARMY LEAGUE.
So before you go shooting your mouth OFF if i were you i would pay close attention as to who you are speaking too and treat that person with a little respect!!
i just hope you don't treat your superiors or Cadet's with in your the corps in the same manner.
sgtatarms2004 said:
So before you go shooting your mouth OFF if i were you i would pay close attention as to who you are speeking too and treat that person with a little respect!!

A little respect? If you're looking for respect, maybe you should try heading back to grammar school and also learn how to use the Spell Check, your grammar and spelling are the worst I've ever seen, for someone that supposedly works for the Army Cadet League I would have expected more. You don't have to proof read your documents there or something?

A quick lesson from Professor Inch:
to - I'm going to the store
too - meaning also, ie. I too am going to the store or I am going to the store too
medal's - belonging to the medal, ie, the medal's ribbon
medals - more than one medal
          - same rules apply to rules, regs and Cadets
All sentences begin with a capital letter and I (as in me) is always capitalized
I'm is short for I am, there is no apostrophe in I am, it's called a contraction, eg. I'm = I am, they'll = they will and my personal favourite, you're = you are (it's not "your an idiot", say that in the first person and you'll see what I mean....your an idiot, my an idiot?)

So before you start jacking up kids about having a little respect, the least you could do is show you're deserving and you're not a complete tool shed when it comes to grammar and spelling.

Nice call inch. I cant believe a league rep would come on a internet forum and sort out a cadet. He made a complete fool of him self. I always teach my NCO's its never a good idea to argue with subordinates or peers, because even if you are right, you always end up looking like an idiot.
Here here Inch :salute:

I can even live with bad spelling and grammar - everyone makes mistakes (perhaps some more than other).  However, you chose to slam someone simply because they asked nicely for you to be a little more coherent in your responses.  I fail to see how the other poster had any lack of respect in their response.  True, they aren't at the League, so they should value your experience and knowledge.  But you could also do the same when considering their current experience at the Corps level.
Well done Capt :o And To All The Cadets As Well On A Job Well Done you all Past The Test! this was a test on cadets and the internet.
To The Cadet In Question I Really Do apologize about The Incident :-[ But i could not let on to anyone as to what i was doing :-X My Job Task Was too come on here And See How Cadets Would React to Sarcasm.
And As To My Spelling That Too Was Done Deliberately To See If Any One Would Realize The Mistakes And Say Something About it Wow You Relay Cut Me To The Quick On That One :o That Was A Great Responce ;D You All Get an A+ And To The Capt I Relay Liked The One About " Professor Inch " That Was A Good One :D I will have To Use That One In My Lesson Plans I Guess I Had That One Coming To Me ;).
I am Glad To See That CF Personnel As Well As Cadets Are Using These Internet Forums With Respect To Fellow Cadets And CF Personnel And Looking Out For One an Other On These Public Forums.
I   :salute: All Of you On A Job Well Done :) There Are A lot Of People That Come On These Public Forums Just To Start An Argument And Try And Get Under Every Ones Skin Thats What They Thrive On And They Get Their Kicks Out Of Doing It.
Now That The Cats Out Of The Bag To Everyone Here Again I Apologize If This Test May Have Offended Any One This Test Was Done As A Lesson Plan On " The Reaction Of Cadets And Public Internet Forums ".
And Also To " 521 " CWO You Are Totally Correct When A Person Does Something Like That They Relay Do Make A Complete FOOL Out Of Them Self and Its Never A Good Idea To Argue With Anyone Over The Internet. The Best Course OF Action Is To ignore Them And Or Walk Away Even If You Know Your Right! your NCO's Have A Good Teacher Keep Up The Good Work :salute:
So is this another test for the Cadets? Your last post is almost as hard to read as your previous one(s). The use of the smilies and capitalizing almost every word, the lack of punctuation and the run on, disjointed sentence structure make it near impossible to fathom. Just wondering.
What Are You Talking About?  :P Isn't This How We All Type On The Internet?  ::)
I think if this was truly a test you could have at least shown the courtesy of informing Mr Bobbitt who keeps this site going singlehandedly and clearing it with him.
I don't buy your bullshit test excuse.. you're covering your ass because someone called your bluff.

Work for the ACL? Interesting..
Shooting my mouth of? Since when? You're just taking my posts a little to personally.
I'm not going to argue over an internet forum about some medal for cadets, its silly, so let's just forget it.
And use my user name, don't refer to me as "CADET CWO", or "kid" if you're going to talk to me, do it by username so I know you're actually addressing me, now let's just drop the subject, as I really did not wish to get into this in the first place, have fun doing your little tests.
I belive the good sargeant at arms was being sarcastic in his "test" post. But over and above that he has sent me several PM's and is a good individual. I'm sorry so many of you feel that his lack of grammar is indicative of his intelligence. My grandfather was a retired CWO from the ARMY with a grade 4 education. He couldnt write much more than his name but he was one of the wisest men I've met. The sargeant attempted to provide some info. He comes accross fairly abrasive but he is a good man.

Just as I know Inch is a good man and I value his opinion. Lets try and keep this topic out of the gutter boys.
No, it wasn't his poor grammar that earned him the reception he received. It was his abrasive attitude and his presumption of deserving immediate respect without having properly introduced himself in the forum or in his profile. When anyone joins this, or any other online forum, all you have is your words. How you present yourself and your opinions is what dictates how you will be welcomed and treated. Each of us brings it upon ourselves.

If sgtatarms wants to make us believe this was a "test" then he has a long way to go to establish his own credibility. If he wanted to see how Cadets are treated in on line forum he would have best done that by keeping his fingers off the keyboad and reading past and current postings from and to the participating cadets.

There are many members of this forum who have established their credentials, and who work hard at maintaining a consistent presentation on line in order to deserve the respect they have garnered as forum posters. And frankly, ten posts from a guy with limited military experience doesn't carry a lot of weight when he's trying to throw his weight around. There's been a lot of very good work done here by Moderators and senior members to maintain the credibility of these forums, and contrary to popular perception about online sites, it's not an open field for anyone to swagger in and automatically be granted whatever rights to respect they claim they deserve.
I agree O'Leary I was just stating that he comes accross as abrasive without meaning to. Im not defending that I'm just saying to keep it in mind. I'll keep my opinion about proving ones self on the internet to myself :)

I'm sure the SGT. Will fill us in after a bit.....
and after speeking to them that's what i was told and just incase you were woundering i'am not a CADET or CF personel i'am with the ARMY LEAGUE.
So before you go shooting your mouth OFF if i were you i would pay close attention as to who you are speeking too and treat that person with a little respect!!

Sooo....were you in the JTF-2 before you joined the ARMY LEAGUE (Whatever that is).  Better tone it down a notch, snake-eater.
