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Attaching Small Pack to Ruck

With all this talk of attaching the small pack to the ruck, I was very tempted to bring my small pack on this last weekend's ex.  I opted not to for a few reasons, but it turns out it probably would have been a good idea (I got to be both the No. 2 on the C6 with SF kit and signaller on a long recce patrol).  :D  I know better next time!  And I'll try out some of these ideas to see what works best.
CanadianTire, that would be the ex with us Westies in the wack, right?
Heh, all i did was, i took my small pack, undid the compression straps at the side, and looped them through my compression valice' straps on the very top, then sinched it down. It worked damn fine.

and why did you have a c6/sf kit for a section attack ex? :P We brought a c6 as well, for some reason, but never used it. I just didn't bother asking ;D
For some reason we had a 3 man weapons det: gun commander, No. 1 and me as No. 2.  Long story.  We did some gun drills for about an hour the first day, then we just used the C6 as part of OPFOR for the section attacks.  Didn't help that there was no 7.62 blanks.  And we broke the gun.  It was brand new. :P

I have a feeling I might get detailed to weapons det on the next ex, so I think the small pack will be coming with.

geo said:
BTW.... Adrian.... you claim that you have permission to modify & sew things onto your Ruck.
Do you have that in writing?  It's already easy enough to damage your ruck without your doing things to it to adapt things that weren't intended in the 1st place.
I have serious doubts you have permission to do anything...
Follow the suggestions given to you by the people above...

Another good point against this.  I had already taken thos said suggestions from the experienced posters above, and realised this was a bad idea.  Think ill stick with trying it on or using one of the temporary solutions, all depending on the situation.  I know it would be fine in on weekend exercises and stuff, but I'm worried about when i got for my Infantry training, might get in shit.

This seems to have sparked other discusions on this topic, (which is good and all)  but just wanna make it clear I'm not gonna go sewing anything to my ruck OK.