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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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im a 17 year old female joining the reserves, and totally excited, any other women here joining?
why did you post this in the Infantry Forum, since this post has nothing to do with the Infantry
Hey Greymatter, I am also female and have recently finished the last stages of the recruiting process and waiting for news from Borden, so there are a few of us ladies on here ;)
Originally posted by D-n-A:
[qb] why did you post this in the Infantry Forum, since this post has nothing to do with the Infantry [/qb]
When you see the enemy in your sites the only thing you should feel is the recoil of your M16"
-MSgt Eversman
I‘d rather see a dozen posts like hers (welcome to the Army greymatter) than a single sig line like yours. I think maybe you mean "sights" as in "gunsights". Unless Master Sergeant Eversman was a semi-literate, that is.
Originally posted by Ghost778:
[qb] Only wimps feel recoil. [/qb]
thats right you should be so filled with rage and bloodthirst that you cant feel anything.
I think it would be pretty hard to keep the enemy in my sites. I suppose if I put some razor wire around and put big bright lights on them. I could also tell them to not leave my site with a real stern voice.
wow this topic has become rather useless seeing as how only on reply has anything to do with the original question posed. Way to stay on topic guys. Good to see that we have soldiers with ADD serving in our military. Makes me feel so ******* safe. Get a grip guys!
Us soldiers have something that‘s called humour. Apparently someone was denied that in their childhood education. Get a grip this is a useless topic and you coming out of left field and insulting people for no reason makes you look like a dumbass. Try to think before you post next time.
I know two cadet sgts who happen to be females from my corp that‘s moving on after this summer. They‘re going to our affiliated unit, Queen‘s York Rangers. They‘re gonna start BMQ in October so i‘ve heard.
Aww you guys...the poor girl‘s just saying hi.

Hi greymatter, welcome to the reserves, and to Army.ca. There are many females on this board, as there are in the military.

Do not let the less than warm reception in this thread sour your perception of this forum. You can get lots of useful information on this board, even if the people can sometimes be *******s. If you have questions, search the forum, or if they havent been asked, then don‘t be afraid to ask them.

And D-n-A‘s sig line is great. No one should get all huffy over such a nothing. Why can‘t everyone just be friends?
hey thanks guys!!
yeah im super excited to join.
i hurd infantry was hard for a women.
im glad to know other girls have joined as well!
3-days until my c-fat test :D
WOMEN IN THE ARMY ?! I have met , and trained , alot of women in the Army , alot of these gals , have out- soldiered , alot of guys , if you are up to it , go for it! I have heard alot of guys , whine about women in the army , but like I told one guy , "she beat you on the PT 400 Fitness test "( It is no longer used),she did more chin-ups than he did.
Further to my last , I instructed on a BCT Armd course in ‘99 , training Reserve Armored Officers , our troop leader‘s driver , was a reservist , a female , she was our best driver , plus she was fit. Her vehicle came first,alot of drivers would run off to get dinner, she stayed behind , making sure "HER" Cougar was good to go. She is still with the S.A.L.H.
greymatter: Don‘t join with the attitude of wanting to be better than everyone else. Do your job, help your buddies, and you‘ll ALL be successful. If you‘re a lot better than everyone else on course, you‘ll stand out, and it will just get you in trouble.

And hello from another female in the forces! What unit are you joining? If you haven‘t decided yet, the Seaforth Highlanders are looking for people! ;)