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Buying/selling Medals Superthread [merged]

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Nice to know I am held in such high regard by a federal politician.

Well, what is one to do?
Families sell off their heritage all the time.
While I surrendered my granddad's medals to the R22R museum at La Citadelle, I hung on to his miniatures. Suitably framed with a couple of pictures of him in uniform... hope those who follow will look after the heritage that I leave them
What a POS!  >:(

The majority of our military heritage antiques would have been lost long ago had it not been for the efforts of private collectors! It would be great if everyone treated the items with the respect and care they are due, but I shudder to think the amount that would have ended up in the dump had some family member not brought them in to a dealer or militaria show to see what they were worth instead of tossing them.

My father is one of the largest dealers of military antiques in the country, who started off as a collector himself. I have been surrounded by the industry since birth. To call people who pour their heart and soul into preserving military heritage the "scum of the earth" is reprehensible! As Tess said how many hundreds or thousands of hours has this MP put into researching Canada's military past, preserving and restoring items, publishing articles and books, etc etc... Mr Stoffer is either grossly ignorant of collecting, a political opportunist, or both.
Stoffer is evidently another one of the poster children for the cause to eviscerate powers of the federal government.  He may be fit to govern some people, but is unfit to govern many.  His power of reason just doesn't meet standard.
Whoa boys! I gotta tell you Peter Stoffer is one of your biggest supporters.  I was at the dinner for the UN vets in August with him and he loves the CF and the Vets. He is against the sale of medals for profit...is that a sin? You are reading a press report and we all know how they warp the facts to suit their agenda to sell papers. Peter is against people making profit from selling medals won with blood...is that a bad thing?
Whoa boys! I gotta tell you Peter Stoffer is one of your biggest supporters.  I was at the dinner for the UN vets in August with him and he loves the CF and the Vets. He is against the sale of medals for profit...is that a sin? You are reading a press report and we all know how they warp the facts to suit their agenda to sell papers. Peter is against people making profit from selling medals won with blood...is that a bad thing?

Then he does not know the true feeling of people who respect our history, for him to use such strong words.

Totally unacceptable, and unless he has an alternative method of preserving historical memorabillia, my challenge is still up.

A prohibition of the sale of all medals, historical memorabillia and such?

Ignorant, in my opinion.


Whoa boys! I gotta tell you Peter Stoffer is one of your biggest supporters.  I was at the dinner for the UN vets in August with him and he loves the CF and the Vets. He is against the sale of medals for profit...is that a sin? You are reading a press report and we all know how they warp the facts to suit their agenda to sell papers. Peter is against people making profit from selling medals won with blood...is that a bad thing?

Then what does he expect to happen when a family member doesn't want to keep those items?  Will he also have it legislated that they must be donated to a Museum?  How will that be enforced?  Will he have it legislated that Museums must research and display every medal they get?  How will he ensure that is done, and funded?  Or will thousands of medals simply sit in boxes in museums all over the country, because they don't have the resources to research them?

He has tried to push through a members bill which would prevent the sale of medals.  What is his plan for what happens after that?  Until he presents a complete plan, he is simply a moral menace threatening the willing activities of many diligent researchers and collectors who spend countless hours and dollars pursuing their hobbies?

If he thinks he can separate the "scum of the earth" speculators from the 'honest' collector/researchers, how exactly does he propose to do that?

If we have been misled by the papers, as you allude may have happened, where is his retraction and explanation?
In the same Paper on the same date....
Painting sells for $475,000
Ottawan plans to invest heirloom's auction price in her children's futures

Geoff Nixon The Ottawa Citizen

Saturday, November 24, 2007

CREDIT: Bruno Schlumberger, The Ottawa Citizen
Kaileigh Richter says she was drawn to a Tom Thomson painting because of the artist's alliterative name, not his art. She was 10.

An Ottawa woman sold a painting she inherited from her grandmother at auction in Toronto last night for $475,000 -- only months after discovering it was an authentic work from famed Canadian painter Tom Thomson.

Kaileigh Richter decided to sell the painting after having it appraised and learning that it would cost an estimated $10,000 per year to insure.

