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Army.ca Meeting & Greeting in Toronto

I've sent a PM off to Vern RE: arrangements for the weekend. Yes, I am not certain that I'll be able to make it down with Vern, but I'm still in the dark about what's happening to me 2 weeks from now, and since I'm on RFT up until 2 days prior, a few different situations could arise at that time. (A) I get put straight on platoon (and don't get the weekend off). (B) I get put on PAT for a while first (and get the weekend off). (C) Transfered to another base to start training (no way in hell I get the weekend). etc. etc.

Having said that, I have heard rumors that CFLRS is not taking in any anglo platoons for the month of April, so I'd be put on PAT april 12/13 (which would mean I get the weekend off), but that's unconfirmed by anyone of any sort of importance as of yet.

Anyhoo, people are waiting for the computers here, so I have to get off and let them on.
ToRN said:
I am not certain that I'll be able to make it down with Vern
Hope you can make it ToRN, looks like this is shaping up to being the party of the century...garters, spandes, assless chaps, and TESS bracelets!  My initiation too, hope I pass  :blotto:
tess.....did you ever do time with Amway....or maybe Jehovah's Witnesses??  ;)
D Squared said:
Hope you can make it ToRN,

Well, he's hoping. I was just talking to him on the phone...

From his end: "OK ma'am....Warrant, oh darn Ma'am" LOL...He apparently has been initiated!! It was almost as if he could see me standing here in my chaps with my whip!!  >:D  Tongue-tied recruits...those were the days...back when I was one of them.


Please, do not give the boys any more ideas!! Dealing with Tess and his PMs requesting 'sizing information' is becoming initiation enough for me; pickle thieving & peanut stealing rights of passage from the 27 December Guelph M&G be damned.
Bruce Monkhouse said:
Did someone say pickles.......?
Now I have to bring pickles on top of everything else???  Jeez-Louise, you "guys" don't make it easy!  ;)
D Squared said:
Hope you can make it ToRN, looks like this is shaping up to being the party of the century...garters, spandes, assless chaps, and TESS bracelets!  My initiation too, hope I pass  :blotto:

Can't forget the Trekkie costumes!  Woohoo, should be a goat rodeo. ;)

So the pickles go into the tight Trekkie costumes?  Kind of like the dude from Spinal Tap who had problems at the airport?  This could be fun  ::).

Lang75 said:
My god Danjanou, if you come out in those asslees chaps, I will have to get a few pictures to hand out to your co-workers.

Hey maybe we can send some pics over to Afganistan to really open the eyes of the Taliban ! >:D

Do you think that'll really make em mad at us ? lol

Well, I've got a tough choice to make now... Spend sat. night with a bunch of drunken army folk, or spend it in Montreal with a girl from back home who's only here that weekend.....

As much as I'd like to get down there with you all, I think you can all see what I'm getting at....
I swear, between this and running into one of my instructors at the bar thursday night, I must have the worst luck with timing ever.

Sorry guys, but the prospect of spending time with the girl trumps a bar night by a hair. I'll be sure to make the next one though. And thank you to Vern for the offer, any other time, and I would be more than willing to spend the night in a bar with you all.
What??  You're gonna stand us up for a GIRL??  :o
Just kidding, ToRN.  Have a good time.  I'm sure we'll meet at some point!!
And she's an officer, to boot... okay, not yet, she's a CIC Ocdt, but at least I'll be meeting with at least one member of the CF that's isn't a part of the training center that weekend. Does that count for anything?

Oh, of that I have no doubt, I'm going to be waiting for a few months after BMQ to get on my trades course, and nothing passes the time better.

Yoo-hoooo?  Danjanou?
Is everything set for Saturday night's smoker?  Only 5 sleeps  :D!!!!!!
Only 5 days??

Ladies start your engines ... prepare to show the boys how Meet & Greets are supposed to unfold.
