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Better than coffee

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I thought I'd share my experiences with various legal substances to keep you away and healthy at the same time.  Coffee does keep you awake, but it robs your body of nutrients, water, and gives you the jitters and is linked to many other side-effects of this poisonous substance.

Yerba Mate is a plant that the South Americans use as their coffee down there.  I drink it all day every day (4 or 5 cups a day).  Do a google search for it because it's THAT good.  They call it the "drink of the gods" down there for a reason.

Again, the name is YERBA MATE.  You will find it in a lot of the 'energy' drinks found in convenience stores and so on as a supplemental ingredient on top of others, but it's the most healthy stuff you will find.  To top it off: it's cheap as hell.  1 kilogram will cost you $4.99

I am sure this is wonderful...but I will keep my coffee and by the way...newer research supports the benefits of coffee, as an antioxidants and so on.  Everything in moderation...4-5 cups of anything is probably too much of anything aside from water and milk.

Please see attached a link to support the consumption of coffee...

You can have my Large Double-Double when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

Coffee doesn't kill people. People without their morning coffee kill people.

When coffee is outlawed, only outlaws will have coffee.
paracowboy said:
You can have my Large Double-Double when you pry it from my cold, dead hands.

Coffee doesn't kill people. People without their morning coffee kill people.

When coffee is outlawed, only outlaws will have coffee.

If that day comes, that's when the police go rogue! 
What is the active ingredient in the Yerba Mate?  Do you drink it hot like coffee, or is it a cold drink?  I am a Tim's addict (group replies "hello zhc") and a healthy wake up would always be a bonus. 
Of course, one could always try drinking both...
South Americans use as their coffee down there


What, one or two South Americans?

That's like an Argentinian saying that he drinks Canada Dry Ginger ale because all of North America drinks it for the Champagne quality.

Oy Vey..


Yerba Mate is a plant that the South Americans use as their coffee down there.  I drink it all day every day (4 or 5 cups a day).  Do a google search for it because it's THAT good.  They call it the "drink of the gods" down there for a reason.

I've been calling Coffee the "Elixor of the Gods" up here for a while. In fact, when I was in engineering school, I attended daily worship at the church of St. Timothy of Horton.
Worse than that...

Blak Coke


Coffee and Coke.. in the same bottle...
~RoKo~ said:
.... I attended daily worship at the church of St. Timothy of Horton.

And I think most if not all of the CF are also devotes of St. Timothy of Horton.

Now where did I put my large Double Double?
Just for the sake of it:


An exerpt:

Yerba Maté is basically a stimulant drink, eliminates fatigue, stimulating metal and physical activity. It has a beneficial effect on nerves and muscles; it also enhances intellectual work.

Due to the central stimulant effects of xanthine jointly with the activation of reserve substances, the cardiovascular activity strengthens the organism. Xanthine has a well-known effect on the central nervous system, that stimulates mental energy.

Thanks to its vitamin B complex, Yerba Maté collaborates to sugar intake in man's muscles, nerves and cerebral activity; vitamins C and E act as organic defense and on the organism's tissues; mineral salts, jointly with xanthine, help the cardiovascular work and blood circulation by decreasing blood pressure, since xanthine acts as a vasodilator. In such circumstances, hunger can feel as satisfied.

Yerba Maté enhances diuresis and is very useful for bladder troubles. Yerba Maté also acts on the digestive tube by activating peristaltic movements; it facilitates digestion, attenuates gastric troubles and enhances evacuation and urination. Yerba Maté's stimulant action is longer than that of coffee and does not have side effects such as insomnia and irritability

How bad can it be?  I'll try it, if I can find it. 
I've had the stuff. Celestial Seasonings uses it in a couple of their "teas."  It's okay but I find it to taste nothing like coffee - it lacks the fuller flavour. That said, it's worth trying it when you find it.

Off to the gym and then a large double milk, no sugar!

This stuff is 500% better than coffee.

All the guys who 'diss this stuff don't know their ass from a hole in the ground.

Coffee stinks because it doesn't have any B vitamins like Yerba Mate does.  In fact, due to its high caff. content, it takes vitamins away due to its diuretic effects.

Yerba Mate DOES have caff. in it, but very small amount of it.  Most of the 'energizing' effects come from the B-vitamin complex it contains.

zipperhead_cop said:
Just for the sake of it:


An exerpt:

Yerba Maté is basically a stimulant drink, eliminates fatigue, stimulating metal and physical activity. It has a beneficial effect on nerves and muscles; it also enhances intellectual work.

Due to the central stimulant effects of xanthine jointly with the activation of reserve substances, the cardiovascular activity strengthens the organism. Xanthine has a well-known effect on the central nervous system, that stimulates mental energy.

Thanks to its vitamin B complex, Yerba Maté collaborates to sugar intake in man's muscles, nerves and cerebral activity; vitamins C and E act as organic defense and on the organism's tissues; mineral salts, jointly with xanthine, help the cardiovascular work and blood circulation by decreasing blood pressure, since xanthine acts as a vasodilator. In such circumstances, hunger can feel as satisfied.

Yerba Maté enhances diuresis and is very useful for bladder troubles. Yerba Maté also acts on the digestive tube by activating peristaltic movements; it facilitates digestion, attenuates gastric troubles and enhances evacuation and urination. Yerba Maté's stimulant action is longer than that of coffee and does not have side effects such as insomnia and irritability

How bad can it be?  I'll try it, if I can find it. 
Hot Lips,

There are benefits of coffee, but the high amount of caffiene in it create bad side effects on the body! 

The body develops resistance to stimulants such as this so that it why coffee is a horrible thing.

Yerba mate does not have high amounts of caffiene.  The main ingredient which gives you an energy 'kick' is the high amounts of vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants.

