time expired said:
I have followed this thread since its inception,and am very hesitant about
expressing my views on the subject.What was the original question?,what
is your opinion of women in the combat arms?.This seems like a simple
enough question one is either for or against however I have noticed that
some of the people who are sceptical,and that includes me,are attacked
using the usual PC tactics.First ones qualification to even have an opinion
are questioned,the next step is of course personal attacks, one is labelled
as a sexist and in this case a thinly veiled threat that you may even be a
racist,and then the Mods jump in and threaten you with expulsion.A very
good example of the" Galileo effect".I find this very disturbing,have we
been so cowed and brainwashed by the Feminist movement and their
supporters that a opinion against women in the combat arms is not even
to be expressed?.
Incidentally I read a report about the Israel Defence Forces experience
with women in combat situations and one of the things that I remember
is the biggest problem lay not with the women themselves but with the
men they were fighting along side.For example when women in a sub unit
were wounded the men abandoned all offensive action and" circled the
wagons" to protect the fallen female.It was also found that commanders
of units were less prepared to initiate offensive actions for fear of putting
their female soldiers in harms way.So one sees the problem lies not with
the women but with us and our ingrained cultural values and that to me
is a valid reason to not have women in the combat role.
Holy moly.
Actualy time expired, two threads have been merged into one due massive thread. PC arguements from feminists?? Where are they?? I certainly don't see any on this board?? Brainwashed?? The trials were done. The women performed and did the jobs. There's no brainwashing about that. Anyone can express their opinion, that doesn't make their opinion correct. Especially when they voice their reasonings for that opinion, and it happens to be based on mythical women can't do the job and should be home in the kitchen commentary, you're quite correct that I'm going to post contrary to that. That's is what debate is all about.
Just because it has been proven, that's right - proven, in todays CF that there are indeed some (I didn't say all) women capable of performing these roles perfectly as well and as admirably as their male counterparts does not equate buying into some feminist crap agenda.
I assure you that I am no feminist. I'm just someone who believes that any person, regardless of sex, race, religion or other who wantrs to do a job and is capable of doing that job ... should be allowed the same opportunities to do that job. That certainly doesn't make me some PC feminist.
As for your quote above, and the remarks about the mods ... where did the mods comment come from?? Again with the slamming of the mods. You know what? It's getting really tired.
That's kind of like passing the blame onto someone else for one's own actions ...
Kind of like your last paragraph above. Funny that, when the crap hit the fan the boys neglected to do their jobs in the IDF ... and you've somehow managed to make that the fault of the women. Seems like the males involved failed at their primary task; so it sounds like the men's fault in your example to me. Meanwhile the girls who did their jobs fine, should be barred from doing so because the men didn't?? Because old value culture says so?? No thanks. I value recognition for what one does, not prevention based on what males in this situation failed to do. That's their problem, not the womens. How utterly ironic is that??
It's been 20 years. The arguments have been given for both sides, the girls are still here ... still doing their jobs.
Step out of the past, the CF is doing perfectly fine these days.