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Army.ca Status- The History of Outages & Dark Days

I could *begin* to install the new server on the new disk, and once I hit a milestone go back to the old server. That way maybe we'll have 4-5 outages of a few hours over the next few weeks instead of one massive weekend outage. Might help with the shakes if you know your next hit isn't so far away. ;)
PLEASE do it that way!... I REALLY can't afford to have to go shopping again. I have to pay for my car accident fine this week.
Pea said:
PLEASE do it that way!... I REALLY can't afford to have to go shopping again. I have to pay for my car accident fine this week.


all this means is you're not charging enough for army.ca usage.

All these people with withdrawls  ... could be big bucks.  ;D
Mike Bobbitt said:
Alright, the new hard drive has arrived. I will likely install it this weekend, so we'll be looking at some down time. If I get ambitious I may use this opportunity to re-install the entire server from scratch - that's a big job so I'm not sure I'm up for it. If it does happen, we'll likely be down most of the weekend.

I'll try to keep everyone's addictions in mind as I work. ;)


Do you mirror your Hdd's?
Hey Mike, I'll send you my exam schedule.  If you don't mind scheduling your outages at the same time, it would work out awesome for my studying time.  ;D

Either that or you can start making big bucks to support the site.  Highest bidder gets to pick the outage date!
Mike Bobbitt said:
I could *begin* to install the new server on the new disk, and once I hit a milestone go back to the old server. That way maybe we'll have 4-5 outages of a few hours over the next few weeks instead of one massive weekend outage. Might help with the shakes if you know your next hit isn't so far away. ;)

Mike, please feel free to upgrade/replace your server from 8-12 Feb. I will be away busily Logspeiling and will not be denigrating your site by posting loaded.

That non-posting may be subject to change though based upon how quickly we can manage to get our team knocked out in order to kick back!!  ;D
GAP, once the 2nd drive is added I will be doing a nightly sync. I find mirroring has the disadvantage that when I delete a file by mistake, it's gone from the mirror too! ;)
GAP said:
Do you use RAID at all? what level?

To get rid of all the bugs, right?  LOL

No RAID. I could (now) do RAID-1 but like I said, I'm more apt to need a file I just deleted/corrupted/overwrote so a nightly sync to the 2nd disk is the way to go for me. Worst case is we roll back to that image if needed, but I don't expect that will be a problem.
Oh no.... NOT ANOTHER WEEKEND WITHOUT ARMY.CA :'( :brickwall:....
I feel the shakes coming on already....
Mike, You do realize you've sentenced me to another road trip to Trenton? Hubby's logic...No army.ca...9D is able to be in car driving around getting depressed in Trenton...pls pls pls pls don't do this to me... :crybaby:
Mike Bobbitt said:
Alright, the new hard drive has arrived. I will likely install it this weekend, so we'll be looking at some down time. If I get ambitious I may use this opportunity to re-install the entire server from scratch - that's a big job so I'm not sure I'm up for it. If it does happen, we'll likely be down most of the weekend.

I'll try to keep everyone's addictions in mind as I work. ;)

I guess me being terribly sick turns out to be a good thing  ;)
Perhaps you need to put together an 'Emergency Preparedness Kit' for members who will suffer from withdrawal due to outages?

Lets see...

"On notification of an outage, or a failure to connect with the Army.ca service provider, members are recommended to ensure that they have prepared a survival package that will assist them through difficult times.  It is unknown how will it will take for network analysts to renew connectivity, or for emergency service providers to respond, so please be prepared for a long and strenuous period.

Recommended environment:  A small dark room with a single screen.  Members may want to save several screen images of Army.ca forums now and put them into a series of scrolling screen shots to simulate an actual working site.  Spouses of members may want to lock the door of said room and disconnect any phones or other communication systems within said room and ignore any yells or screams.

Recommended communication.  Do not barage site administrators with irate or profane messages.  Trapped members may want to use a simple code like Morse or develop a method of overt communication so that they can pass messages between themselves easily without the knowledge of others.  Members should avoid passing on any information on their desperation or vital needs to avoid being exploited by hostile elements. 

Recommended mental health.  Sanity is questionable after long periods of deprivation.  Use a pencil and paper to record your thoughts and experiences, and help keep track of time.  Crayons and wallpaper are a suitable alternitive.  Use a different page (or wall) for each day to help keep track of the length of your deprivation.  Do not enrage guards family members who may taunt you or restrict food as part of punishment for poor behavior.  Count the number of letters on the keyboard, number of hairs on your arm, or recite Army.ca guidelines, as efforts to remain logical and sane. 

Recommended physical health.  Move around frequently to support flow of blood to the brain and other vital areas.  Do situps, pushups or other small area exercises to retain musle tone.  Reserve one area of your room for sanitary purposes and avoid eating or sleeping there.  Avoid wandering into pornographic sites while waiting for return of service, as this causes a loss of body fluids and causes strain to isolated muscle groups. Prepackage foods so that you are not dependent on cooking devices for nourishing meals.  For rooms with multiple users, ensure you have enough food for each person for at least three days to avoid the risk of canabalism.  If required, thoroughly cook other members to avoid contracting any diseases they are carrying.  Also of note, insects and other ground creatures can be a vital source of protein and nourishment.  Avoid using the same utensils repeatedly as they can become toxic after extended periods of time, although they can be cleaned in an expedient manner by the application of fresh urine.       

Recommended survival gear:  Plenty of beverages.  Alcohol may be required for medicinal purposes.  Retain poncho or similiar bedroll device for sleeping comfort.  Use bungee cords to restrain yourself in an upright position in your chair so you dont fall out while out while waiting for return of service.  If a window is present, cover it with a dark material so no light gets in and members will remain unaware of day passing into night or vice-versa, which may cause further stress and anxiety.  Keep a spare change of clothing in the room you have your computer in.  Note that the duration of underwear hygiene can be extended by wearing them inside-out on the second day of use.  if the room has a window, keep a rolled-up escape ladder beneath any windows higher than six feet above level ground.  A flashlight should be in a handy place and well-labelled.  Note that you should keep batteries seperate to ensure a longer shelf life.  Keep multiple sets of clean utensils to avoid previous recommended cleaning methods. 

Note - Guidelines require approval from the Ruxted Group before being officially sanctioned

All hail Centurian1985 ;D

Michael Baker said:
I have those already, but it's from a high temp  :'( Oh well, I'll get better  ;)
I wish you a quick return to good health, I hate getting sick ;)
Ok.. so it's settled..

When Mike crashes his system for repair

we all go to  http://www.militaryphotos.net/  ;D
I think I'd rather be driving around Trenton that over there...LOL (does that earn me loyalty points on my airmiles?)
Trinity said:
Ok.. so it's settled..When Mike crashes his system for repair we all go to  http://www.militaryphotos.net/  ;D

Ecch!  I hope you're joking!

Just checked it out and Im not impressed.  Looks like its full of raging keyboard testosterone.