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British Military Current Events

Elite forces face ‘barmy’ cuts

BRITAIN’S two elite fighting formations — the Royal Marines and the army’s airborne brigade — face deep cuts and a partial merger after this year’s general election.

Defence sources say that hundreds of troops from 3 Commando Brigade, which includes three Royal Marine infantry battalions, and 16 Air Assault Brigade, built around soldiers from the Parachute Regiment, are at risk of being axed as part of the next round of defence cuts.

Officials at the Ministry of Defence are understood to be considering a plan to create a joint airborne and amphibious force, which would see the marines put under the control of the army.

This weekend Major-General Julian Thompson, one of Britain’s most distinguished marines, who led 3 Commando during the Falklands War, branded the plan “barmy” and suggested it was being pushed by “enemies” of the military’s two high-readiness brigades from within the MoD.

“It reduces the country’s capability to react,” he said. “Why, if we are going to save money, get rid of the best people? Both the air assault brigade and the Royal Marines have their enemies within the defence establishment, including in the army.”

Senior military figures are braced for further swingeing defence cuts whatever the result of the election, after the Conservatives and Labour failed to pledge to maintain defence spending at 2% of GDP. The Institute for Fiscal Studies has calculated that to meet the Tories’ target of clearing the deficit by 2018 and to raise the cash for promised tax cuts, spending in unprotected areas, including defence, will need to be slashed by 26% after 2015-16.

David Cameron has pledged that the regular army “will stay at its current size” and military figures believe neither the Royal Navy nor the RAF can be shrunk much further without leaving serious capability gaps.

But this has exposed the Royal Marines, which are part of the navy but have survived the cuts since 2010 relatively unscathed.

The Royal Marines and the army's airborne brigade face a partial merger

Both 3 Commando Brigade and 16 Air Assault Brigade are also regarded as vulnerable, because they have their own units of artillery, engineers, medics and logistical experts that support their regular infantry battalions.

For instance, 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery — “the Commando Gunners” — provides artillery support for the marines, while 7 Parachute Regiment Royal Horse Artillery performs the same role, using the same type of field guns, for 16 Air Assault Brigade.

Similarly, 3 Commando includes the commando engineers, while the airborne brigade uses 23 Engineer Regiment (Air Assault).

This duplication of so-called “enabling” units is regarded as “fair game” in the next round of cuts, according to a senior defence source.

Under one option the army would incorporate the marines into an elite military force alongside the Parachute Regiment and the combined force would share the same artillery, engineers and other support units.

Cuts to the Royal Marines and paratroopers are likely to be fiercely resisted, particularly as they provide about 70% of successful recruits for the special forces.

“The marines and paras are not happy and are worried it will dilute their unique specialist capabilities and ethos,” revealed a military source.

Wet soldiers struggling to cope in jackets with no hoods

Jacket designed for use in hot climes has been rolled out as standard issue

Teenage Islamist fanatic 'caught on his way to behead a British soldier'

Court hears Brustholm Ziamani, 19, was stopped and found with the weapons wrapped inside an Islamic flag. He denies preparing an act of terrorism

Republican terrorists planned rocket attack on Martin McGuinness

McGuinness said he has been warned of the Continuity IRA (CIRA) plot by the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI).

In a statement released on Monday, McGuinness said: “I have been made aware the PSNI has discovered a plan to launch a rocket attack against me. The PSNI has said that a group calling itself CIRA considered an attack against me using a rocket launcher.”

A decision by McGuinness to meet the Queen in 2012 caused outrage among hardline dissident republicans opposed to the peace process in Northern Ireland. He has since met the monarch on three occasions, including as a guest at a Windsor Castle banquet last year.


RAF man jailed for shooting comrade in 'party trick' gone wrong

SAC Liam Gadsby had previously boasted to colleagues that he could pull the trigger on a loaded pistol without a bullet being fired

Reminds me of the part in Andy McNab's book Bravo Two Zero where he was being interrogated by the Iraqi Army after being captured in the First Gulf War, where he had a rather unique way of proving to them he wasn't a Jew or in the Israeli Defence Forces...

Daily Star
SAS soldiers fighting ruthless jihadis in Iraq have been warned not to be captured alive.

The elite troops have been ordered to “fight to the last man” rather than face being taken prisoner by the Islamic State militants.

The soldiers have also been told “save the last bullet for yourselves” if they are “surrounded and without hope of being rescued”.

The orders follow the murder of a Jordanian jet pilot who was burned to death after his plane was shot down.

AS commanders have told their troops it would be virtually impossible to rescue them because the militants move prisoners daily.

