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British Military Current Events

One in ten members of Armed Forces was born abroad

The number of soldiers in the British Army from Commonwealth countries has tripled in recent years.

Shooting stars: Stirring collection of award-winning Army photos shows Britain's servicemen at war and relaxing on the front line

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2215162/Army-Photographic-Competition-Stirring-collection-award-winning-photos-shows-Britains-servicemen-war.html#ixzz28uxHVdya
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1 PARA continues to support the UKSF community with on average 42% of the unit deployed or at Extremely High Readiness (less than 12hrs NTM). The major peak of activity over the last 6 months was during the Olympics when 3 of the 4 Strike Companies were committed on operations or in direct support of UKSF.

The challenge of the maritime private security companies appears to be receding with the number of soldiers Notice To Terminate falling as the private security companies move their recruiting focus to the Eastern European Market.

Although their actions remain in the shadows, the dangers those on operations face should not be underestimated: 2x US servicemen and 6x Afghan soldiers have been killed supporting SFSG operations, one paratrooper has lost his foot to an IED and a score of others have been wounded. Soldiers have also been awarded 1x MC, 2x MiD and 1x JCC in the last two Op Hons Lists.


2 PARA continue to concentrate on low level training for contingency operations prior to the start of their formal Unit build up training over the period Jan –Apr 13 prior to taking the Air Assault Task Force role from 5 SCOTS in May 13. This has allowed a plethora of opportunities for the battalion including training with a company of the Royal Omani Army, small group deployments on HMS PROTECTOR during her tour in the South Atlantic, the Mortar Platoon trained a Serra Leone battalion about to deploy to Somalia, a small group joined 2nd REP for their Camerone day celebrations, and sent a team to South Africa to compete in an African shooting competition.
The bulk of the battalion was deployed in support of the Olympics and the battalion will rotate companies with 3 PARA through the FIRIC tasking this Summer and Autumn, so it is unlikely the battalion will complete it summer leave allocation much before Christmas! The battalion is currently the focus for recruit inflow and it is anticipated that the battalion will return to a three rifle company ORBAT in Jun 13.
On the sporting front the battalion reached the quarter finals of the Army Football Cup and provided players to the Army and Combined Service Teams. The battalion aims to follow in the footsteps of 3 PARA and is preparing to enter a team in the Army Novice Championships this season. In addition the battalion managed to deliver two large scale skiing expeditions.
The 70th Anniversary of Op BITING was very well attended although the planned parachute descent was cancelled to torrential rain.


3 PARA continue to hold the Airborne Company and Bn TAC HQ in support of 5 SCOTS as the Air Assault Task Force and will do so until 2 PARA takeover the role in May 13. Similarly to 2 PARA the battalion has concentrated on low level skills and has grasped the opportunities afforded by the FIRIC role to conduct some very arduous field firing in harsh weather conditions. The Olympic support task took any remaining manpower from the battalion.
3 PARA retained the Army Novice Boxing Trophy and look set to try and repeat the feat again this year.
The battalion has lost a significant amount of manpower to the private military companies but as with 1 PARA this now appears to be stabilising. In June the battalion celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the Falklands with a dinner night at which the majority of the 3 PARA Officer veterans attended.


Another busy year for 4 PARA, the smallest TA Infantry battalion, who mobilised 16 pax to deploy with 1 YORKS in Apr 12, another 71 pax in support of the Olympics and a further 34 pax who will deploy on HERRICK 18 in October with 2 RTR.
The battalion conducted a highly successful Freedom Parade in Liverpool. This event also included a 70th Anniversary Commemoration Supper in St George’s Hall. 4 PARA was involved in this years Arnhem celebrations where over 1,200 paratroopers from 9 nations jumped onto Ginkel Heath DZ in front of some 20,000 spectators.
All of this has been conducted against the backdrop of the Army 2020/Future Reserves 2020 papers. Critically 4 PARA has been selected as the first Reserve Infantry Battalion to integrate into a Regular command structure (16 Air Asslt Bde) and a study has been commissioned by 16 Air Asslt Bde into incorporating Reservists into the High Readiness Air Assault Task Force.
On the adventure training side 4 PARA ran a very successful Regimental skiing trip to Kitzbuhel where 54 paratroopers endured a P Coy on skis and a cross Regimental group conducted a diving trip in the Red Sea.


After failing to load fully the first 4 platoons of the training year, PARA Trg Coy are now building up to full training capacity and agreement has been reached with ARTD for an additional SE platoon to train this year. This will maximise the PARA Trg Coy out load to 10x SE platoons (starting at 48 per platoon) and 2x JE intakes from AFC(H) with a maximum of 60 JE soldiers joining senior platoons in Week 6. The CIC (PARA) course has been overhauled again to undo the resources driven changes which impacted negatively in the previous training year and the use of professional athletic psychological training techniques has been employed to better prepare the recruits prior to P Coy. These have increased the pass rates both in P Coy and throughout the course and for the first time pass rates are averaging 50%.
The PARAs 10 was again hosted by P Coy in September and we wait to find out what the total amount raised for Parachute Regiment charities.


