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British Military Current Events


Back in my younger days, I used to get into scraps lots, where I grew up fights were as normal as walking.  But it was less ground stomping,  more 2 guys going at it until someone lost.  Not much glory in 2 guys puttin the Kodiaks to 1 guy one the ground.

Nothing wrong with a fair fight after all...
Eye In The Sky said:
Nothing wrong with a fair fight after all...

My experiences in the distant past with units like the Green Jackets is that, although the British came up with the  Marquess of Queensberry rules, the British infanteers did not find a 'one on one' a fair fight.  'Ten on one' was considered their norm, and kicking one in the head when down was acceptable for their mob mentality. 
The British infantry model.

Rupert and his platoon -

Sorry old chap - Stuck in pre-'14 mode, donchano! (1914 that is)
George Wallace said:
My experiences in the distant past with units like the Green Jackets is that, although the British came up with the  Marquess of Queensberry rules, the British infanteers did not find a 'one on one' a fair fight.  'Ten on one' was considered their norm, and kicking one in the head when down was acceptable for their mob mentality.

Sounds like Tignish Legion fightin' eh?  ^-^
Eye In The Sky said:
Sounds like Tignish Legion fightin' eh?  ^-^

Once upon a time I walked into a nightclub in Edinburgh and observed my entire platoon, about 25 of them anyways, engaged in a full out battle with about 50 or 'locals'. A lot of them were women...well, Scottish women.

What did I do?

I purchased a pint of 80 shilling, watched until I had half finished, then waded in and separated soldier from civvy with my bare hands and feet (lost my shoes somehow along the way), then pushed my guys out the aptly named emergency door before the Filth arrived.

On returning to my pint, having to climb over a pile of bodies on the dance floor to do so, I noticed that the people behind the bar had a kind of horrified look on their faces. I looked down and my shirt, the scraps that were left, were soaked in blood.

They thanked me profusely and poured me a complimentary pint, which I finished quickly, then headed out the door.

Just another night in a garrison town...
''Afghanistan broke a lot of men and a lot of good soldiers. It was carnage.''

Paul Jacobs suffered life changing injuries in Helmand and was awarded the George Medal. On Sunday, the blind soldier poet will run the London Marathon to commemorate his colleagues, living and dead.

As a Vallon man - the soldier in a patrol who carries the mine detector - his role was to find and destroy IEDs. In one incident, an IED killed one soldier and wounded four others. Another device then went off, killing the walking wounded and injuring seven more. “When you’re identifying a body just by a tattoo because there’s no head or arms, it’s a bit strange. When you’re having to pick up guts and arms and feet...

"You’re trained not to think about it. You just put it in a case and lock it up. There’s people dying, people screaming, just do your job and get back in, reassess the situation and attack harder and faster the next day.

Retired British Army General in his 80s to be sued over death of a Catholic man killed by loyalist paramilitaries in Northern Ireland more than 40 years ago

Eugene 'Paddy' Heenan, 47, was killed in east Belfast in February 1973
Widow Mary Heenan to sue MoD and General Sir Frank Kitson
She claims the Army used paramilitary gangs to contain nationalist threat
Sir Frank in charge of military operations in Northern Ireland in the 70s

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3057471/Retired-British-Army-General-80s-sued-death-Catholic-man-killed-loyalist-paramilitaries-Northern-Ireland-40-years-ago.html#ixzz3YXxJyfWu
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There is a British Army Gurkha team on Everest as part of their 200th anniversary program:

Statement from Brigadier Ian Rigden:

"The 14 x G200 Everest team members trapped at Camp 1 and their sherpas have been successfully helivaced to Base Camp.  They are all in good spirits.  Base Camp is unrecognisable and there is a considerable amount of work to do to secure it, help other teams and salvage what they can. The plan now is to assist at Base Camp for the next two days, when they will be joined by our expedition doctor (a former Everest summiteer and Reservist, who was making his way to join the team for the major climb phase) who is walking in. They will then extract themselves to Kathmandu on foot and by whatever means they can achieve. They have a very wide range of useful skills and the focus now is to assist the people of Nepal. 

The team has had a significant ordeal at Camp 1, surviving the follow-on after-shock earth tremors and numerous avalanches around their immediate area. Our team has been exemplary throughout and a great credit to the Brigade."

10 things you didn't know about going on a tour of duty

Do you imagine war to look like a group of soldiers watching rom-coms while eating Pizza Hut takeaway? Former Coldstream Guards captain Mark Evans didn't - until he went on tour


Queen Mother learned to shoot Buckingham Palace rats in case Nazis tried to kidnap Royal family

Queen Elizabeth taught herself to shoot in the grounds of Buckingham Palace during the Second World War, in case a German parachutist attacked

I liked the bit about Mrs. Rhodes having a go at the German airplane that came over their estate.  That would have been satisfying.
The Queen attended the amalgamation parade of the Queens Royal Lancers and 9/12 Lancers.They are now simply called the Royal Lancers.The Queen is sporting the Regiments new badge. :)


Murder of former Belfast IRA commander condemned
Senior politicians including Gerry Adams hit out at shooting of Gerard ‘Jock’ Davison, the most senior pro-peace process republican killed since 1997 IRA ceasefire
One of the Provisional IRA’s most senior members in Belfast has been shot dead, with Sinn Féin blaming “criminal elements” for his murder.
Gerard “Jock” Davison, a one-time commander of PIRA in the city, was shot at least once in the back of the head in front of children going to a local primary school in the Markets area of south Belfast at about 9am on Tuesday.
The fatal shooting took place at the corner of Welsh Street and Upper Stanfield Street, close to an office where Davison was employed as a local community worker. Local people reported children screaming with one crying out “Daddy, Daddy” when the gunman fired at the ex-IRA activist.

Royal Navy submarine lost at sea for 74 years discovered off Libyan coast

HMS Urge paid for by South Wales town of Bridgend before sinking without trace in Mediterranean in 1942 is discovered 160ft below sea

there is a British WWII sub sunk in the Med with a Canadian Officer on it that has yet to be found, just read about it in "Canadian Periscope"
Skydive soldier held for attempted murder after wife suffered horrific injuries when BOTH of her parachutes failed
Victoria Cilliers, 39, survived 4,000ft fall after her parachutes failed to open
Her husband Emile has been arrested on suspicion of attempted murder
Detectives are investigating whether Victoria's parachute was sabotaged 
British Army sergeant's wife suffered multiple serious injuries in jump

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3075101/Skydive-soldier-held-attempted-murder-wife-s-parachutes-fail-Experienced-parachutist-suffered-multiple-injuries-reserve-canopies-malfunctioned-solo-jump.html#ixzz3ZlRyHt90
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