Alrighty, here's what I know right now. Couldn't tell you about the AVS stuff, because they all start off in Kingston and I'm not there. But as far as AVN goes, they've loaded all the courses for the next few months. There's one starting in May, already loaded, and the next one is loading for mid-July. We've just lost 3 people off of our course, and gained 4. This is a bit disconcerting, I know we're just numbers, but to pull off 3 students, who were doing really well, and replace them with 4 people who have failed off the course already, well, it's hard to deal with sometimes. Now the people who have been pulled have to wait until May and July, respectively, to get back on course. No one is failing our course yet. We've had a couple exam failures, but they've all done really well on the re-writes. We have finished off Common Core, and are now into the BET portion of the course.
The BET portion is basic electronics training, and it has replaced NIDA. The BET side is 10 days long right now, and goes directly into your wiring and instrumentation portions of the AVN trades course right after the 10 days are up. It's definitely been pared down since the NIDA days. Our course is the first one being guinea-pigged for this BET thing, and so far, so good.
The course is not incredibly difficult, but most people in the class spend lots of time studying. The worst part of everything is still being stuck in shacks, when we were supposed to be moved into mods ages ago. But you deal with it, crazy roomies or not. I can't wait for July when I get my new pay incentive! Then I can quit one of my other two bonus jobs. Truck payments suck, and going from a high-paying lumber mill job to a no-hook private salary is painful to the extreme. But the other jobs are not bad. Well, one isn't, anyway. I pack parachutes at a local drop zone, which I love, and it gets me off the base for awhile, which you definitely need sometimes.
Anyway, since that's where we're at right now, I can't say anymore because I don't know it. Anything you need to ask though, PM or email me.
Cheers, Jen