My focus, in line with the Col Comdts ME, since arriving in Apr 12 has been to return the Regiment to full manning. In order to realise this have I engaged with ARTD, the Commanders Regional Recruiting (CsRR) and coordinated and focussed the efforts of the Regimental Recruiting Team. ARTD has authorised an increase in the number of platoons that the Parachute Regiment can train at ITC (although manned with BE), and on the back of a National Infantry Recruiting campaign the RRT has focussed on the main conurbations in the Midlands and London.

From a position where the Regiment was failing to fill the recruit platoons starting at ITC, we now have the highest number of candidates attending Army Development and Selection Centres (ADSC), have fully loaded platoons with a 12 week lead time for loading into a platoon, have increased the JE out load from AFC(H) to ITC from 30/yr to 60/yr and through a review of training at ITC have increased the overall recruit platoon pass rates to 50%.

It will take about 6 months before the effects of this will be seen by the battalions but, with the diminishing lure of the PMCs, the effects of A2020 on the wider Infantry which is likely to lead to increased interest in transfer to PARA Bns, and a proposal from APC that the Parachute Regiment is taken out of the Tranche 3 and Tranche 4 redundancy pools as a Pinch point trade, I would anticipate that 2 PARA can return to a 3x Rifle Coy ORBAT by Jun 13 and 3 PARA to a 3x Rifle Coy ORBAT by Jan 15.


Paul Rogers continues to give clear direction to the Colchester RHQ, with Maj Paul Raison now established as the Regt Adjutant.
The RRC continues to deliver the coordinated and coherent service in the recovery and or transition of Regimental soldiers who are downgraded. The impact of Tranche 3 redundancy is forcing COs to ensure that any downgraded personnel are being managed within the PAP10 regulations (any that are not within the PAP10 process by Jun 13 will become liable for T3 action) which has increased the numbers they are coordinating to approx 250.


The Red Devils continue to be a success and as previously reported is one of only two Army Display Teams to be formally recognised and publicly funded. The team will be publicly funded from 01 Jan 13, however the Team’s current operating model and sponsorships will remain in place. Negotiations are ongoing regarding the recovery of sunk equipment costs (approx £264K) but there is a recognition that the Regiment should be reimbursed for the transfer and use of their freefall equipment.
The Regimental Branding will remain prominent as it moves into the public domain.


Since the last update Commemoration Pilgrimages have taken place in Normandy, South of France and Arnhem. The 70th Anniversary of Op BITING took place in June with representation by CO 2 PARA and Major Gen James Bashall on behalf of the Col Comdt.
The unveiling of the Parachute Regiment and Airborne Forces Memorial at the National Memorial Arboretum on 13 Jul 12, in torrential rain, was a memorable occasion and it is the intent that the Regiment use the Memorial as a centre of gravity for future memorials. The PRA will be leading on a memorial day on 22 Jun 13.

And for anyone who wondered, Operation Biting was the raid on a German radar station near Bruneval by a company-sized force under the command of Major John Frost.

Soldiers risk court martial in first march on Houses of Parliament since Cromwell: More than 400 troops to protest over axeing of Fusiliers

    Serving soldiers will join march despite being threatened with court martial
    First time soldiers have demonstrated on streets of London since 1649

By Mark Nicol

PUBLISHED: 21:11 GMT, 13 October 2012 | UPDATED: 21:11 GMT, 13 October 2012

More than 400 serving and retired troops will this week descend on Parliament to  confront David Cameron in a  protest unprecedented in the  history of the British Army.  Officers and soldiers from the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers will mount the Army’s first picket of the Palace of Westminster on Thursday after the Government axed its second battalion.

Despite being threatened with court martial, serving soldiers are due to join their retired colleagues on the march, which coincides with a Parliamentary debate about defence cuts.  The Army forbids their participation in any anti-Government demonstration.

It is the first time soldiers have demonstrated on the streets of London since the Bishopsgate Mutiny of 1649, when 300 members of the New Model Army launched a protest against Oliver Cromwell’s order that they be sent to Ireland.

(full story continues with photos - comments mine)

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2217318/Soldiers-risk-court-martial-march-Houses-Parliament-Cromwell-More-400-troops-protest-axeing-Fusiliers.html#ixzz29Dqkl3LX
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John Shaw on Hard Talk

Well done John! Nice to see the press is always sneaking around and looking for a way to get a headline.... ::)

Coil Willie McCracken passed away last week. Knew him pretty well as he was the OC of the Cdo guns in Arbroath when I was with 45 Cdo. A fantastic guy who will be much missed.