Their capture would be a major prize for the jihadis, who would inflict weeks of torture before executing them.

One source said last night: “The SAS have been told that if they are captured they can expect to be tortured before being beheaded, disembowelled or burned alive. They know there is virtually no chance of being rescued.

“Everyone taking part in the Iraq mission knows the risks.

“Most of the guys would never let themselves be taken prisoner – not by Islamic State (IS).”

The source said if SAS soldiers were captured they would expect the British Government to do the “honourable thing” and order an airstrike on the compound where they were being held.
S.M.A. said:
Reminds me of the part in Andy McNab's book Bravo Two Zero where he was being interrogated by the Iraqi Army after being captured in the First Gulf War, where he had a rather unique way of proving to them he wasn't a Jew or in the Israeli Defence Forces...

Daily Star

Good thing the SAS has the Star on overwatch for them  ::)
British Army examines plans to create a Sikh regiment

Armed Forces minister Mark Francois says unit would inherit many of the 'proud traditions of Sikh regiments' from the Army's past

A new unit would inherit many of the “proud traditions of Sikh regiments” from the Army’s past, he said.

Thousands of Sikh soldiers served in the British Army in the 19th century and in the First and Second World Wars, and 10 Victoria Crosses have been won by soldiers serving in Sikh regiments.

Speaking during defence questions in the Commons, Conservative former defence minister Sir Nicholas Soames urged ministers to "do away with political correctness" and raise a Sikh regiment.

He told Mr Francois: "You will be aware of the extraordinary gallant and distinguished service by Sikhs to this country down the generations.

"Would you not agree with me that it's high time to do away with the political correctness which infects some of this thinking and actually raise a Sikh regiment to serve in the country and make up a very serious gap in our Armed Forces?"

Mr Francois, minister for the Armed Forces, replied: "With regard to your specific suggestion, can I say that you are one of a number of Members of Parliament who have raised this suggestion with me recently.

"We have passed this possibility on to the chief of the general staff (CGS), who is now looking at this issue and we are awaiting CGS's comments back.

"But the idea may well have merit."

Teenage metal detector trawling Somerset river stumbles across hidden cache of 40 'IRA' weapons including 'Widow Maker' rifle and Nazi machine gun
• James Cork stumbled across cache of weapons in the Somerset Levels
• The 16-year-old was trawling the water with a magnet when he found guns
• Experts say some of the 40 weapons may have belonged to the IRA
• Among them were parts of a Nazi MG 42 and an M16 assault rifle

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2966075/Teenage-metal-detector-trawling-river-stumbles-hidden-cache-40-IRA-weapons-including-Widow-Maker-rifle-Nazi-machine-gun.html#ixzz3Sd2IbVh6

1 PARA VC... chuffed to bits  :salute:

How heroic Para won his Victoria Cross

L/Cpl Joshua Leakey has become the only living recipient of the Victoria Cross during Britain's Afghanistan campaign

It was supposed to be a routine mission like countless others during the long campaign in Afghanistan.

A joint force of British soldiers and United States Marines would helicopter into an area, flush out any fighters that might be there and hold meetings with the village elders.

Yet on what should have been an ordinary patrol, L/Cpl Joshua Leakey’s actions were so extraordinary that he has now won Britain’s highest award for battlefield gallantry.

The 27-year-old serving with 1st Bn the Parachute Regiment single-handedly turned the tide of a Taliban attack and prevented considerable loss of life by repeatedly running through heavy fire to man machine guns.

He has become the first living soldier to be awarded the Victoria Cross during the Afghan campaign and only the 15th to be awarded the medal since the end of the Second World War.

The 27-year-old was among around 20 British troops and a small force of marines ferried by two Chinook helicopters to a village south of Nowzad in Helmand, on August 22, 2013.

L/Cpl Leakey’s helicopter had landed near a hill outside the village, to provide protection for troops from the other helicopter who would move into the settlement.

Soon after dismounting from their helicopter the troops split up and a command group came under heavy and accurate machine gun and rocket-propelled grenade fire, pinning them down on an exposed slope. The group spent an hour trying to get out of the deadly fire, but a US marine officer was hit in the shoulder and their communications were put out of action.

L/Cpl Leakey and around six British soldiers were on the other side of the hill when they heard the gunfire and heard over the radio that someone had been shot.

The citation for his medal reads: “L/Cpl Leakey, positioned on the lee of the hill, realising the seriousness of the situation and with complete disregard for his own safety, dashed across a large area of barren hillside which was now being raked with machine gun fire.”

