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AF DEU's out of date?

Which new nametags do you refer to? The recent set, or the recent recent set which have now been replaced by the really recent set?? Mother of gawd -- I can't keep them all straight in my mind.

How's 'bout them t-shirts!!?? They're kind of cute.  :)

What you whirley-gig people really need ... are gloves. Green type.  ;D
I hope by 'really new' you mean the CAG w/blue thread and not another new kind of name tapes for LWCC.  I think I said before...I am not sure why all the fuss over blue t-shirts, thread and what-not...my blue beret probably is the give away in CADPAT as to what DEU I wear.  I heard someone the other day yabbering on about "loosing our identity" because of the LWCC for 'workdress'. 
ArmyVern said:
What you whirley-gig people really need ... are gloves. Green type.  ;D

The current brown flying gloves are fine, although the old all-leather ones were better in either brown or the later olive green.

What we REALLY need are Army Aviation Corps insignia on a green dress uniform, or Fleet Air Arm on black for the Sea Thing community.
Eye In The Sky said:
I hope by 'really new' you mean the CAG w/blue thread and not another new kind of name tapes for LWCC.  I think I said before...I am not sure why all the fuss over blue t-shirts, thread and what-not...my blue beret probably is the give away in CADPAT as to what DEU I wear.  I heard someone the other day yabbering on about "loosing our identity" because of the LWCC for 'workdress'. 

I think I heard it explained as such while posted in Trenton:

But we don't wear our berets on the flight line -- they're FOD. So we need blue slipons and t-shirts to know that we are Air Force.

My thought was ... yeah so -- some of us are blue, some of us are green, and some black, but we ALL have a SAP in order to be on the flight line meaning that we are serving with the Air Force or at least on an Air Force Base ...

I dunno, I guess assuming that most people on a flight line wear blue DEU is not realistic; that'd kind of be like assuming that most people you saw walking about in cadpat in the RCR lines were Navy guys posted there or something.  :-\

Oh Loachman --- you should talk to your fellow pilots down here --- they all want gloves!! I'll mention the Army Aviation Corp insignia to them ... LOL (while I try to skive myself some raingear).  ;D
Eye In The Sky said:
I hope by 'really new' you mean the CAG w/blue thread and not another new kind of name tapes for LWCC.

W - a - i - t for it.

Just when you thought that it couldn't get any worse...

A3 DI never sleeps, never goes on leave, never takes weekends off.
ArmyVern said:
I'll mention the Army Aviation Corp insignia to them ...

I'm the Provisional Headquarters (Forward).
See the really simple answer is all Air Force personnel shall dye their hair blue, army green and Navy black.  Anyone attending the next CF CWO Conference?  >:D
And what gloves do you mean, Vern? I've got so many now, including mortar gloves despite the odds of me ever firing a mortar being astronomically high.
Loachman said:
And what gloves do you mean, Vern? I've got so many now, including mortar gloves despite the odds of me ever firing a mortar being astronomically high.

If you actually fired mortars, you'd be entitled to two pairs --- but seeing as how you don't, you just get one pair like the rest of us for GP use.

They want any kind of gloves --- they are always begging me for gloves ... just as the infantry guys are always begging me for your nice little brown aircrew gloves ... figures.  :D
ArmyVern said:
Running any trials of any type?? Drills and run-ups will be required.  >:D

Yes, but not for PHQ(Fwd) CAAC - I've been plotting that for decades.
Loachman said:
Yes, but not for PHQ(Fwd) CAAC - I've been plotting that for decades.

Does one need to be Air Force to sign up?  :-\

Who'll decide entitlements?
ArmyVern said:
If you actually fired mortars, you'd be entitled to two pairs --- but seeing as how you don't, you just get one pair like the rest of us for GP use.

I've yet to figure out what to do with them, or most of the other gloves that I need a small shopping cart to carry around.
Loachman said:
I've yet to figure out what to do with them, or most of the other gloves that I need a small shopping cart to carry around.

Well, I can only say ... at least gloves take up less space and weigh significantly less than all the damn boots that the Army saddles us with.

Always look at the bright side of life ...

ArmyVern said:
Does one need to be Air Force to sign up?  :-\

We'll accept transfers from other environments, and exchange postings.

ArmyVern said:
Who'll decide entitlements?

Me, until we can drop the "P".
ArmyVern said:
all the damn boots that the Army saddles us with.

And the ones that some of us buy because some of the issued ones don't work for us.
Loachman said:
And the ones that some of us buy because some of the issued ones don't work for us.

That'd be a whole bunch of people --- from every enviornment.

As the PHQ(Fwd) CAAC, can you effect the enaction of a boot allowance!!??  >:D
ArmyVern said:
As the PHQ(Fwd) CAAC, can you effect the enaction of a boot allowance!!??  >:D

Not until we can drop the "P".

After that, there'll be allowances for boots, including thigh-high patent leather ones as options for the women's uniform, chaps as options for the men, bras, thongs, frilly Tac Vests with huge silver studs, stainless steel codpieces, gold-plated flying helmets, and whips in place of pace sticks for WOs and above.