Here's his MC Citation. Apart from the guns, his favourite weapon was the 66mm, which he used a few times to take out lots of bad guys during the Mt Longdon fight:

Captain William Andrew McCRACKEN (501653), Royal Regiment of Artillery Capt. McCracken, 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery, was in command of an Artillery and Naval Gunfire Forward Observation Party grouped with B Company 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment during the period 13th-14th June 1982. During the attack on Mount Longdon in the early hours of 12th June Captain McCracken consistently brought down artillery and naval gunfire safely in very close proximity to his own troops allowing them to manoeuvre whilst still maintaining contact with the enemy. Throughout this period he and his party were continually under heavy enemy small arms, mortar and artillery fire. Much of the time the Company Headquarters with which Captain McCracken and his party were co-located were involved in the small arms fire fight and in this fire fight Captain McCracken made a significant personal contribution, accounting for several enemy dead. Captain McCracken showed outstanding personal courage whilst carrying out his duties in a most professional, calm and competent manner. His control of artillery and naval gunfire undoubtedly accounted for many enemy casualties and greatly assisted in minimising our own. His determination, professionalism and courage were an example to all. Always in the thick of the fight, he made a significant personal contribution to the success of the mission and to the minimising of casualties to the Battalion. During the night of 14th June Captain McCracken and his party were regrouped with 2nd Battalion The Parachute Regiment for their attack on Wireless Ridge. Throughout this attack Captain McCracken was sited in an exposed OP position on Mount Longdon. Under constant enemy mortar and artillery bombardment Captain McCracken continued to bring down accurate and effective naval fire. This fire resulted in the successful neutralisation of at least one company objective and the harassment of enemy gun positions. The application of indirect fire played a major part in the success of the Battalion's attack, the minimising of our own casualties and the eventual surrender of the enemy. Captain McCracken's high courage and professional skill were in the highest tradition of the Royal Artillery. (L.G. 8.10.82)
This is reproduced under the Fair Dealing provisions of the Copyright Act from The Sunday Times:

Navy carriers to get part-time jets

Tim Ripley

Published: 21 October 2012

BRITAIN’S two new aircraft carriers may be without aircraft for most of the year because of a row over how to deploy 40 new strike jets.

Navy and RAF chiefs are at loggerheads over who gets control of the F-35 joint strike fighter (JSF), versions of which are being bought to operate from the two 65,000-ton super-carriers from 2018.

The row follows the government’s embarrassing U-turn earlier this year when it announced it was abandoning plans to buy a catapult-launched version of the JSF and instead go for the cheaper but less capable jump-jet model favoured by the previous Labour government.

The defence secretary, Philip Hammond, later revealed he was reducing the number of aircraft being ordered from 138 to “around 40”.
Hey, Corp, is that an army-issue bikini? Serving NCO, 26, wins UK Bodybuilding Championship

•The British Army corporal, 26, served in Iraq in 2007
•Haywood is from Salisbury, Wiltshire, and in the Adjutant General's Corps
•Competition took place in Manchester

daftandbarmy said:
Hey, Corp, is that an army-issue bikini? Serving NCO, 26, wins UK Bodybuilding Championship

•The British Army corporal, 26, served in Iraq in 2007
•Haywood is from Salisbury, Wiltshire, and in the Adjutant General's Corps
•Competition took place in Manchester

Naaah.  Too skinny by half for my tastes!!!

She looks better in cammies with mud on her face.
Kirkhill said:
Naaah.  Too skinny by half for my tastes!!!

She looks better in cammies with mud on her face.

She's from Salisbury. I spent quite a bit of time there and can attest to hers being a rare 'visual' quality for that particular part of the world.
Kirkhill said:
Naaah.  Too skinny by half for my tastes!!!

She looks better in cammies with mud on her face.

MPs: Scottish independence 'will force UK to abandon Trident'

Scottish independence will force the remainder of the UK to abandon nuclear weapons for at least two decades, according to report by MPs published today.

The Scottish Affairs select committee has concluded Scottish independence would mean the rest of the UK having to abandon nuclear weapons for at least 20 years

The Commons Scottish Affairs select committee said it would be possible to move Trident submarines and their missiles from their base on the Clyde within two weeks of separation.

However, the construction of replacement facilities south of the Border could take up to 20 years, they said, effectively forcing the UK Government into “unilateral nuclear disarmament”.

The Continuous At Sea Deterrent, whereby at least one of the submarines is patrolling the UK’s shores around the clock, would stop as a result.

The MPs said it was extremely unlikely a separate Scotland would allow Trident to remain permanently, while basing the submarines abroad would be politically fraught.

