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BMQ Regular Force 2005 - 2017 [Merged]

koko_00 said:
Hey i'll be there too for Officer Training. Looking forward to seeing you guys there.

It will be nice to start something new but since i have 2 years reserve infantry training it will be LOTS of boring old skills i already know expecially stupid drill.

Im going Sig O by the way and if you want some tips or have questions (for those new to the military) drop me a line on msn

**********@***  I made mine about 10 years ago too lol


Man with that attitude you are gonna REEK of "OH OH PLEASE SORT ME OUT STAFF, I HAVE ATTITUDE!".

2 WHOLE years of Reserve Infantry time?  ::)

Weapons, nav, teamwork, leadership etc are "boring old skills" that you did for (cough cough) 2 whole years....


Hope that isn't in your 500-word biography ya hand in...just a hint.  ;)

I'd be hopin', if I were you, that none of your Crse Staff reads that post...
Ya learning Drill by squads, doing basic nav and a one or maybe 2 day first aid course, TOET's on te C7 and pistol


I dont have any attitude and you dont even know me, how could anyone enjoy these parts of IAP whatsoever ESPECIALLY after already having done it.

I am looking forward to my MOC training when i finally get to learn something new otherwise it will be slow going and boring im not here to profess my greatness but rather to say that ive been in this situation before.

Lastly i gave my msn to try and help anyone with questions and your first response is negative rather then saying thanks for trying to be nice to some people who may not have any idea what their getting into.

So thanks  :salute:

Why should anyone pay you any attention?  You don't have any military experience, as your profile points out, so why should anyone ask you for advice?  Being a Gamer doesn't count in St Jean.  Being a pompous arse, and puffing up your credentials because you were in Cadets or did a year in the Reserves will probably be your down fall, but then again, you don't have that in your profile.  Do you know what a poser is? 

And YES! you do have an attitude.  One that will need adjusting.
George Wallace said:

Why should anyone pay you any attention?  You don't have any military experience, as your profile points out, so why should anyone ask you for advice?  Being a Gamer doesn't count in St Jean.  Being a pompous arse, and puffing up your credentials because you were in Cadets or did a year in the Reserves will probably be your down fall, but then again, you don't have that in your profile.  Do you know what a poser is? 
And YES! you do have an attitude.  One that will need adjusting.

Least someone said it first.

If you DO have experience , yah don't flaunt it. Thats when people start to hate you. Wont that be a fun 11 weeks  ( if you make it that far with that outlook )

Sorry to say ... Koko , I hope you are not with me on BMQ with that type of ' Tude.. Infact , I dont want to have to work with people with that attitude. But hey , the DS will sort that out.

osjesso said:
Least someone said it first.

If you DO have experience , yah don't flaunt it. Thats when people start to hate you. Wont that be a fun 11 weeks  ( if you make it that far with that outlook )

Sorry to say ... Koko , I hope you are not with me on BMQ with that type of ' Tude.. Infact , I dont want to have to work with people with that attitude. But hey , the DS will sort that out.


Drill is fun :) As a matter of fact I love drill so much I practice it.  Shows Drive when heels are clicked together with streghth and agility.  Snapping to attention everywhere.
Ha ha ha.

Anyways. Lets not hijack this thread , its my only peace and harmony on this little site.

Anyone else comin' along for the ride on the 28th. We know your out there!!
I simply pointed out that i thought that those "basics" learned on basic training are boring to me. Its not my attitude its my opinion.
I plan to go there and try to be as grey as possible, seeing as how im showing up with all my kit its going to be obvious to staff that i have some experiance and I will try to resist their possible intention on having me demonstrate/guide/ ... people through things to a certain extent. I am not running for course candidate. I just want to go there meet some new friends have some fun weekends off in Montreal and pass without half the staff or course for that matter knowing my name. I dont like to stand out whether it be on a board or real life I work hard do my job and thats it.

Well i guess i let myself get outta hand.

Once again good luck to everyone going.

You hurt the itty bitty soldier in me when yah say Basic is ... ' Boring '. Come on now , don't ruin it for the rest of us!

Please just stop while your ahead.

When is everyone getting sworn in? You should all post any pictures if yah got 'em. That'd be super fly.

BTW. I love Pvt Annand. You know who you are  ;D YAY! Soo ever excited for Basic!! R0282E IS GOIN TO ROCK! For all those I know so far comin' , it looks wicked!!

The Ever Excited , JESSO
hope you like powerpoint jesso!  A lot of what's great about basic are the people you're with and (if you're lucky) the instructors.  Get a good group and you'll have a blast with just about everything.

For my part I'm going to follow koko's lead and sink into the background as much as possible.  Don't worry about trying to finish first, but make sure not to finish in the bottom 1/3.  That's not to say I won't help people out whenever I can, I just don't want the instructors to get me in their sights.
aesop081 said:
Start by eliminating this word from you vocabulary
Yes...me ought to be "we" now  :D

So now it's 5 days til I swear in and 13 days til departure for a ETA of 1500 to St Jean on 26 August and a course start of 28 August... ;D

Where's all the OCdts on this thread?...and what course number are you on...I will check mine and post it.

Alright my course numbers are:  0083 IAP and 0075 BOTP

So who's on my courses?

jmnavy said:
For my part I'm going to follow koko's lead and sink into the background as much as possible.  Don't worry about trying to finish first, but make sure not to finish in the bottom 1/3.  That's not to say I won't help people out whenever I can, I just don't want the instructors to get me in their sights.

First off, I don't think anyone in the navy wants here anything about "sinking" into the background.
Second, you should always try and finish first. Just make sure you're not the only one standing on the winners podium. I hate that " 'C' is a 'P'" attitude especially from future officers. I'm not always pleased with tasks given to me but I will always strive to do my best so that when it really counts, people can count on me er... I mean we.
Yes...I have never bought into the "C" is a "P" mentality before...although I know nothing of the military way (yet)...just my outlook as a civi for years... :P

all that i can say is that i hope that you enjoy stairs!!!! i just went through it about 6 months ago and it was hell
I had heard about the stairs from a girlfriend who is a Capt now...she said the stairs were great five years ago as well  ::)
But hey it's basic...it is supposed to encompass many things to test you and make you uncomfortable...isn't it?

sappersleadtheway said:
all that i can say is that i hope that you enjoy stairs!!!! i just went through it about 6 months ago and it was hell

If my Mom can do it at 40 , im sure this young little legs can do it too  ;D