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Cadpat Appropriate for Wear in Public?

Do you think that Cadpat/Combats is an appropriate form of dress for CF Members attending public eve

  • Yes, I think that cadpats should be appropriate for wear at all public occasions.

    Votes: 152 52.2%
  • No, I think that DEUs are a better representation of a professional when in the public eye.

    Votes: 139 47.8%

  • Total voters
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I'm with you Infanteer ;D - In CADPAT everyone looks the same and we know how impressed the ladies can be by all of those fancy pins, gongs and war stars.
yes, i know, first post, so dont take anything i say seriously ;)
the CF needs something along the lines of the US khakis, crisp pants, and shirt with tie, DEUs are high on the formal side, great looking, but too much for office work or anything along those lines, it seems there is only two options, too much or not enough?
as for cadpats in public, i think no, the military is supposed to dazzle and inspire, cadpat doesnt do that for the average joe
as for cadpats in public, i think no, the military is supposed to dazzle and inspire, cadpat doesnt do that for the average joe

Have to disagree here. A lot of it is bearing pride and confidence.
You can tell the difference between a soldier who yanks on a set of combats and drags his ass to work and someone whos in good fitting cadpat combats with a maroon beret, belmoral or beret with capbadge.

I've seen lots of guys and girls out there who make you think "Wow, this person has a real professional aura about them".
DEUs look great for formal events but IMHO pride and bearing makes a soldier a hell of a lot more professional irregardless of what he or she is wearing.
forget it! We've gone through that stupid "uniform for every day of the week" crap. Two different DEUs, combats, and that god-awful Garrison dress. Screw a buncha that noise!
Do you realize that I now have 18 pairs of black footwear as it is? EIGHTEEN! I got two friggin' feet!
paracowboy said:
forget it! We've gone through that stupid "uniform for every day of the week" crap. Two different DEUs, combats, and that god-awful Garrison dress. Screw a buncha that noise!
Do you realize that I now have 18 pairs of black footwear as it is? EIGHTEEN! I got two friggin' feet!

"hear, hear!"
Ugh.  Garrison dress.  In my basement I have tans, garrison dress and all kinds of other useless kit.  I was so happy when they got rid of garrison dress!
EDIT: thought this was a different thread, and it had a comment attached to it... but nvm

... sorry for being such a civvy, but what is "garrison dress", and "tans"? Got any pics (I know the DEU or whatever it is and of course combats, but the others..... ????)

" "No. 4 (Garrison) Dress", which consisted of the old-style work dress pants, a disruptive-pattern jacket, a black web belt, a short-sleeve summer Service Dress shirt with the collar open and over the jacket collar, and high paratrooper-style garrison boots. Due to concerns over the number of uniforms Army personnel had to carry with them on postings and taskings, the tan summer DEU was eventually retired, and the winter uniform mandated for year-round wear. The garrison dress uniform was never popular with the combat arms, who generally eschewed it for the combat uniform, even in garrison; Land Force Command soon stopped altogether and authorized combat uniform for all occasions where garrison dress was deemed appropriate, and eventually this authorization was extended to Land environment personnel in other commands. "

Ah, wikipedia, would have been smart to look there first....  ;D
I think wearing a combat uniform in public is fine so long as you conduct and compose yourself in a professional manner (Especially if you are going out for a few drinks).  My own unit's policy on wearing a uniform in public tends to vary on the CO/RSM at the moment, and whether or not the CF is getting some bad press.  Sometimes its allowable, other times it is a strict no-no. As far as wearing deu, as much ladies like the kilt, I would prefer going out in combats, as my unit would not be happy if I ruined a $500 kilt.  And yes I have gone out in uniform, mostly cause it was spur of the moment and I didn't have change of clothes.
I think every reservist has at one point or another gone out for a brown pop, after work or exercise in uniform... personally i dont think there is a real issue provided everyone behaves... but the problem is that this doesnt always happen. personally I'll go out breifly after a parade night for a drink and some food with my work buddies from time to time. but we also make sure when in the public eye to carry ourselves properly. no acting like asses, dont be too loud, dont talk about inapropriate subjects, dont get drunk, be polite and respectful to any civilians you may encounter. etc...

truth be told... where I live, the uniform doesnt do jack. Girs here just dont care... or maybe i really am just that ugly.... nah.. im a beautiful and unique snowflake....

anyways, my .02, if youre gonna go out, make sure youre wearing it properly, it looks good, and you act like an adult...
.  However, we have a reputation of always being well turned out with our service dress uniforms because we make a point of keeping marpat utilities for work/field and using service dress or blues for public functions.


The Marine dress uniform is IMHO one of the sharpest dress uniforms out there, if not the sharpest. While I obviously can't speak for everyone, the CF DEU is more than a bit dated. Even after having it tailored etc... the uniform just looks a little drab and dated.

Short story one of my old CO's a full Col. was standing downtown Ottawa waiting to cross the street while wearing DEU's. A civie asked him when the next bus would be past, the Col. replied that he didn't know, the civie was surprised that someone who "drove a bus for a living" would not know when the next one would be coming past. Kind of speaks to the general ignorance of the average Canadian while at the same time it's pretty bad when your dressed and pressed and you get mistaken for a bus driver.

