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Advice for women on BMQ and other courses [MERGED]

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Didnt Bangladesh deploy an all women force to Leb? (or something liek that).
I know one country at least has sent an all women un force.
geo said:
Ummm... and you haven't had that experience with some men/boys before?

An all woman infantry unit?... Please - gimmie a break.
1st off... there aren't enough infantry qualified women @ all rank levels to fill a complete slate.

Someone that cant take a minimum of stress isnt a real man and isnt made for army. I have yet to see a woman who can cope with stress without going crazy, even my girlfriend and my mother-in-law(who i thought had strong leadership assets) act bitchy, yell and ultimately cry when it doesnt work their way.

Alright then, why isnt there any more women in infantry? Because the guys act cruel on them and they get out? I don't think so... I'm not saying we should forbid access, but i guess you'd be blind to realize it takes exceptionnal women to be in the COMBAT arms, not just that girl you cross on the corner of the street. And i mean, personnaly i like to work with guys, how the hell can you talk about girls or your wife or whatever controversial/sexist subject if you automatically end up with a harassment complain???? That sucks.
2 Cdo said:
Exactly Geo, I've had men cry on courses I've taught but so far no women crying. As for the all woman infantry battalion, that's not even remotely feasable now or in the immediate future.

Seeing as easy as they get it in courses, it's normal you don't see much girls crying.
SiG_22_Qc said:
I have yet to see a woman who can cope with stress without going crazy, even my girlfriend and my mother-in-law(who i thought had strong leadership assets) act bitchy, yell and ultimately cry when it doesnt work their way.

Maybe you should get out and meet some more women.  ::)

SiG_22_Qc said:
personnaly i like to work with guys, how the hell can you talk about girls or your wife or whatever controversial/sexist subject if you automatically end up with a harassment complain???? That sucks.

Are you implying that only women would find certain subjects harrassing?

SiG_22_Qc said:
Seeing as easy as they get it in courses, it's normal you don't see much girls crying.

Excuse me?

Um, yeah, I would like some clarification on that little remark as well.

Army.ca Staff
SiG_22_Qc said:
Seeing as easy as they get it in courses, it's normal you don't see much girls crying.

Ah.... mon ami... how does foot taste? Maybe you can't taste it because it's deep down in your esophagus. Time to pull it out before you choke!
Hearing laughs every morning inspections in the room below on a basic course. ??? Can i call that easy? Wait...the only girl room. ??? Maybe it's just a coincidence, maybe it's a coincidence that a instructor ended up with one of these girl after the course. :o DAMN, that's a lot of coincidence. :o Anyways dont take that as jealousy, i didnt like much the instructors, :( nor was he my kind.  :-* I'm not in any case blaming the girls for the favored treatment they got. :blotto:

But we get one standard or no? And for my foot, taste like FROMAGE!  :blotto:

Dont get me wrong, i'm far from mysogism. And if you want explanations over the previous statements, all i can say is the experience makes up for the opinion and not the opposite.  And yes maybe i should meet more women, but it could be dangerous for my current relationship...I prefer not to tempt the devil.  :(
Some women have made it, some haven't... same as with the men.  It takes a real man to face facts and let actions prove who the real soldiers are - Fem and / or Male.

From an Engineer point of view, the life of a sapper is a hard & difficult place.  No harder / no easier than an infantryman's lot... (I'm an infantry retread).  I have had women working for me who have been just as competent, just as capable as the guys... PERIOD!

And I'm talking with 35 yrs of experience to back me up.
SiG_22_Qc said:
Dont get me wrong, i'm far from mysogism. And if you want explanations over the previous statements, all i can say is the experience makes up for the opinion and not the opposite. 

So you've been in for how long? Been on how many courses? How many operations have you been on? I'm thinking not many, if any at all.

Your opinion seems like a very biased one at best. Known a few females on a BMQ and chalk them all up to being one in the same.

I'll have to remember that for the next batch of newbies into the Regiment....one is a screw-up, they all must be in your logic.

General tripe that you are pushing out in this thread is not going to be tolerated very much longer. Nor will your little pot shot at your previous instructors.

Keep it up and you'll be on the ramp without a chute....

The Army.ca Staff
On that note:

Yup, I have seen females sleeping with one (or more) instructors on course.

BUT: If we were somewhere and 18 y/o, and there was 45 hot girls for 5 guys, I betcha we would be high fiving each other if we managed to "fraternize" with more than one female on the same course.
-5 years.
-3 MILITARY courses.
-0 operation
-If you can't understand that different experiences make for different opinions, my opinion is biased.
-I had nothing against the females, they had it easy, bottomline.
-newbies are likely to screw-up.
-potshot on instructors? I named none. i just pointed out the guys that were doing the favoritism to make sure i get understood(which im unsure).

Why do you tolerate a controversial subject? If not to tolerate anyone's opinion and talk it out respectfully.

As for Geo i'm 100% in agreement with you.

As to keep it up, i'll stop answering questions.

Jr. Member
SiG_22_Qc said:
-5 years.
-3 MILITARY courses.
-0 operation
-If you can't understand that different experiences make for different opinions, my opinion is biased.
-I had nothing against the females, they had it easy, bottomline.
I call bullshit. Perhaps they just performed better than you?

As for Geo i'm 100% in agreement with you.

Uhmmm, no you're not. You'd better re-read his post, no where does he infer that, bottom line, females have had or still have it easy.

He says that they performed on par with (ie the same as) their male counterparts, good or bad.

