And while the pay to go, pay to come back story might have had legs today, this one doesn't.
The branch is screwed up, MES screwed it up further, but its not concrete enough for anyone to care. A combat arms guy might give a damn if his sigs support is compromised, but making a tech have to be a sig op, undermining morale three ways from sunday, and throwing retention under the bus isn't "I'm a Cpl with two kids and I have to go to the foodbank to make ends meet". The important metrics on this are qualitative - how does it affect the capability of the CF? The quantitative points on retention are important, but are symptoms rather than the big problem.
The problem isn't with politicians or the TB, it isn't something clear enough for the public to understand, and the media isn't going to pick up the story. This is a problem that needs to be broadly recognized within the CF, particularly by way higher, and someone needs to say "Stop. Wind back the clock, rationalize the trades, and be honest with the troops."
If life as a sig op is less than appealing to everybody, ok. Do the best you can with it, and don't string troops along with false promises of spec pay. Bring back the QL5 CT signing bonus if needbe.