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British Military Current Events

The 'murder and mayhem' squad: Shocking new revelations by former undercover soldier who carried out 'shoot first, ask questions later'

Former British soldier says unit carried out secret campaign against the IRA

Says controversial shootings were carried out by the Military Reaction Force

His accounts are being studied by Historical Enquiries Team

'I thought I was going to die... so I tried to kill as many as I could': Hero Gurkha receives bravery medal from the Queen
A Gurkha soldier who single-handedly defeated more than 30 Taliban fighters has been awarded the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross by the Queen.

Corporal Dipprasad Pun, 31, described how he was spurred on by the belief that he was going to die and so had nothing to lose in taking on the attackers who overran his checkpoint in Afghanistan.

His gallantry award is second only to the Victoria Cross - the highest honour for bravery in the face of the enemy.

Iconic hero of Goose Green kills himself hours after Argentina reignites hostilities: 'Sabre-rattling' may have triggered Para's post-traumatic stress

• Ex-Para who featured Goose Green victory footage found dead in car
• Stephen Hood died just hours after row over islands reignited
• His widow has now urged politicians to stop their sabre-rattling

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2257792/Stephen-Hood-Iconic-hero-Goose-Green-kills-hours-Argentina-reignites-hostilities.html#ixzz2HJk4KQUs
A British soldier has been shot dead in an apparent insider attack in Afghanistan.

In a statement the Ministry of Defence said the soldier, from 28 Engineer Regiment, attached to 21 Engineer Regiment, died yesterday (Monday) as a result of small arms fire from a suspected member of the Afghan National Army.

The MOD says the attacker turned his weapon on ANA and ISAF soldiers in Patrol Base Hazrat in the Nahr-e Saraj district of Helmand Province.

There are unconfirmed reports that a further six British soldiers were injured.

The family of the dead soldier has been informed.

Spokesman for Task Force Helmand, Major Laurence Roche, said: “This is an extremely sad day for the Corps of Royal Engineers and everyone serving with Task Force Helmand. Our thoughts are with the soldier’s family and friends at this time.”

Screwed up municipal politics... nice to see we have alot in common  ;D

Wrapped in the flag

The loyalist protests in Belfast have almost nothing to do with politics. That is why they are so alarming
Jan 12th 2013 | BELFAST | from the print edition

OVER the past six weeks flag-draped protesters have become part of the Belfast landscape. Loyalists arrange demonstrations and roadblocks—up to 80 a night—on social media, which means local residents usually know roughly where they will take place. Belfast’s bus company, Translink, tweets rolling updates on which services have been disrupted; taxi drivers get the news from their dispatchers. On days when many protests are expected, rush hour starts early; by evening, normally busy roads are almost deserted.

The protests began on December 3rd, when Belfast city council voted to limit the number of days the union flag is flown over the city hall to about 20 a year, mostly national holidays and royal birthdays. In Northern Ireland the flag has a political meaning. It is not just a reminder that the province is part of the United Kingdom but a visual statement that it must remain so. To many Catholics—who may now outnumber Protestants in Belfast—it is also a reminder of a less equal past. Unionists on the city council voted against the restriction on flag-flying. But few were prepared for what has followed.

:piper: Styupid gits fur puin' the flag doon in the furst place. Ulster's no part o' Eire.

Ah'm surprised the Nationalists didnae want equal time for the Tricolour.  :piper:
Kirkhill said:
:piper: Styupid gits fur puin' the flag doon in the furst place. Ulster's no part o' Eire.

Ah'm surprised the Nationalists didnae want equal time for the Tricolour.  :piper:

I'm sure the PNIS are happy... loads of dosh from overtime, a few pieces of pond life to bash, and hopefully a minor injury claim for a big cash payout!
Ex-Dragoon,  your link doesn't work

Glock 17 9mm pistols replace Browning for UK forces

Belfast riots.

Awww.... Isn't that cute? They're using water cannon.

I always found that a troop of Marines with clubs was more effective  ;D


"We got one. We got two....."
Billy Clubs
Water cannon.
David Cameron praises C17 plane just moments before it breaks down

David Cameron today praised “our most advanced and capable transport
plane" just moments before it got stuck on the runway on its way to assist the French in Mali.

US general says Britain risks 'special relationship' if it cuts military

Britain will be shut out of key decisions in the 'Special Relationship' with the US if it does not maintain credible military capabilities, America's former top commander in Afghanistan has warned, recalling experiences of Britain's failures in war zones.

