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Army interview ( i need tips)

I wore Denver Hayes casual pants with a collared shirt and brown leather shoes.  A suit won't hurt and I'm sure they'll be impressed.  But either way just look presentable and clean cut.
haha im not really experienced in interviews
ill make sure im clean cut and wearin a suit, hopefully they dont think im overdoing it
The interview is not formal
go in looking good clean cut shave, hair cut, clean clothes, and looking respectable and thats good enough
I went to mine in new jeans new shoes and a nice shirt nothing special and did fine.
The real points are how you answer your questions know your trade know why you want in
know both or all 3 of your trades you picked not just your first and you'll sail through

oh and think.. don't be worried to take a few mins to think of your answer.
Some of those questions could easily be answered stupidly if you don't.
I had a great time in my interview though he had some good stories for me.

Best of luck
18-and-ready said:
...know both or all 3 of your trades you picked not just your first...

Good point. They will ask you about the Pro's/Con's of your choices. I had Artillery (Regs) as my third option because the recruiter said to put a third one on my application on the off chance that my first two (1-Inf/2-Armour) fell through. Because I hadn't really thought much about going for Artillery, I didn't have any pro's/con's thought of ahead of time and I couldn't really think of an answer. Lucky for me, my interviewer could tell I couldn't think of one (he had a really good sense of humour) and says to me - "The correct answer is 'I get to shoot BIG F***ING GUNS!!!". That really broke the tension for me and the rest of the interview was a breeze.
what are the chances of getting into the infantry, trade i selected?
are they in need of them?
well since im already in the army reserves
and my trade is infantry, and i filled out a component transfer
would i be 100% guaranteed a full time position in infantry?