She told the Citizen last night that parting with the painting was a "bittersweet" affair, but that she would put the money she received from the sale to good use.

"We're going to invest in our kids' future," she said.

The painting was the subject of intense bidding from six suitors for "about 20 seconds, maybe a minute," she said.

Ross Sullivan, spokesman for Heffel Fine Art Auction House, said the purchaser would pay a 15-per-cent "buyer's premium" on top of the $475,000 "hammer price," and then pay taxes on the combined total. The auction house fully restored the work before it went on the block.

The price well exceeded the estimated selling price of $350,000 to $450,000, he said, demonstrating the level of interest art collectors have in acquiring a Tom Thomson work.

"Because his work is so scarce and he died so young, his work is in demand," he said.

Mrs. Richter said she believed the buyer would enjoy the painting and would probably display it more prominently -- until recently, it had been hanging behind a piano and under a heating vent in her mother's living room.

"It was not a very good place for fine art," she joked.

The 1915 work, recently titled Woodland Interior, Algonquin Park, was given to Mrs. Richter's great-grandfather, Albert H. Robson, by Mr. Thomson.

At the time, Mr. Robson was Mr. Thomson's boss at a Toronto advertising agency.

It was later held by her grandmother, Georgina Robson, who died when Mrs. Richter was only 10.

Mrs. Richter picked the painting out of a lot of her grandmother's belongings because she liked the sound of the artist's alliterative name.

"They had pulled out a series of paintings and there was a discussion of some sort ... and when I heard the name Tom Thomson, I said, 'Oh, I'll take that one!'" Mrs. Richter told the Citizen in a previous interview. "I hadn't even seen it, really. I picked it because I liked his name." with files from Jessey Bird

© The Ottawa Citizen 2007
Copyright © 2007 CanWest Interactive, a division of CanWest MediaWorks Publications, Inc.. All rights reserved.


Next step, stop the sale of Historic Canadiana art given to ancestors of Canadians......



If Stoffer is one of our "biggest supporters", he wouldn't be a member of a party that has such an antipathy towards the Armed Forces and such a brainless position on our current mission in Afghanistan.

I've collected Victorian Campaign medals myself - medals awarded to soldiers long passed on.  Where does this end?
I believe what he was getting at are those collectors who rip people off.Those medals are pretty common,or their not worth much being famous quotes.Taking advantage of people looking for enough money to get by.

Did you ever think some of those medals you hold are only in your hands due to a family needing money?Looking around their houses and the most valuable thing they can find is some medals.Sell's them to a collector for a fraction of the price he sells them for.

Some people have good reasons for collecting medals.Regimental museums etc.However people buying and selling peoples decorations for profit is a tad much in my opinion.
X-mo-1979 said:
I believe what he was getting at are those collectors who rip people off.Those medals are pretty common,or their not worth much being famous quotes.Taking advantage of people looking for enough money to get by.

Did you ever think some of those medals you hold are only in your hands due to a family needing money?Looking around their houses and the most valuable thing they can find is some medals.Sell's them to a collector for a fraction of the price he sells them for.

Some people have good reasons for collecting medals.Regimental museums etc.However people buying and selling peoples decorations for profit is a tad much in my opinion.

So, you -- like Mr Stoffer, assume that anyone buying or selling medals (ie collectors who are scum of the earth) who are not doing so for Regimental Museums etc, are only buying & selling medals for profit?? That just means you haven't read the posts from the collectors who've commented below and that you too are a presumtuous ass on this issue.
Sorry that's my opinion.Being a presumptuous *** or not.
Having a differing view on this site than others deserves personal attacks?

Bravo you.

Again it all depends on how its collected and why its collected.
And yes I can understand Mr Stoffer's view.

X-mo-1979 said:
Sorry that's my opinion.Being a presumptuous *** or not.
Having a differing view on this site than others deserves personal attacks?

Bravo you.

Again it all depends on how its collected and why its collected.
And yes I can understand Mr Stoffer's view.

Having a differing view on this site than others deserves personal attacks?

