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Becoming a Sniper (merged)

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Snipers are no longer part of Recce Pl...

The unit master sniper reports right to the CO, and the cell falls in a little niche in the now small CBT SPT coy.

There was talk about reviving the Sniper Employment Officer course which was to make OC's and other field grade officers familiar with the capabilities of the Sniper Cell and to teach them to rely on the unit MS.
Hmm - well we are different -> Short schoolbus different  ;) 

I understood that this was to be a force wide switch with the increase of the MS to a WO...
maybe others are just slow  ;D
I dont know how this works, but some of my friends in my unit did a C3 famil course in meaford last fall. Said it was C3, .50cal, and basic sniper stuff. maby something like that for oficers to get a basic understandiong of how to employ snipers and such better than with nothing.
Usman_Syed said:
GO NCM's GO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I want to apolagize for displaying such a comment, truly without leadership there would be no NCM, and officers are a must for a unit to function. Not to mention I may apply ROTP  ;) sorry officers and moderatiors my lips are sealed. :-X from blrurbing that sorta stuff now.

Just a question are snipers assigned to battalions or regiments?
If anyone wants to rant about how hard it is, then don't, I know, and I am confident in my abilities, so please keep it to your self. Thnks

    Pte. JB
    RCACC 2803 Engineers
I understand your interest in the CF sniper program, trust me, i do, but to tell people to keep their beef to themselves is a bit too much, especially since you're just a cadet private. I'm the captain of my cadet corps rifle team, and even i know that i have to be humble.

As for the entering as a DEO, why not consider applying to go to RMC, and have your training and education paid for. Its an excellent program if you want to be an officer and get ur degree.
Usman_Syed said:
Just a question are snipers assigned to battalions or regiments?

Assigned from.

Each Bn has X number of sniper line serials - these are (ideally) filled with qualified snipers.

Ok, so is like the mger course where you get to choose to take it, or are you recommended for it?
Combo - you ask (beg) and they may take you  ;D
Generally, the way you get on the course is any combination of:

1- Display above average marksmanship skills
2- Display above average soldiering skills
3- Know the right people
4- As Kevin said: beg

A good way to get the course is to first make your unit's shooting team, and then start begging when a serial is announced (most snipers I have met did it this way)
There is a selection process at the unit level. You can volunteer, or beg, but the CO has the last word on who goes. Some guys are offered the course by the C of C.
Pappy: I agree with most of your post, and I have an undying respect for the emphasis the Corps places on marksmanship, a well as its very high standards of "soldiering" (if I may use that term, without confusing Marines and Doggies...). Semper Fi.

However, you may have misunderstood me: I did not mean to suggest that "sniper training" is a waste of time. I would never say that. Not after 30 years in the Infantry! What I meant is that putting Officers through a sniper course is, IMHO, a waste of the training. In our Army at least, the Sniper is an NCM and so it should be.

As you point out, the officer needs to know how to employ snipers. I agree 100%. Here is my suggested method:

"Sniper Sgt: here is what I am trying to do with this mission. How are you and your boys going to help me do it?"

No problem I understood what you ment.  I knew you where talking about officers going to full blown sniper school, that I agree is not needed.  What I ment to suggest is that along side this enlisted full lenght sinper school for a few weeks they bring Officers in on a sort of parallel short course covering more the use and care of the snipers who will later be part of thier command.  Officers don't need to know how to make a ghillie suit, but they do need to know when some guy asks for burlap or jute string. etc what its used for.  Also what better way to later employ snipers then to see them in action, to get a little instruction from the sniper school instructors.  In this short school they get taught by the sniper instrutors on now to best emply and take care of the special needs a sniper has.  Sort of a "Sniper management class". 

Has anyone noticed I can't spell for crap? 
Sort of a "Sniper management class". 

OK. Seen. I would put class this in the Infantry Officer Course syllabus, so that the new 2Lt has a basic concept before he starts his Regimental duty. Cheers.
This is back to the original topic of snipers, slightly deferred from the ammunition talk - sorry.

I complete both a Basic Sniper course and an Advanced Sniper Course, both through a training school known as The Edge.  (This school is owned and operated by an ex-CF member, "Rob", who is currently working in the middle east as a private security contractor).

My question is:  Does the CF consider civilian-based sniper qualifications adequate substitutes for people who haven't taken the CF sniper course?

I used to be in the Reserve (Calgary Highlanders) - and got out to focus on school.  Since I got out of the Calgary Highlanders though, I've taken a number of private security based courses, including tactical EMS courses, sniper courses, etc, etc.  If I were to get back in, which is the plan once this year of the degree is finished, would the CF consider my civilian qualifications of any weight when applying for CF courses or employment opportunities?

You asked:

"My question is:   Does the CF consider civilian-based sniper qualifications adequate substitutes for people who haven't taken the CF sniper course?"

With respect to the sniper course your unit would have to try to get you the equiliancey granted through a request to the CoE of the whole sniper thing which is through the Infantry School (I believe).  

I am going to go out on a limb and say that when you put the paperwork in make sure you are wearing your ruby slippers and clicking your heels together while muttering some appropriate mantra - I can't see it happening.   I seem to recall there was a huge stink over a couple of regular force soldiers who had failed the Canadian basic sniper course, somehow taken and passed the British Sniper course and whether or not they were considered qualified.   Think typical officer legal type concerns.

That being said your skills you have gained from your civilian training could definitely be employed 'unoffically' through everything from coaching all of the riflemen on shooting, talking about how your were taught sniper skills with a view to reactions to Canadians coming under sniper fire, or helping out if a unit decided to get serious about the section designated marksman....

again my opinions only.

Do sniper spotters(the person who helps out the sniper) take the same course as snipers? I am interested in becoming this someday, and am willing to put 200% effort to become one. Does anyone know where I can get more info? There is info on US sniper spotters but not Canadian......is there really a difference? Also I was wondering if there is a certain rank or time limit before you can qualify for it. If you want to spend more time on the firing range is there any way you could pay for your own ammo you use or is that out of the question?
It is highly unlikely that the CF would recognise your civvy sniper course. The military is not big on that due to liability and standards issues. They're getting a little closer to figuring something out, because experience and training is expensive, and it will be a cost cutting measure overall. I wouldnt hold your breath though.
Hitman, just curious as to what your sources are?
Sources are buddies in recruiting. I am trained as a firefighter civvyside and I was looking into a remuster into the regs as a firefighter. The NFPA standard is the same but they explained to me I would have to do everything over again instead of attaching onto a course part way through. They also explained to me about the civvy experience not translating easily into the military system.

This is changing slowly, for non-combat related technical trades though. The recruitment bonuses of 20 grand etc for specific trades I'm sure we've all heard about. I can't see it happening for combat arms trades anytime soon. Thats often why experienced soldiers from other armies end up having to do all their basic courses again. To meet the CF standards.

So in a nutshell, my sources are weak, but thats all I have.
