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Alberta Election (2019)


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Alberta’s 2019 election underway as Premier Notley drops the writ
- 19 Mar 19

An Alberta election that some political pundits have said could be one for the ages will be held in 28 days, on Tuesday, April 16, as Premier Rachel Notley dropped the writ on Tuesday morning. The premier called the election one day after Lt.-Gov. Lois Mitchell delivered the Speech from the Throne, which outlined the accomplishments of Notley’s government over the previous four years.

The 2019 election will see Notley and the NDP party attempt to get re-elected after winning a majority for the first time in its history in 2015. The party’s stunning election win four years ago put an end to the Progressive Conservatives’ 44-year reign in Alberta.

Since the 2015 election, the Progressive Conservatives merged with the Wildrose Party to form the United Conservative Party. For the UCP and leader Jason Kenney, which has served as the official opposition for the past two years, the 2019 election will be its first chance to try to return a conservative government to Alberta.

The Alberta Party, led by former Edmonton mayor and PC MLA Stephen Mandel, the Alberta Liberals led by David Khan, and the Freedom Conservative Party led by former UCP MLA Derek Fildebrandt, are also vying for votes. Since January, when the provincial government announced a date for the throne speech, the NDP has been busy with a steady stream of funding and policy announcements, while opposition parties have also been busy making campaign-style promises and hosting media events.


UCP leads NDP as 2019 election campaign underway, Albertans split on best leader: Ipsos poll
- 19 Mar 19


Alberta Election: UCP holds commanding lead as campaign begins - 22 Mar 19
      NDP competitive in Edmonton, but well behind elsewhere in the province

March 22, 2019 – The provincial election campaign in Alberta begins with the New Democratic Party trailing the opposition United Conservative Party by a wide margin, according to new public opinion polling data analyzed by the non-profit Angus Reid Institute and donated by Angus Reid Global Public Affairs.
During the period of fielding, respondents were asked how they would vote if the election were held tomorrow. Their answer: the UCP capturing a majority of the decided and leaning vote (56%), with the NDP receiving 31 per cent.
However, the parties find themselves in a statistical tie in Edmonton, where the NDP garners 45 per cent of vote intention and the UCP 44 per cent. The New Democrats also lead among younger Albertans (46% versus 38% for the UCP among 18-34-year-olds), while the United Conservatives lead in every other region and demographic.
Underlying these trends is a deep dissatisfaction with the Notley government’s performance over the past four years, particularly on economic issues such as management of the oil and gas industry.

More Key Findings:
• Six-in-ten Albertans (60%) are dissatisfied with the current provincial government overall, including 43 per cent who say they are “very dissatisfied”
• Slight majorities feel the Notley government has done a good job on issues related to health care (54%), and education (52%), while larger majorities say the government has done poorly on the economy (66% say this) and managing natural resources (64%)
• Notley’s government is seen to be doing worst on the issues Albertans rank as most important to them. Half (49%) rank energy, oil and gas, and pipelines as a top issue facing the province, and another four-in-ten (41%) choose “the economy.” By contrast, health care is a top issue for fewer than one-in-four Albertans (24%)

Read the rest of the story here: www.angusreid.org/kenney-notley-alberta-election-2019



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Despite her personal brand, I think Notley has an uphill battle.

But I'm not in Alberta or into their politics enough to know.
Remius said:
Despite her personal brand, I think Notley has an uphill battle.

But I'm not in Alberta or into their politics enough to know.

I've got family in Alberta. The thing I've heard is that there is at very least a grudging respect for Notley, amongst most Albertans. If she was Conservative, she would run the table.
The United Conservative Party leadership contender who ran a "kamikaze" campaign on behalf of Jason Kenney — now Alberta premier — saw his campaign coffers soar from nearly broke to flush after he was handed envelopes stuffed with $60,000, according to documents that detail for the first time an alleged scheme to circumvent Alberta election laws.

The documents outlining the Alberta election commissioner's case against Jeff Callaway, obtained by CBC News, say all the money ultimately came from one corporate source.

Corporate donations are banned by Alberta's election laws.


Jean has support from 18 per cent of Albertans, the premier is preferred by 15 per cent and former Wildrose leader Smith polled at 11 per cent.

Regionally, Kenney was preferred in Calgary, he and Jean are tied in Edmonton but Jean was favoured 23 per cent to 15 per cent for Kenney outside of the big cities.

A slight majority of Albertans, 51 per cent, said they would not vote for the UCP under any leader.

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