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Age Limits to Join

  • Thread starter max_francis
  • Start date
I was actually surprised on the number of older recruits in the CF.
On a PRETC course I went on with the Regular Forces, their we're 2 older guys, one in his forties the other in his late thirty's. Both we're Privates awaiting entry into they're MOC.
Both of them we're older then the Master bombardier in charge. However there we're also quite a few younger guys in their early twenties. So expect a real mix up :)
Thanks for the replies. I am hopeful that everything will be ok. 
Go here:

Page 5, about halfway down. Picture of a guy humping in A'stan.


All you people that think at 35 your too old for the infantry are dreaming.  This man here did his battle school at the ripe age of 49, and now at the age of 53 was patrolling the hills of Afghanistan without difficulty.
There are quite a few older guys on my BMQ and in my opinion they have it easier since they already have a sense of discipline and are looked upto by the other recruits... they also have the perfect family excuses since a wife is more important then gf, the Cpl's will be alittle nicer... and they do better on the PT then we do for some very strange reason, very strange in fact now that I think about it...
The PT part does not really bother me. I have also noticed that the younger guys don't seem to be in as good a shape as older guys. Maybe because we aren;t so much of the Nintendo generation. I notice it more on nights that we play hockey.
Though sometimes I hurt more. Especially after a godo work out at the gym.

The idea of going to basic is exciting in many ways.  Meeting new people is always awesome.
we have a Cpl. with the Regiment who is in his 50's, you're still in your prime  ;D
"All you people that think at 35 your too old for the infantry are dreaming.   This man here did his battle school at the ripe age of 49, and now at the age of 53 was patrolling the hills of Afghanistan without difficulty."

53? Whoever this man is, he oughta get a medal.(Another one).  He has balls ,the likes of which most of us can only hope for. My hat goes off to him.
I had no idea taht there was sucj an age range in our military. I always assumed (and you know what you do when you assume something)  that most retired from the military in their late 40's, at least for the more rigorous jobs.
Hi all!  I have been hanging around this site for some time and got tired of being the 'anonymous guest'.  Since I am older and signing up I guess this is a good thread to jump in on.

I am 38 and have always wanted to join the forces but life always seemed to get in the way (career, wife, kids, etc...).  I am relieved to hear there are a number of older recruits out there in all sorts of different trades.  If anyone is an older recruit or a drill instructor I would like to hear about the experience of the older guys.  I would guess the hardest part is not the PT or discipline, but just having to go through training and live with a bunch of young guys.

Just so everyone knows I am going DEO infantry reg. force.
Would like to hear from some people presently at BMQ or those who have recently graduated.  I'm 38 and I'm really concerned about fitting in.  How does a 38 year old fit into a platoon?  Does he stick out like a sore thumb or are they treated just like everyone else?

Hey Mack.  I've posted the same kind  question a while ago.  The replies I received were about something like this.  As long as you can keep up ,help out, participate, your just like everyone else;  except you'll be 20 years older than some guys.  I'm in the same boat. I'm 39...40 in January and I have appointment to do my med and interview in December.  Don't worry about it.  If you start a new job tommorrow I'm sure you'll still be 20 years older than someone there.
While in basic, I was the oldest guy at 36 in my platoon. I found that no matter your age, you all share the bond that develops during basic. My fireteam partner was almost young enough to be my son and yet we became good friends. The instructors might expect a little more leadership out of you due to your age.
I am extremely interested in joining the Canadian Armed Forces. I am 28 years old, am I too old too be recruited? What are the steps I need too take?  ;)
No, you are not too old.

If you want to start with seeking as much info as possible from this site, try starting with the Recruiting FAQ:


There is also a Trades FAQ for threads related to specific trades:


And if you are really interested you should explore the official Recruiting Site and visit your local recruiters for an initial chat about the possibilities of a fiorces career. This site will help you start exploring career options

I appreciate your timely response. I will be going too the recruiting office this week in Toronto. I was afraid I was too old. =)
i believe the age requirement for the forces is between 17-52 years old

never too late to start really  ;D
well I hope 28 isn't too old cause I'm 40 and just finishing the recruting process
The oldest guy in my recruit platoon back in '92 was 41. Additionally we also had a few in the mid 30's.

You are definately not too old to join
The oldest recruit I saw in the Comm Reserve was 51. He did pretty good. The mandatory putting out to pasture age has gone up too, so I think he can have a 14 year career before he gets tossed.

I'm curious what is the age of the oldest guy who has recently completed his QL3 (or whatever they call it these days) Infantry? How about Recce Patrolmen or Jump Course? I know old guys can be in great shape, but the history books tell me the old guys wear down a lot faster in combat operations. Is there any reluctance on the part of the Infantry to put guys pushing 40 in a rifleman position? Assuming he performs well on the fitness test.