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Bra hijack from the Toronto Star thread...

Good point Mike... but you still need to return that toliet paper right away.
TN2IC said:
Good point Mike... but you still need to return that toliet paper right away.
God, that is going to follow me throughout life now isn't it :-\
Mike Baker said:
God, that is going to follow me throughout life now isn't it :-\

Just remember the instructions of:
1) Open mouth
2) Insert foot
Guaranteed as well when you get someone on something they will bring up the toilet paper...its the law :D
Psh, while I understand the logic behind the bra, underwear south of the border is only for the timid! Go commando gentlemen!
Yeah try that in +50 and no change of pants for 50+ days....trust me at least I had one alt set of gitch so one pair could get washed, the thought of urine and fecal matter slowly encrusting my pants and yet still having to wear them next to my skin for weeks on end makes me gag!
Going commando is fine in Canada -- but it really does not work in theatre -- your sweat makes the unform soaking wet and the aforementioned "poodusttm" makes it like cardboard - and then sandpaper when it starts to dry...

And for the original topic...


Mike Baker said:
How would you know that?  :P

Once actually in, you'll come to realize that when in the military, you will see an ambudance of your comrades packages. In fact you'd be surprised at how desensitized you come to nudity.

As far as the new gitch, I love it. some of the most comfortable underwear I've ever worn.

As far as commando, that's definitely my choice, and at KAF it's not too bad what with laundry service available, but outside, the underwear is definitely an asset.

But as I6 pointed out, back to the subject at hand...Bra's, glorious bras!
Ok, slightly amusing story about underwear from a Wren who had served during WWII, at her VAC hearing in 2002.

This particular lady had suffered a hernia during her service time in 1942 and just prior to her release in 1946, was attended to by the med staff and had it repaired, it had come back to haunt her in her later life.  This was her part of her claim to VAC...

VAC board member:  Mrs X, can you tell the board of any recollections of you experiencing a sudden pain in the area of your hernia when you lifted one of those 46 pound liquor crates? Do you recall an exact time or incident of when you hurt yourself?

Mrs X:  Well, sir, back in those days all the Wrens were issued undergarments that we had to wear all day long.  I'm not sure if you are old enough to remember what a corset and girdle looks like, but that's what we had to wear under our uniform.  It covered us from here (pointing to her mid thigh) to here, (pointing to her upper chest) and it was like wearing a big elastic band.  It was great for giving us a neat little waist and a pointy chest but lousy for circulation and being able to feel anything. Sometimes they made us sleep in our corset and girdles just in case there was an air raid and we had to get dressed in a hurry and if you've ever worn a corset and girdle, you'd know it's not easy getting into them fast. You kind of have to wiggle into them.  (laughter all round from board members) But no sir, I don't recall being able to feel anything, let alone a part of my intestine popping out of place, all because of the underwear.  I had to wear those garments for 5 years straight and the doctor said that was probably one of the reasons I could still keep lifting all those liquor crates. 

Board Member: Well, yes, umm, I can see how that would have masked the injury...(I swear at this point he really wanted to be anywhere except there and discussing girdles with an 80 year old woman vet. )

So vet gets her pension and as a young woman, I breath a sigh of relief that someone, somewhere didn't decide to have us wear similar garments. 