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Another Israel/Palestine debate that started as something else - Carpe Diem

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"Buddy", the point is that the Palestinians do not want peace: they want the Jews dead.  Have a look at some of those "peaceful protests" some time.

And you need to A)Put aside any personal problems you have with my beliefs or choice of screen name like an adult and not sneak your little passive agressive jabs into every post responding to me  and B) Be less selective when choosing which protests you look at.

The majority of Palestinians want peace unfortunately the area is not as homogenus as we'd like to believe so a number of factors affect the realisation of said peace.
The statement that "Palestinians do not want peace:they want the Jew dead." holds as much water as "The Majority of Cubans are good socialists and would put the needs of the people before their own needs."
Personally I was glad I chose the 2000 year old carpenter from the dead sea as my Holy Spirit......You know some of Canadas greatest Fighter pilots flrw for the IAF when they were just a fledgling state, in fact Buzz Beurling died ferrying fighters to them in the forties. That and they used surplus gear that we supplied them. so this having them come to flag is just carrying on that tradition.

GO ISRAIEL!!!!!!!!!

As well I bet half of you guys when you complain about kit or tactics or wish to be like any military I bet you look up to and see Israel  like gods
mover1 said:
As well I bet half of you guys when you complain about kit or tactics or wish to be like any military I bet you look up to and see Israel  like gods
No, because that would be worshiping false idols...

mover1 said:
GO ISRAIEL!!!!!!!!!

I see the maturity level of this debate is going down.

As well I bet half of you guys when you complain about kit or tactics or wish to be like any military I bet you look up to and see Israel  like gods

Not really - they're good, but everything I've read has pointed to a real loss of edge since they invaded Lebanon and lost a 4th Generation Conflict in the first Intifada.  It is a unique military, just like ours, but it is not something to slober over....
I didn't say it like that I am just stating that is a screwy world out there and we are along for the ride I am offended that you would even state that I think it is ok to kill Women  I am stating that it happens and it just gets over looked in those parts of the world ....of course here it is barbaric
I am not sure what your saying about soldiers crossing the line but I was pointing out the huge differences

I was pointing out that our views and views of other cultures are very diffenrent. Also women and children die everyday because of wars and cultures And you can't jump up and say hey thats wrong and do some thing about it ....yes I know it seems horrible but that is real life !  

And I never said it was ok to kill people be it individuals, terrorist groups, or a government organizations
etc.  Look at Iraq ...mass graves .....Vietnam....mass graves ...  like I said I am sick at the thought but it does
happen !

** I agree this is going way off topic .....you can delete this post if need be
OK Mr. ISLAM enough is enough, I see you have the badger on your avitar, which is a German designed vehicle which has a mercedes engine and is baised off the leopard chassis, designed by Krauss Maffi. Well the original drawing for the Leopard were done by Porsche......a JEW

And for the rest of you who think the level of debate is going down hill are obviously getting to heated in a debate that is not the topic of this thread........which is the IAF is going to YOD for MF so they can go against the USAF in the CLAWR and be debriefed at the AFTTC in 4 WG.

Oh yeah the mine rollers and plows we use are the iraeli copies of the russian gear.
Ummm, was that aimed at me? If so, my avatar is an AVLB, but thanks for playing... incidentally, I drove then for 12 years..does this make me a NAZI? If you think so, say it outright
as gramps and i wait for a reply ,.,,,,,,,,,,, someone is typing a big speech to counter something silly I said

IAF + Israilie Air Force
YOD = the airport code for cold lake
MF = maple flag  
USAF = United States Air Force
CLAWR= Cold Lake Air Weapons Range (duh)
AFTTC= Air Force Tactical Training Center
4 WG + 4 Wing Cold Lake ALberta T9M 2C5
sorry I didn't see the bridge..................
I used to look at them in awe and think I bet they are dry at night.....
And If you were a NAZI I would be one too. I did 5 years as an 8th Hussar in Germany and at the school
"We don't support this Canadian initiative,"said Issam Alyamani of Palestine House, an educational and cultural centre in Toronto."I think that Canada should be more sensitive to the Arab-Palestinian community in Canada.

A number of other countries, including Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, are sending observers.

...are some of you people mentally unbalanced? You turn to the same old "hate this, hate that" at the quote of one person.
What, did you all think this guy was the mouthpiece for the whole Arab world or something?    Sad, really,.... sure hope you give back the reporter his hook, line and sinker.

Bruce, I think this may have gone off track with my attempt at humour over the drive a car into a building thing... sorry...

Regardless of who is participating or observing the local execise in Cold lake. I am sure the real winners will be the local economy, Canada as a whole and hopefully the participants who through working together as a team will get a better understanding of each other both personally and culturally. And to the people in Toronto, we hope that you will bring down some of your misconceptions...yaddda yadda yaddaa....no one cares
WHO ratted us out and told dad we were fighting...........its OK he is gone now....continue the debate ......please.......
hey gramps I think the pax are gone and we can lock the terminal and go home now.......
Bruce Monkhouse said:
...are some of you people mentally unbalanced? You turn to the same old "hate this, hate that" at the quote of one person.
What, did you all think this guy was the mouthpiece for the whole Arab world or something?    Sad, really,.... sure hope you give back the reporter his hook, line and sinker.

Yeah some of the comments are a wee bit excessive, but the guy obviously IS a mouthpiece for a chunk of the "Palestinian Community" in Canada if nothing else.  And I'm thinking he's the one who's mentaly unbalanced :P  Suggesting that we should intentionaly snub/piss-off one of the few democracies in the middle east just so we won't hurt Palestinian sensiblities....well you gotta expect that to generate a few guffaws and some raised pulses.