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AESOp ( MOC 081)

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So Eagle, are you expecting to see the changes you're talking about as soon as the FY starts? Or do you expect it to be a slower transition? I've been on "first of" courses so to speak my whole career.

BMQ was the first English course my all French instructors did.

QL3 was the first version of that course they ran for Sigs

QL5 or DP 2 was one of the first ones.

Doesn't matter too much to me either way. Just interested.


Listen to these guys. Eye especially as he has been invaluable in the two year wait for my CT/OT. They'll halo keep you in the loop for all these goings on in the trade.
Thanks. I'm all over listening to these gents. They've been nothing but gracious and helpful over the last couple months. I can't thank them enough.
Listen to these guys. Eye especially as he has been invaluable in the two year wait for my CT/OT. They'll halo keep you in the loop for all these goings on in the trade.

I appreciate the sentiment, but have to mention that both Dophin_Hunter and Eagle Eye View have done their time at the line sqn's and then moved on to other aspects of the trade.  Both of them have more time in the trade than I do.  We each exist day-to-day in different little worlds, so you've got a good broad input from the 'initial occupation trg' to 'whats happening at a line Sqn' perspectives.

Eye In The Sky said:
I appreciate the sentiment, but have to mention that both Dophin_Hunter and Eagle Eye View have done their time at the line sqn's and then moved on to other aspects of the trade.  Both of them have more time in the trade than I do.  We each exist day-to-day in different little worlds, so you've got a good broad input from the 'initial occupation trg' to 'whats happening at a line Sqn' perspectives.

Agreed Eye. I've gotten great info and input from all of the above. I think that you've just been the most active for us noobs as far as the basic questions. This board has a plethora of info.

So Eagle, are you expecting to see the changes you're talking about as soon as the FY starts? Or do you expect it to be a slower transition?

No the intent is to start the "new/updated" course hopefully late 2016 summer or fall.

Also, I just found out today that the next IAQC starting 11 Jan will be 12 students (the initial plan was to have them staggered). It will be very busy here and hopefully we can pump out those guys fast enough without hiccups.

Any questions related to the school and the trade I'm happy to answer.
There are so many new acronyms for me to learn now. It's weird being on leave, knowing I'm going back to my current job for only a month or so before starting down this path.
I still hear stuff and go 'wtf does that mean'.  :subbies:

Enjoy your leave and remaining time before you enter the training system.  Seriously, once  you start it doesn't stop for a while.  After you are winged and qual'd on the '140 or SeaKing/Cyclone you think "awesome!  I am done of Winnipeg, and MOAT/OTU and on a crew!  I did it!  I'm done!!!".

Then, someone hands you your upgrade package.  >:D
Eye In The Sky said:
I still hear stuff and go 'wtf does that mean'.  :subbies:

Enjoy your leave and remaining time before you enter the training system.  Seriously, once  you start it doesn't stop for a while.  After you are winged and qual'd on the '140 or SeaKing/Cyclone you think "awesome!  I am done of Winnipeg, and MOAT/OTU and on a crew!  I did it!  I'm done!!!".

Then, someone hands you your upgrade package.  >:D

I'll be happy once I can get the family settled on either coast. I'm really just concerned with getting some of that stuff done so I can get the first posting/move out of the way for them...so at least they can settle. On that note (and I'm sure I've asked this ages ago), east or west? What are people's preference???
Depends on what they want;  I like the coast I am on primarily because my and Mrs EITS's family are all 3-4 hour drive away.  Would I go to the other coast?  Sure, but prefer the one I am on. 

Example to consider as well, Greenwood has a few more options for posting and remaining in that geo location compared to Comox, as Greenwood has 404 and 415 Sqns as well as the operational Sqn, 405.  There is also Wing Ops billets.  Shearwater is similar in that regard to Pat Bay, with HOTEF and 406 being in Shearwater.

Which has better TD locations?  Well that is subjective. 
Eye In The Sky said:
Depends on what they want;  I like the coast I am on primarily because my and Mrs EITS's family are all 3-4 hour drive away.  Would I go to the other coast?  Sure, but prefer the one I am on. 

Example to consider as well, Greenwood has a few more options for posting and remaining in that geo location compared to Comox, as Greenwood has 404 and 415 Sqns as well as the operational Sqn, 405.  There is also Wing Ops billets.  Shearwater is similar in that regard to Pat Bay, with HOTEF and 406 being in Shearwater.

Which has better TD locations?  Well that is subjective.

At the end of the day, not sure that we're too bothered either way. But nice to hear people's opinions.....anyone else!?
I'll be happy once I can get the family settled on either coast. I'm really just concerned with getting some of that stuff done so I can get the first posting/move out of the way for them...so at least they can settle. On that note (and I'm sure I've asked this ages ago), east or west? What are people's preference???

I'm a fan of the west coast.  The Comox Valley is much larger than the Annapolis Valley, and has most things (shopping-wise) that you will need.  If not, Nanaimo is about 90 mins away, and Victoria or Vancouver are about 3-4 hours away.  Even then, I don't find that I go to Victoria or Vancouver much except for visiting friends or catching a game.

It is significantly more expensive for housing but taxes and heating costs are much lower, so it pretty much comes out in the wash.  Neither are large cities, but the Comox Valley has amazing restaurants for the population size.  It also has amazing mountain-biking and good skiing 30 mins away, and the "winter" means hoodie instead of t-shirt weather, so there's that too ;)
On that note (and I'm sure I've asked this ages ago), east or west? What are people's preference???

But nice to hear people's opinions.....anyone else!?

Nova Scotia Thread- Merged 

Comox Thread- Merged 

mariomike said:
Nova Scotia Thread- Merged 

Comox Thread- Merged 


Nice one. I'll have a look at these.
So...happy new year all. Been pretty quiet in here. I'm looking to spark the engines back up. Training cycles have begun again. Should be getting a posting message any day now. Nothing is for sure, but it sounds like there shouldn't be any issue with me staying in my local area until I'm loaded on course. That'll make life a little easier for the family. It's all who you know in these situations I guess.

Any exciting news for the trade? Any exciting news for any of you already out there living it? Or are we all waiting for new FY and APS before there's anything of note to talk about?

Either way, hope everyone had a happy and safe holidays. Welcome back to the grind.
Would it be beneficial to have a laptop/computer/tablet with me during course? I don't mean for in the classroom.....I mean more for writing up coursework/homework or that kind of thing...
For sure.  Not sure where the courses are housed now, but there was all kinds of room for stuff like laptops.  You'll find the course quite different from a 'combat arms' type QL3, and in good ways.  8)