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Another Israel/Palestine debate that started as something else - Carpe Diem

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Israeli air force to take part in Alberta war games; Palestinians opposed
Thu May 12,11:09 AM ET

OTTAWA (CP) - The Israeli air force is sending 10 F-16 fighter jets and about 150 air crew to participate in major war games in Alberta later this month.


It's the first time the Israelis have joined the annual Maple Flag exercises over the sprawling Cold Lake weapons range. About 5,000 air personnel from 11 countries and      NATO are to take part. Palestinian-Canadian groups expressed disappointment that Israel was invited.

"We don't support this Canadian initiative," said Issam Alyamani of Palestine House, an educational and cultural centre in Toronto. "I think that Canada should be more sensitive to the Arab-Palestinian community in Canada.

"The Israeli air force was used to destroy Palestinian houses and it was used against civilians in Gaza and the West Bank.

"I don't think this will help Canada to have a balanced position vis-a-vis the Arab-Israeli conflict."

The military said security will be extra tight this year, but refused to link that to Israeli participation, saying that given the volatile state of the world, close security is natural.

Canadian pilots will join fliers from Belgium, Germany, France, Israel, Britain, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Singapore, Sweden and the United States in the exercises, which stretch over three two-week periods through May and June.

A number of other countries, including Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, are sending observers.

David Ruff, executive director of the Canadian Institute of Strategic Studies said that may help deflect criticism over inviting the Israelis.

"You're inviting the Israelis and also Arab states," he said.

During each of the three exercises, groups of planes will attack targets scattered across the air range, with American pilots acting as defenders.

"The exercise provides critically important air combat training for Canadians and our allied partners, says Col. Duff Sullivan, commander of 4 Wing Cold Lake.

The Cold Lake range spreads across more than 11,000 square kilometres of northern Alberta bush land, an area half the size of Israel. With civilian traffic banned from the area, military pilots have free rein to practise combat skills.

The range contains dozens of mock targets for planes to attack, including airfields, industrial complexes and military installations.

Among aircraft expected to participate are French Mirage F-1s and Mirage 2000Ns, American F-15 Eagles and F-15E Strike Eagles, F-16 Falcons and B-1B Lancers, as well as Canadian CF-18s, and British and German Tornado GR4s.

The Maple Flag concept grew out of the American Vietnam war experience, when it was found that combat training needed to be far more realistic than normal peacetime routine. The Americans began running a series of simulated aerial war games called Red Flag in 1975 and the Canadian military set up the first Maple Flag two years later.

They want balance? We'll invite the Palestinian air foce to participate next year....
It's not mean, it's great!  I had a good chuckle picturing two guys holding a stick of dynamite taped under the wings of a cesna.
"We don't support this Canadian initiative," said Issam Alyamani of Palestine House, an educational and cultural centre in Toronto. "I think that Canada should be more sensitive to the Arab-Palestinian community in Canada.

I've got his sensitviity, hanging riiiight here....
Being Canadian is more than just a piece of paper for those naturalised. As much as it's great to have an opinion, if these people want to cause problems bringing forth their ethnic culture hatred, violence and murder, plus all the other bad news that goes with it, they should bloody well go home and do it.

I don't remember any complaints about the Canadians of jewish faith going off when GATES was in Shilo (1970-2000), or Canadians of an Irish catholic background whinging about BATUS and BATUW (these ventures are both ongoing) either.

I have no problems with the IDF participating in the exercise, but I have a problem with bitter, twisted and angry muslims (or anyone else) promoting and exercising their seething hatred they have carried with them and brought to Canada.

No political correctness in this post - my question is are these people Canadian or simply Palestinians living in Canada? My answer is the latter, and any trouble makers should be frogmarched out of the country.

Canada, love it or leave it. Plain anda simple.


Palestine,where is that again?Oh thats right,it doesnt exist!!!Just a bunch of bitter ex-bediouns who want to export thier hate here and the left are more than happy to accomedate them.The next time you see a rally for ANY socialist political cause look and see how many palestinaian flags are around.Who do you think hands them out?Why?Isreal has 11000km and the arabs have7million,the palestinians could have thier own country tomorrow if the arab world wanted to give them one.Sounds like more islamo-facist crap.
I personaly welcome the IAF to maple flag.  They bring with them a wealth of experience aquired not in virtual combat ( nellis, cold lake....) but in actual combat.  I feel we have much to learn from them and thus it makes their participation invaluable.
People need to get over it and stop living 2000 years in the past.
P-Free said:
People need to get over it and stop living 2000 years in the past.
Agreed P, and only if it was that easy, but when you have a 13th century mentality mixed now with 21st century technology, we really gotta be careful, as there are many of these 'believers' of the extreme faith, who reside in Canada hiding behind a visa, or landed immigrant status, who would jump at the chance to destroy everything we have, and don't think I am kidding either.