Do some research and you will see that many coffee drinkers have switched to yerba mate.  You will be surprised.

Hot Lips said:

I am sure this is wonderful...but I will keep my coffee and by the way...newer research supports the benefits of coffee, as an antioxidants and so on.  Everything in moderation...4-5 cups of anything is probably too much of anything aside from water and milk.

Please see attached a link to support the consumption of coffee...


The active ingredient is caffiene, but very small amounts.  The main things in this stuff is vitamins and minerals, as well as anti-oxidants.

B-vitamins are a healthier way you keep you awake.

Lack of B-Vitamins is a major cause of depression as well.  I bet if more people with depression who take anti-depressants started to increase their vitamin intake that they would not need those pills anymore.

zipperhead_cop said:
If that day comes, that's when the police go rogue! 
What is the active ingredient in the Yerba Mate?  Do you drink it hot like coffee, or is it a cold drink?  I am a Tim's addict (group replies "hello zhc") and a healthy wake up would always be a bonus. 
Of course, one could always try drinking both...
Just do a google search for some good peer-reviewed research on it.  I've done enough typing :)

John Tescione said:

What, one or two South Americans?

That's like an Argentinian saying that he drinks Canada Dry Ginger ale because all of North America drinks it for the Champagne quality.

Oy Vey..



Most of the Middle-Eastern population drinks this stuff religiously.  If you can find a Arab/Lebanese store-type place you will find Yerba Mate.  You can also find higher-priced versions of it in 'organic' form at Zehrs Markets.

zipperhead_cop said:
Just for the sake of it:


An exerpt:

Yerba Maté is basically a stimulant drink, eliminates fatigue, stimulating metal and physical activity. It has a beneficial effect on nerves and muscles; it also enhances intellectual work.

Due to the central stimulant effects of xanthine jointly with the activation of reserve substances, the cardiovascular activity strengthens the organism. Xanthine has a well-known effect on the central nervous system, that stimulates mental energy.

Thanks to its vitamin B complex, Yerba Maté collaborates to sugar intake in man's muscles, nerves and cerebral activity; vitamins C and E act as organic defense and on the organism's tissues; mineral salts, jointly with xanthine, help the cardiovascular work and blood circulation by decreasing blood pressure, since xanthine acts as a vasodilator. In such circumstances, hunger can feel as satisfied.

Yerba Maté enhances diuresis and is very useful for bladder troubles. Yerba Maté also acts on the digestive tube by activating peristaltic movements; it facilitates digestion, attenuates gastric troubles and enhances evacuation and urination. Yerba Maté's stimulant action is longer than that of coffee and does not have side effects such as insomnia and irritability

How bad can it be?  I'll try it, if I can find it. 

Alright I am going to give it a try.  But if I grow a third eye, I am hunting you down...



Please reftrain from spamming here.........and when you tell people they don't know thier ass from...etc. , make sure you know WTF you are talking about.

I am somewhat of a vitamin freak and have never heard this...
it takes vitamins away due to its diuretic effects.

I even went to a caffiene-hating website and couldn't find anything to verify your claim sooooo.........

and you get no "kick" from B vitamins.......they are vitamins, not drugs.

Yes, you actually do get a 'kick' from vitamins!

You won't get a quick jolt like sugar gives you, it's more of a gradual stimulating effect!

Try taking a vitamin pill before bedtime you will not be able to go to sleep, especially if that pill has a lot of B-Vitamins in it.  They are nervous system stimulators.

You may not know as much as you think you know about b-vitamins.

From http://www.webmd.com/content/article/94/102785.htm

B Good to Yourself

"B vitamins are involved in helping the formation of brain chemicals such as dopamine, epinephrine, and serotonin," Sahelian says. In fact, each B vitamin plays its own role in preserving brain function and mental acuity. Starting from folic acid (a B complex), which helps in the early brain development, these vitamins help in many aspects of metabolism. A few recent studies have shown a link between declines in memory and Alzheimer's disease in the elderly and inadequate levels of folic acid, vitamin B-12, and vitamin B-6. Reduced levels of folate are associated with high levels of homocysteine -- a marker of heart disease and stroke.

Boosting B-12

"Vitamin B-12 has a number of roles including helping in the formation of myelin," Sahelian says. Myelin forms layers or a sheath around the nerve fibers and acts as insulation. Sahelian points out that B-12 is mainly found in meats (beef, pork, lamb, veal, fish, and poultry), and an as result, vegetarians may be deficient. This deficiency could lead to nerve damage, memory loss, low moods, and mental slowness. His advice? Shoot for between 3 and 100 micrograms a day.

It worked for nutritionist Molly Kimball's grandmother. "Sometimes as people age, they have impaired absorption of B-12," says Kimball, a nutritionist at the Ochsner Clinic's Elmwood Fitness Center in New Orleans. In fact, B-12 deficiency is sometimes mistaken as Alzheimer's disease, she says. "My grandmother couldn't make sense until her doctor supplemented her B-12," she tells WebMD.



Caffeine has a diuretic action and causes nutrient depletion of several important nutrients vital for optimum psychological health, like vitamin B6. The tannin interferes with nutrient absorption of essential minerals including calcium, iron and magnesium and B group vitamins.
No, you don't get a "kick" from vitamins....they are vitamins for Pete's sake. Stop selling snake oil.....

and I sleep just fine taking my 'B's before nappy time thank you.

Unless you are a nutritionist or a dietician, I suggest you refrain from passing on your *expertise*.  Your comments regarding tannins is technically correct but is contextually inaccurate (ie. timing the drinking of coffee or tea so it does not interfere with the absorbtion of vitamins will solve the problem just as well as abstaining from coffee).

Personally, I think you sound suspiciously like a modern day internet based snake oil salesperson. 
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