'We're free!': Four British hostages tell Algerian television how they escaped Al Qaeda but 10 are still feared dead or injured in bungled refinery rescue raid

Freed British workers look unharmed and praised Algerian army for rescue saying they are desperate to come home
Darren Matthews, from Teesside says he is desperate to get home but was thinking of the men still there
100 of the 132 foreign hostages have been freed but 32, including UK citizens, are still unaccounted for
At least 31 hostages of 15 nationalities are dead, including two Britons, with 11 Al Qaeda terrorists also killed
Algeria's state news agency said 12 hostages have been killed since the start of the operation to free the workers
PM sends special forces to Algiers to 'hunt down' terror ring leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar known as 'The Uncatchable'But Algeria still refuses to accept help as American drones scour the Sahara for clues about the Al Qaeda linked group

One escapee claims a terrorist spoke with a 'perfect English accent' raising fears the radicals had links to the UK
Motorists face paying more for their fuel as City speculators drive up oil prices following terror attacks

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2264583/Hunt-Furious-Cameron-sends-special-forces-12-Brits-die-bungled-refinery-rescue-raid--Algeria-STILL-refuses-cooperate.html#ixzz2IMiIi4BN
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Over the coming weeks and months, some 25,000 Glock 17s will replace Brownings as the pistol of choice in all three Services.

The MOD today signed a £9m deal with Viking Arms in Harrogate to provide the military with their first new pistol in more than 40 years.

The Glock 17 Gen 4 – to give it the full title – is not only much lighter than the Browning currently in use, it is also more accurate and its magazines can carry more bullets (17 compared with its predecessor’s 13).

Personnel across all three Services will begin to receive the new Glock 17s in the coming weeks and troops deployed to Afghanistan will be among the first to use the new weapon. The contract with Viking also includes more than 25,000 holsters.
Their entire military is getting a new pistol;  it isn't just the Royal Marines like your title leads people to believe.

It's also been posted before
Well done, Ginge...

CNN Breaking News

Britain's Prince Harry said that he killed Taliban insurgents on his latest tour of duty in Afghanistan as a crew member on an Apache attack helicopter.

Harry has been serving for four months as a co-pilot gunner in southern Helmand province and flew on scores of missions with the trigger to rockets, missiles and a 30mm cannon at his fingertips.

Visit http://www.cnn.com/ to learn more about Prince Harry's military service.
Well done indeed.  Another story from the Daily Mail, lots of photos and a video as well. 

-Skeletor- said:
Their entire military is getting a new pistol;  it isn't just the Royal Marines like your title leads people to believe.

It's also been posted before

I was on the RN site when I saw, didn't know others got it.
Prince Harry's tour is over and it was a success from all accounts.


In this image released on January 21, 2013, an Apache ground crew member wears a t-shirt describing the firepower of the helicopter, at the British controlled flight-line in Camp Bastion on October 31, 2012 in Afghanistan. Prince Harry has served as an Apache Helicopter Pilot/Gunner with 662 Sqd Army Air Corps, from September 2012 for four months until January 2013.


In this image released on January 21, 2013, Prince Harry wears his monocle gun sight as he sits in the front seat of his cockpit of an Apache helicopter at the British controlled flight-line in Camp Bastion on November 2, 2012 in Afghanistan. Prince Harry has served as an Apache Helicopter Pilot/Gunner with 662 Sqd Army Air Corps, at the British controlled flight-line in Camp Bastion southern Afghanistan, from September 2012 for four months until January 2013.


In this image released on January 21, 2013, Prince Harry (L) walks to his Helicopter with a fellow pilot at the British controlled flight-line in Camp Bastion on November 1, 2012 in Afghanistan. Prince Harry has served as an Apache Helicopter Pilot/Gunner with 662 Sqd Army Air Corps, from September 2012 for four months until January 2013.


(EDITOR'S NOTE; Some parts of this picture have been digitally changed for security reasons) In this image released on January 22, 2013, Prince Harry, makes his early morning pre-flight checks at the British controlled flight-line at Camp Bastion on December 12, 2012 in Afghanistan. Prince Harry has served as an Apache Helicopter Pilot/Gunner with 662 Sqd Army Air Corps, from September 2012 for four months until January 2013.