you know I was in Cold lake for about ten years. I never met any palestinians. Just the lebanese, they were my freinds and neighbours and I hope the Israelites get haircuts before flag or not shop in the mall. haha or go to Canex, or go to.... anyways it wouild be nice to have the IAF in YOD for MF
Maybe next year, we can invit Palestinians to participate in an exercise where we strap 100lbs of forcite to our asses and drive a car into a building full of children.  I'm sure the Isrealis wouldn't object, train for what you know and all that.  Flame away, drinking and posting again.....
Kat Stevens said:
Maybe next year, we can invit Palestinians to participate in an exercise where we strap 100lbs of forcite to our asses and drive a car into a building full of children.   I'm sure the Isrealis wouldn't object, train for what you know and all that.   Flame away, drinking and posting again.....
CHIMO,   Kat


Kat.....as always.....

i love ya man.....that was nice
Why can't we all just get along ....maybe they should just draw names from a hat to see who comes that way it is fair and People can't mad about being sensitive ....besides why does every one need to take everything soooooo personal nowadays .....Stupid Politically correctness ...taken all the fun out of everything

I think pulling names out of a hat can solve all of the worlds problems
Polish Possy said:
I think pulling names out of a hat can solve all of the worlds problems

Hah!  The UN tried that.  How do you think Lybia got to head the human rights comission?
People need to get over it and stop living 2000 years in the past.

Actually it's what happened about 50 years in the past that pisses off Palestinians but that argument makes me retch.

Of course the Palestinians are opposed, why wouldn't they be?
Most of them aren't going to strap anything to themselves but they're allowed to oppose it, some people simply do not agree with Israel and its policies and many choose to deal with it through peaceful protests and by drawing media attention to it and complaining, hey I'm nont saying their right.
Though I'm sure many would love them to strap more bombs to their children so there'd be a viable excuse to turn the middle east into a glass parking lot (I've seen it said here before)
The fact that 90% of you here crack jokes about suicide bombers only furthers the image of the crazy A-rab with his 'Koran' and his AK.

Who are we to tell people that they can't protest certain things because they live in Canada now, perhaps they have family there, personally I don't know any of them so I can't say for certain.

"Hey democracies a bitch if you have to listen to all these other people."
"Fucking liberals want us to live in a facist country where no one else is allowed to have an opinion."

You guys'll be the first to complain if I start an argument of this ilk, and as such I've avoided it for months, yet you bring it up and I will no doubt get a barrage of lovely comments.

Personally I think any opportunity to train with Israeli anything is a good one but the utter hipocrisy I've witnessed in this thread with regards to allowing other people to have differing opinions is ridiculous.
Wait a second....the germans will be there!!!
They hated the Jews once and that was the Catylist of the Jewish state...

But the Dutch are going to be there too and they were invaded by the germans

And the British and Americans.....whoa like 1776 all over again

What will the focus groups in toronto think about all of this multi culturalism playing at war with each other and going to Edmonton on the weekend to pick up good made in China or Japan at the mall that once held the dolphins for hostage.....

its pandemonium
Actually,   people need to quit living 2000 years in the past is a pretty good take on the issue.   Extremist zionists need to quit thinking that they have some sort of Ancient right to the entire Holy Land - this attitude is what underlines much of the settlements that are really torquing the Palestinians off.  As well, the Palestinans need to distance themselves from terror and from the rabid anti-semitism that caused them to lose all the credibility the gained in the original Intifada.

The most balanced account of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict I've read to date is Col. Thomas Hammes overview in his book The Sling and the Stone, where he covers both the original Intifada and the Al-Aqsa Intifada (which continues to this day).  Definitely points to the bad guys on both sides of the fence - Sharon, Netenyahu, and Arafat.

My take on it now is that Sharon has changed his M.O. and Arafat has died (good riddance) - now we must hope that the pain and suffering of the Al-Aqsa Intifada that was brought on from extremism from both sides can be put aside in the effort of peace.  The Palestinians need to drop the "push them into the sea" approach and the Israeli's need to quit running an essential system of Apartheid in the Occupied Territories.  Until they do this, a pox on both their houses.

Anyways, for some reason I knew this would spawn into an Israeli/Palestinian debate....