I was considered a Scum of the earth, by a member of Parliament, and you agreed with him.

Sorry, didn't read the guidlines of "this site" that elevated your opinion above those that I hold.



COBRA-6 said:
What a POS!  >:(

The majority of our military heritage antiques would have been lost long ago had it not been for the efforts of private collectors! It would be great if everyone treated the items with the respect and care they are due, but I shudder to think the amount that would have ended up in the dump had some family member not brought them in to a dealer or militaria show to see what they were worth instead of tossing them.

My father is one of the largest dealers of military antiques in the country, who started off as a collector himself. I have been surrounded by the industry since birth. To call people who pour their heart and soul into preserving military heritage the "scum of the earth" is reprehensible! As Tess said how many hundreds or thousands of hours has this MP put into researching Canada's military past, preserving and restoring items, publishing articles and books, etc etc... Mr Stoffer is either grossly ignorant of collecting, a political opportunist, or both.

And might I add, Your father is one of the finest sources of items for us collectors.  This may sound like a cheap advert, but check out;



Mr. Stoffer, you will see each of this gents items are pure history, and he is providing a service to those that wish to preserve it.

Rather than worry about the sale of medals, why not work on the reasons why they are sold from the family.  Were the vets cared for when alive?  Oh, I see that you like to work on the aspects of vets, but why not search for methods to aid collectors who labour on preserving our history?


X-mo-1979 said:
Sorry that's my opinion.Being a presumptuous *** or not.
Having a differing view on this site than others deserves personal attacks?

Bravo you.

Again it all depends on how its collected and why its collected.
And yes I can understand Mr Stoffer's view.

Good, and like I said below -- then you too are being a presumtuous ass on THIS issue. That doesn't mean I think you're a presumtuous ass on ALL matters. That'd be very presumtuous of me now wouldn't it; and, THAT would be a personal attack.  ;)
"I believe what he was getting at are those collectors who rip people off.Those medals are pretty common,or their not worth much being famous quotes.Taking advantage of people looking for enough money to get by."

These are the people I BELIEVE Mr Stoffer is calling "scumbags".And those are the people I also dislike.I'm sure you have seen the car dealers who tell you "well its not worth 5000,that type of car is hard to sell...however I'll TAKE IT OF YOUR HANDS for YOU..."

Not once did I call anyone on this site a scumbag.Unless you openly admit to ripping people off.
X-mo-1979 said:
"I believe what he was getting at are those collectors who rip people off.Those medals are pretty common,or their not worth much being famous quotes.Taking advantage of people looking for enough money to get by."

These are the people I BELIEVE Mr Stoffer is calling "scumbags".And those are the people I also dislike.I'm sure you have seen the car dealers who tell you "well its not worth 5000,that type of car is hard to sell...however I'll TAKE IT OF YOUR HANDS for YOU..."

Not once did I call anyone on this site a scumbag.Unless you openly admit to ripping people off.

No, it was this part of the post you've again quoted (but left this bit out -- funny that)

Some people have good reasons for collecting medals.Regimental museums etc.However people buying and selling peoples decorations for profit is a tad much in my opinion.

Tess isn't collecting for a Regimental Museum etc ...

so I guess he falls into your "scumbag" category.

A lot of those who are buying and selling those medals for PROFIT are putting those profits right back into RESTORING & PRESERVING those medals, and it's very presumtuous of Mr Stoffer to label them as "scumbags" and for you to agree with him simply based on the fact that they are not collecting for some "Regimental Museum etc"..
"Some people have good reasons for collecting medals.Regimental museums etc.However people buying and selling peoples decorations for profit is a tad much in my opinion"

Yes.As I said,its not really worth much.....but I'll give you 50 bucks for the collection.
Making profit off of peoples lack of knowledge of what they actually have itsnt right in my opinion.

not trying to be shady by leaving that out sorry.Just really didnt see its importance.However it is also now explained.

I apparently made some people angry on the issue,i'll back away from it now.You guys have been here for a while,and are most likely right on the subject.

Sorry for that,I'll try to keep my opinions to facts I can back up. :)