He's got a heck of a lot more experience than you;  I highly suggest that you suck back, reload, and gain from it.
Thank goodness, the Voice of Reason!!  ;)

Kind of reminds me of when I was on my Tfc Tech QL3 course, many many moons ago.....
They used to give us a reading assignment and then we would take turns and read it aloud in class the next day.  ???  Needless to say, another female and I, who used to sit at the back of the class, dozed off a lot.
  One day, we were having an exam and one of the guys had been out partying until 0400.  Shortly after the exam started, his snoring started.  The Standards Sgt, who did not wake him up, said "That's not what I'm here for.  I'm here to answer any questions about the exam."  Subsequently, this guy failed the exam and had to do a rewrite.  Then he had the nerve to complain that us "girls" had it "easy" as we slept in class all the time and didn't get in trouble!  >:( 
I merely replied that I didn't sleep during exams and if I could sleep and maintain a 97% average, I failed to see the problem.  That shut him up pretty fast.  ;D
1.  There are good, bad and average soldiers, man or woman.  A man fails, he's just a soldier that failed.  A woman fails, and it's a female soldier that failed.  One male fails, that's just the way it goes, some can cut it some cannot.  A woman fails, we shouldn't question every woman's ability to do the job. 

2.  Criticism about female soldiers sleeping with instructors?????  You've got to be kidding me!  What about the incredible lack of professionalism/restraint shown by the instructor??  It takes two to tango, and I hold the member in the supervisory position responsible for that lapse in judgement (male or female), not the student.

3.  True story - on a leadership course of mine many moons ago, the whole course had evening show parade for quarters.  Some instructors were over laughing and joking with us (females), while the rest were over giving it to the guys.  The reason (admitted to us by the instructors)?  We had our s**t together, and the majority of the guys did not.  As a group, our shacks were cleaner, our bedspaces better, our t-shirts folded neater, our weapons cleaner etc...It may have looked to the outsiders that we were getting it "easier," but in reality, we had it more together.  The fact that we were "girls" may or may not have had something to do with it, but we've all been on courses where one room/section gets it together sooner than others.

4.  I have been on more courses than I can count where I was the only female, or one of two females.  Trust me, we did not have it easier.  Had to pass the same tests, same inspections, dig the same trenches, carry the same weapons...

5.  You want a workplace where you can whine and complain about your girlfriend/wife/latest hook-up?  And that should be a reason to say that women can't be in the combat arms?  What a weak argument...

I wasn't particularly speaking of the combat arms, i was speaking of my own experience. As for the combat arms i think it's exactly the opposite it doesnt go easier if you're a woman i think you got something to prove to others from the start... I mean to go to war in the infantry/tank/f-18/artillery/engineer(especially the ones working in minefields, i mean, you gotta to have steel nerves, the ennemy must think he's fighting some serious shit...

What tickles me is the double standard thing...I mean where is the equality in that?  might as well let my 8 month old in the army as he can do push ups on his knees(and i mean, he can do a shitload of them, my brains passes out counting before he starts to shed a single sweat drop)

I used wrong words, "they had it easy": i meant with the instructors, i should have been specific. They had to do the same crap, rucksack march, push-ups carrying C-7 and webbing. And i must admit that some girls impressed me( they were almost the same size than the rucksack and i never heard them complaining).

And about your 5th point, it's not exactly that...I mean the harassments complaint is there for a good reason, and i support it 100%. You can't really talk about sex, touchy subject, make any kind of jokes (if a female is around), 1st i don't feel comfortable with it, some kind of girls are Okay. But with the over-serious type no risk to take, and i dont want to hurt anyone's feeling. you know what i mean?

I agree with you on the 2nd pointm that's why i didn't put it that way...

Your 3rd point doesnt make sense as your part of that team?? Or maybe it's just me.

And about that Muaithai fighter(in earlier posts) talking about women would get raped and should have children. That's ridiculous, men can get raped as well. And personnaly i'd be PTS case to get a*** raped by 20 talebans! As for the children, well, men can have children too, they just dont bear them, just 9months difference.
SiG_22_Qc said:
And about your 5th point, it's not exactly that...I mean the harassments complaint is there for a good reason, and i support it 100%. You can't really talk about sex, touchy subject, make any kind of jokes (if a female is around), 1st i don't feel comfortable with it, some kind of girls are Okay. But with the over-serious type no risk to take, and i dont want to hurt anyone's feeling. you know what i mean?


From experience (I'm a "girl" BTW), the harassment complaint system is used just as often by men as it is women. As to your "if a female is around," I will also tell you, from experience (as an HA etc), that men are also offended by some of those "sexual" jokes (even when it is another man telling it) and put in complaints!!

As to your "some kind of girls are OK with it" ... what the heck is that supposed to mean?? Some kind of men are OK with it too; just as "some kind" of women and "some kind" of men are not!! And, some of all four types of the aforementioned men and women  are overly serious, and some are not. Are you getting it yet??

Gender (ie being a "girl") has absolutely ZERO to do with it. It's all about how the individual performs.

As to her 3rd point: It's exactly that!! Don't blame the girls for the unprofessionalism displayed by their instructors. Get the point? If not, maybe it is just you.
That's just me. It has nothing to do with performance, i just dislike people losing their nerves quickly(women or men) and i was in a unit with many girl bosses and honestly i could often feel like i was in the titanic sinking. If i had been in a unit with women of steel, i would probably be saying the opposite.

You're all over the place here posting crap. Stop now or be placed on warning. As well, mocking the Staff will not endear you to us.

I see you're posting in this thread, I highly reccommend re-reading whatever it is you have in mind before posting it.

Army.ca Staff