A possible solution would be a gentlemen’s agreement that would allow the UK to continue basing the submarines in Scotland while they found a suitable alternative elsewhere and built the necessary facilities.

Northern Ireland-related terrorism threat level changed

MI5 Threat level update: 24 October 2012

The Security Service has changed the threat level from Northern Ireland-related terrorism in Great Britain (England, Scotland and Wales) from SUBSTANTIAL to MODERATE. This means that Northern Ireland-related terrorist attacks in Great Britain are considered to be possible, but not likely.

The threat level for Northern Ireland-related terrorism in Northern Ireland remains at SEVERE. The threat level for international terrorism remains at SUBSTANTIAL across the whole of the United Kingdom. This reflects the continuing threats from dissident republican groups in Northern Ireland and from international terrorists throughout the country.

The public should remain alert to the danger of terrorism and for suspicious activities and any other potential signs of terrorist activity that may be encountered.

The threat level for Northern Ireland-related terrorism is separate from that for international terrorism. It is also set separately for Northern Ireland and Great Britain. It was published for the first time in July 2010, when the threat level was raised from MODERATE to SUBSTANTIAL in Great Britain while remaining at SEVERE in Northern Ireland.

More about the threat level system: http://mailinglists.mi5.gov.uk/XM9-YYM7-6JFZUA-DJLNR-1/c.aspx

Channing Day: Shot by her own side in moment of chaos
A confrontation with policeman, then third British servicewoman of conflict lay dead

At 2.30pm on Wednesday, Corporal Channing Day was on foot patrol in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand province when her unit came across an Afghan man wearing ordinary clothes. The man apparently had a weapon and was washing his hands.

Precisely what happened next is shrouded in confusion, but the result was a firefight in which Cpl Day lost her life at the age of 25. While the Ministry of Defence was unable to produce a definitive account of the incident, Afghan officials suggested that the British soldiers, no doubt in a state of heightened alert, had mistaken the man for a Taliban insurgent and opened fire.

In fact, they said, he was an Afghan policeman who had left his checkpoint nearby to clean himself before prayer.

According to one official, the policeman’s colleagues saw him come under attack and returned fire. One source said the British even began firing rockets.

Amid the confusion, three people, Cpl Day, Cpl David O’Connor, a Royal Marine from 40 Commando, and the policeman, were killed.

Two Gurkhas shot dead in Afghanistan by gunman in police uniform

Latest deaths bring the number of UK forces killed in ‘green on blue’ attacks to 11 this year

Two British soldiers have become the latest victims in the rising toll of fatalities from members of the Afghan security forces turning their guns on their allies.

The soldiers, from 1st Battalion The Royal Gurkha Rifles, were shot at a checkpoint in the Nahr-e-Seraj district of Helmand by a gunman in a police uniform who is said to have opened fire without warning.

Dirty bomb terror threat breakthrough: British scientists build machine to detect smuggling of nuclear materials

Technology expected to be rolled out across Britain's ports and airport as part of the UK's secret Cyclamen nuclear monitoring system

Duchess of Cornwall becomes Colonel in Australian Military Police

Prince Charles and his wife Camilla, the Duchess of Cornwall, inspected the Royal Guard at Victoria Barracks and took a game of touch football on Bondi Beach as they continued their Australian leg of their Diamond Jubilee tour.

After a quick ride across Sydney harbour, first stop was at Garden Island Naval Base where Prince Charles inspected the Royal Guard Band before meeting members of the Australian Defence Force.

As newly appointed Colonel in Chief of the Royal Australian Corps of Military Police, the Duchess of Cornwall inspected the Royal Guard at Victoria Barracks before delivering a speech.

"It gives me enormous pleasure to address you today as your new and very proud Colonel in Chief. This is a very exciting time for me, not only because of the great honour you have done me but, because it is also my first trip to Australia and I deeply regret having left it this late," said the Duchess.

Prince Charles visited the Museum of Contemporary Art where he met with producers and designers of clothing made from wool.

The Prince is International Patron of The Campaign for Wool, a global community of sheep farmers, manufacturers and designers aimed at educating people about the benefits of wool in everyday use and fashion.

The son of Falklands hero Col H Jones VC is to take charge of Britain’s 9,000 troops in Afghanistan.

Brig Rupert Jones, 42, will arrive in Afghanistan in April as commander of 1 Mechanized Brigade.

He is the younger son of Lieutenant-Colonel H Jones, the Victoria Cross hero, who died leading a charge against Argentine positions 30 years ago.

Brig Jones will be around the same age his father was when he led the 2nd battalion of the Parachute Regiment at the Battle of Goose Green.

To read more: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/uknews/defence/9654301/Falklands-hero-H-Joness-son-to-command-British-troops-in-Afghanistan.html