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Arctic/Offshore Patrol Ship AOPS

Oldgateboatdriver said:
Far from me to want to diminish the recognition of Lcdr Brooke's heroism in any way, but am I the only one here who feels the ships naming process has been hijacked by the Government for pure political reasons lately?

First, it was the supply vessels that got names from land battles in a war that pre-dates Confederation and the creation of the Navy, and was for all practical purpose between the USA and England - not "Canada" per se. Now we are naming ships after people - people that did something out of the ordinary to be sure - but still, people, which is an American tradition, not a Canadian one.

What happened to the tradition of naming our ships after places in Canada to create a link with the community and the country, which was reactivated starting with the CPF's? Naming ships after people, like De Wolf and Brooke does not create any connection with Canadian communities and, IMO will not cause too many people to want to go and check who they were, to learn more on their personal histories.

Mods, perhaps this post and the replies to it should go in anew tread, perhaps called "Political interference in ship's naming" or "Ship's naming gone bonkers!"

Perhaps it is in the tradition of naming our "Icebreakers" after people.
That's the Coastguard, not the Navy. The Navy's icebreaker was HMCS LABRADOR.

Besides, other than the Louis St-Laurent, the Coastguard ones (Arctic capable) are named after explorers of the Arctic.
Oldgateboatdriver said:
We never did !
Actually, we did...sort of. The first 10 Canadian built corvettes were actully built for the Royal Navy and were commissioned as such. When their Canadian crews delivered them to England, they were handed right back as the RN was short on man power to crew them. Hence HMC Ships Windflower, Trillium, Hepatica, Arrowhead, Snowberry, Eyebright, Mayflower, Spikenard, Fennel and Bittersweet.

And you thought you wouldn't learn anything today!!

True enough, but Canada did not name them - the Brits did, and then we inherited them and did not bother renaming them. :)
The naming of ships has always had a political and/or historical spin.  I like the War of 1812 spin with it there would be no Canada.  But I am of U.E.L. stock.  City class were names of Liberal voting cities for the most part.  (I know this is going to start something >:D)

As long as they don't start naming ships after living pols.
The decision to name the CPF's and MCDV's after cities, and then towns was made by the Navy (and by the way, were in most instances made under Mulroney - so much for Liberal cities). The choice of cities was simple: One per Province - two for the larger ones (ON and QC) - with cities with a Naval Reserve Unit as first choice.

If you think the cities and towns chosen were so because they were Liberal, then it's an unfortunate side effect of the fact that the Conservatives all live in the back woods of the countryside :) :) :)
I would have perferrred the first of class be named after HMCS Labrador, and subsequent naming of Northern communities. That being said I think its very fitting that we name them after Canadian Military hero's and perhaps the start of a new tradition.
I really, really hope that when we get the first batch of CSC's (I think that certain number will be AAW/Command and Control) that they will be the Tribals once again. The remainder (Frigate replacements) should be named after our rivers.
Love that idea.  I think we should reuse the Tribal names.  But in this "new" age of PC can the navy use them?  Example Sports team names.

I would say no current or future government would even think of going there.

Question:  Can you name a RCN ship the HMCS Haida with the original still around as a museum?
Actually the tribes would likely go for that if asked beforehand, the big issue is which ones get it. How about HMCS Halfway River, HMCS Dog River, HMCS Slaves to name a few
FSTO said:
I really, really hope that when we get the first batch of CSC's (I think that certain number will be AAW/Command and Control) that they will be the Tribals once again. The remainder (Frigate replacements) should be named after our rivers.


...and JSS 1 and JSS 2 to be MAG and BON, respectively?

Good2Golf said:

...and JSS 1 and JSS 2 to be MAG and BON, respectively?


Save those for when we get those Mistrals!  ;D
Colin P said:
Actually the tribes would likely go for that if asked beforehand, the big issue is which ones get it. How about HMCS Halfway River, HMCS Dog River, HMCS Slaves to name a few

Aren't you supposed to spit when you say Dog River ?  … Whoops, my bad  .. it's when you say Wullerton /SPIT ON/SPIT OFF//
Oldgateboatdriver said:
What happened to the tradition of naming our ships after places in Canada to create a link with the community and the country,...

Honestly, how connected is the average resident of Brandon, Regina, or even Summerside with the RCN? Just because we name a boat after a town doesn't meant that town cares about the RCN. Maybe  starting a new Canadian Tradition is a good thing.
Personally I feel more of a connection to a city, town or province of this country than I do to a particular individual.  I would prefer that they continue to name the ships after places rather than individuals.
jollyjacktar said:
Personally I feel more of a connection to a city, town or province of this country than I do to a particular individual.  I would prefer that they continue to name the ships after places rather than individuals.

I suppose you could be correct.  It could become controversial in some cases naming ships after individuals.  We have seen some instances of that in the US.  What would happen if someone tried to name one of our ships after Louis Riel?
George Wallace said:
I suppose you could be correct.  It could become controversial in some cases naming ships after individuals.  We have seen some instances of that in the US.  What would happen if someone tried to name one of our ships after Louis Riel?

I would imagine the ships naming committee will be vetting the names very carefully.
Chief Stoker said:
I would imagine the ships naming committee will be vetting the names very carefully.

I would hope so, but we have seen it in the US where some of the naming protocols in naming their ships have raised the ire of some.  Here at home, we now have schools named after Louis Riel.  I could use that as an example to counter your statement; as I am sure they also had committees set up to choose the name of the schools.
George Wallace said:
I would hope so, but we have seen it in the US where some of the naming protocols in naming their ships have raised the ire of some.  Here at home, we now have schools named after Louis Riel.  I could use that as an example to counter your statement; as I am sure they also had committees set up to choose the name of the schools.

Well the names are supposed to be Canadian Naval hero's, so I doubt if you'll see something like that. I suppose if they used Cornwallis or something similar, it may cause some protest. Lets hope there's no skeletons in the individuals closets.