Do I think we should all look like Marines, well no of course not. But I think the CF DEU could be improved. What's the answer to be honest I don't know.
Okay, here is a civie wifey's point of view:

CADPAT is hot looking on most everyone. I fight myself every morning, and again at lunch time to keep from attacking hubby and let him go to work.  :-* But, it is everyday wear...

DEU's are hotter...that is why I like Rememberance Day so much...not only can I observe the sacrifice that so many men and women have made for our country at home and abroad...but I can stand in a sea of eye candy....mmmmmm.....rows upon rows upon rows of hotties in crisp, sharp, official uniforms....YUMMY!

Mess Dress....WOWZERS!! There is something to be said about a shortwaisted scartlet tunic and bowtie...it far surpasses any tux the "average joe" could wear. :salute:

As for weather CADPAT or DEUs should be worn to a hockey game or other function...I am in full agreement with Paracowboy on that one. If there is no alcohol involved and the members are behaving appropriately then wear the CADPAT. If you are parading on the field or ice...wear the DEUs.

People tend to be more conscious of their behavior and therefore behave more professionally when wearing DEUs, that may be because they have the feeling of it being a formal dress...or it could be because they don't wear it everyday and therefore are just that much more aware of the situation after having taken the time to dryclean or freshly press it. Members wear CADPAT almost everyday...so it is their second skin...and thus can forget that even in CADPAT they represent the CF as a whole and professional behavior can sometimes go out the door due to feeling of comfort and routine.

It is important that all members, RegF or Res, remember that while wearing any version of their uniform a modicum of professionalism is expected of them...therefore going to a bar in CADPAT should be justly frowned upon. It is one thing to stop at a place after work for ONE beer to help unwind maybe while munching on some nachos...but to go to a bar with the intent to have more than just a beer to unwind, definately not kosher in my opinion.
Devlin said:
Kind of speaks to the general ignorance of the average Canadian while at the same time it's pretty bad when your dressed and pressed and you get mistaken for a bus driver.

During a fundraising activity in a supermarket, somebody took a long good look at my DEU's and told me very seriously that she really liked the new cashiers uniforms.   She then proceeded to ask a real cashier why she wasn't wearing a tie.....
y'know what? The more I think about this thread, the angrier I get.
We're debating uniforms when we have troops that haven't fired their weapons in a decade, Infantrymen who are lucky to shoot once a year, aircraft that don't fly, subs that don't surface, and Exercises so short that troops learn nothing.
We're talking about form over function, and the whole thing is shallow. I say get rid of DEUs entirely, and put that money towards things that will keep soldiers alive on the battlefield, airmen alive in the skies, and sailors alive on the seas.

Anybody who's worried about looking good in uniform, try doing a fucking push-up once in a while!
vanislerev said:
yes, i know, first post, so dont take anything i say seriously ;)
the CF needs something along the lines of the US khakis, crisp pants, and shirt with tie, DEUs are high on the formal side, great looking, but too much for office work or anything along those lines, it seems there is only two options, too much or not enough?
as for cadpats in public, i think no, the military is supposed to dazzle and inspire, cadpat doesnt do that for the average joe
Hate to tell you but you can press DEU trousers & Shirt... they can be just as "sharp" as the Marine Khakis or the Army's service dress.

With respect to wearing Cadpats at a public activity..... when you have 30 guys all wearing a uniform that has faded to 30 different hues & colours (not even taking into account the differences between tops & bottoms.....
Hate to tell ya but; you really don't look all that professional & "uniform"

just my personal 2 ¢ worth
Paracowboy is right, we have far larger problems in the CF than our Dress Uniforms (which are pretty sad, in comparison to most other militaries) but I think we could do a far better job of looking professional and compeptent in the public eye if we simply enforced PT standards.

If every Canadian citizen thought "soldier" and the image of a fit, clean cut man/woman came to mind, it would have a far greater impact than us wearing DEUs all of time!

Sadly this is not the case, as our combats come in sizes up to something ridiculous like a 60" waist.

Nothing does more damage to our credibility and "image" than a sad sack of hammers waddling through the mall with their touque pulled down to thei noses, as they gasp out an order at McDonalds.

Ever seen a fat Royal Marine/USMC/ Ranger etc.? - did'nt think so,

Concentrate on the soldier, not the uniform, that is what the public sees, and will remember.
I think soldiers going out in public in cadpat (Well behaved and not swearing) is a good thing. More publicity and people become more comfortable with the fact Canada has soldiers and they live next to them.  DUE's are a little too formal IMHO for stuff like that.

I'd like to touch on this actually. Wearing cadpat among the public does make it seem like people do live among soldiers, that the soldiers are integrated in the society. When seeing someone in DEUs, though, people seem to think that they've come from somewhere else... they almost draw too much attention for something menial and make people notice them to the point that they seem like a different part of society rather than being integrated in it.
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