Having seen all sides of the coin, I would have to put in a vote for dry operations. Some people went nuts with alcohol, especially in Germany and Cyprus. There was problems with alcohol in both Somalia and Bosnia, resulting in rape and worse. I saw the two beer per man per day system in place in Camp Julien. Believe you me the RCR tried an honour system, but as usual a select few ruined it for everyone else, so we all were treated like two year olds. Even with rations cards in place, people still begged others to buy them beer. When they leaned on their employees to do so ( I was there as a civy) it was the most pathetic thing I ever saw, picking on a Nepalese labourer so as to keep an addiction fueled. When I was reassigned to work for this "professional" engineer "S", I refused, because I had zero respect for him. A drunk, pure and simple. Yes I still drink on occasion, and confess to drinking too much at times in the past. I did enjoy my daily two wines, but then I got pneumonia and was too sick to drink even that. Suffice it to say my life did not revolve around a daily drink.
We did get a lot of free beer from Molsons Xmas 2003, "Bavaria" which I think they were having difficulty flogging back home