“As he crested the hill, the full severity of the situation became apparent: approximately twenty enemy had surrounded two friendly machine gun teams and a mortar section” meaning they could not offer covering fire.

First he moved down the hill and gave first aid to the wounded American.

But realising the Taliban still had the upper hand, he set off back up the hill to get one of the machine guns back into action.

When he reached the machine gun, the incoming Taliban fire was so heavy and accurate that bullets were hitting the frame. Undeterred, he picked it up and moved it to a better position to open fire.

L/Cpl Leakey told The Telegraph that he had been “reasonably aware” of the bullets landing all around him, “but you focus on the job at hand”.

He said: “If you spent your whole life wondering what was going to happen, what could happen to you, then you wouldn’t get out of bed in the morning, you wouldn’t get anything done.”

As he fired back at the fighters he could see them around 300 to 400 yards away in a half built compound.

His actions spurred on those around him to fight back, but not content, he decided that a second machine gun needed to be set up on the crest of the hill.

His citation reads: “Weighed down by over 60lbs of equipment, he ran to the bottom of the hill, picked up the second machine gun and climbed back up the hill again: a round trip of more than 200m on steep terrain. Drawing the majority of the enemy fire, with rounds splashing around him, L/Cpl Leakey overcame his fatigue to re site the gun and return fire.”

His actions were a turning point in the day and the joint force began to fight back ferociously.

Britain is becoming a friend who can't be trusted, says top US general

In an exclusive interview, Gen Raymond Odierno, US army Chief of Staff, says UK defence cuts are eroding his country's confidence in our commitment to global security

Britain is becoming a friend who can't be trusted, says top US general

He should talk!

America is becoming (has become) an Ally who can't be trusted, policies of Obama prove.
Rifleman62 said:
He should talk!

America is becoming (has become) an Ally who can't be trusted, policies of Obama prove.

“Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.”

Rifleman62 said:
He should talk!

America is becoming (has become) an Ally who can't be trusted, policies of Obama prove.

True enough.
daftandbarmy said:
“Nations have no permanent friends or allies, they only have permanent interests.”


Also true.
Rifleman62 said:
He should talk!

America is becoming (has become) an Ally who can't be trusted, policies of Obama prove.


We bend over backwards to support the U.S. and their present administration has done literally nothing for us.  Obama vetoing Keystone is nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned!
RoyalDrew said:

We bend over backwards to support the U.S. and their present administration has done literally nothing for us.  Obama vetoing Keystone is nail in the coffin as far as I'm concerned!

Actually, I find President Obama refreshing: he acts only in America's interests, as he and/or the Democratic Party define them. Why should we expect America to act in, say, Canada's interests? Why should Britain act in America's interests?

I don't blame Russia, for example, for destabilizing Ukraine ~ it (the destabilization and seizure of Crimea, etc) is, arguably in Russia's best interests; go for it ... but be prepared to pay the piper, too.

Admirals and generals, especially US admirals and generals, are very often weak on understanding and defining national interests, it tends to be the work of civil servants and the political classes.
I know many Americans who think that Obama is acting against American interests.
Loachman said:
I know many Americans who think that Obama is acting against American interests.

Yes, indeed; I think he's acting against America's interests ... but he, and around half of Americans, think he's on the right side of history.

My point remains that he, and his advisors, will, honestly, say they are acting in America's interests and, now and again, if those American interests happen to serve a broader international purpose, well that's a bonus ...
My point remains that he, and his advisors, will, honestly, say they are acting in America's interests and, now and again, if those American interests happen to serve a broader international purpose, well that's a bonus ...

Won't FIFY, but if I may be so bold:

My point remains that he, and his advisors, will, honestly, say they are acting in America's his own (Obama's) interests and, now and again, if those American Obama's interests happen to serve a broader US or international purpose, well that's a bonus ...

E.R. Campbell said:
Actually, I find President Obama refreshing: he acts only in America's interests, as he and/or the Democratic Party define them. Why should we expect America to act in, say, Canada's interests? Why should Britain act in America's interests?

I don't blame Russia, for example, for destabilizing Ukraine ~ it (the destabilization and seizure of Crimea, etc) is, arguably in Russia's best interests; go for it ... but be prepared to pay the piper, too.

Admirals and generals, especially US admirals and generals, are very often weak on understanding and defining national interests, it tends to be the work of civil servants and the political classes.

I agree ERC.  Obama is a shrewd politician and I think he has been positive for the U.S. despite what some Republican Hawks might say about him.  My comments were directed towards Gen Odierno with the premise being, "why should we scratch your back when you never scratch ours?"