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Cadpat dress regs?

SupersonicMax said:
Meh, I just guess it's not as critical as a safety lever on a grenade.  It cannot kill people.  That's when I use common sense ;)

What's drill again?

So, as a young Officer in training, you're suggesting that we can decide which reg's we have to follow and which ones we don't??  So, if I was working on your plane, you don't care if I have a few sips of Southern Comfort then right?  I mean, its not as critical as a safety lever on a grenade.  (I am assuming you actually have handled and thrown live frag's before).

Ok I think we've made our points and before someone starts throwing sand  :P in the sandbox, maybe we should end this hijack here.  8)
SupersonicMax said:
I've never seen a 2-piece in an ejection seat aircraft.  Any reason?  My guess is it would be extremely unconfortable plus it could be an issue in an ejection.

I do not think that it would make a bit of difference.
Eye In The Sky said:
So, as a young Officer in training, you're suggesting that we can decide which reg's we have to follow and which ones we don't??  So, if I was working on your plane, you don't care if I have a few sips of Southern Comfort then right?  I mean, its not as critical as a safety lever on a grenade.  (I am assuming you actually have handled and thrown live frag's before).

Well, I've thrown a few grenades over the last few decades, and I've laced my combat boots my way and still managed to avoid blowing myself up in the process and function quite well during other parts of my job. My Oxfords, however, are straight-laced.

The Southern Comfort/aircraft maintenance comparison is just nonsense, even if Southern Comfort is a pleasant beverage.
Ligthen up some guys  8)

The point I am trying to make is...where do you/we/anyone draw the line on the regs we follow and ones we don't?  If you can't keep it light, then maybe you should keep out of it.
Eye In The Sky said:
So, if I was working on your plane, you don't care if I have a few sips of Southern Comfort then right?  I mean, its not as critical as a safety lever on a grenade.  (I am assuming you actually have handled and thrown live frag's before).

Well, i have also handled a few live grenades here and there. Flying an aircraft into a container ship at 200+ knots is just as deadly. I dont drink and fly but my boots.......well, whatever. As long as i have them on.

Rules are rules but sometimes, theres bigger, more important rules to focus on. I'm pretty sure that at my rank, position and experience level, i can be trusted to know which is which.

......and SC is my drink of choice  8)
You know this isn't a bad question, I too am wondering now if there are any regs. Though I don't have a lot of questions , may be thats why there aren't any regs.

I remember you had to twist the strings in the OG's to hid them and so on.
CDN Aviator said:
Well, i have also handled a few live grenades here and there. Flying an aircraft into a container ship at 200+ knots is just as deadly. I dont drink and fly but my boots.......well, whatever. As long as i have them on.

Rules are rules but sometimes, theres bigger, more important rules to focus on.

Good points.  And I agree, its just easy to ruffle you're guys feathers (or so it seems!).  I was picking on the young fella Max mostly in fun anyways...(mostly  ;D).

Eye In The Sky said:
Good points.  And I agree, its just easy to ruffle you're guys feathers (or so it seems!).  I was picking on the young fella Max mostly in fun anyways...(mostly  ;D).

I was not ruffled.

Strings on the combats......I never seen any rules but its always been done that way ("its been like that for the last 20 f'ing years, if you dont like it get the f**k out" was my first RSMs favorite line) and besides...the strings hanging out just looks stupid.
Acer Syrup said:
You know this isn't a bad question, I too am wondering now if there are any regs. Though I don't have a lot of questions , may be thats why there aren't any regs.

I remember you had to twist the strings in the OG's to hid them and so on.

I know where I am, there is something written in the WCWOs Dress Instruction.  Having said that, enforcing that is a different story. (laces tied in bows like little kiddies and flopping all over, combined with mbrs who don't use boot bands and have the tie strings also hanging out comes to mind immediately.)

When I was green, what was allowed in garrison and in the field were not the same.  Example, we were allowed to unblouse the pants in the field, to help keep cool.  

If you think of it, the only real thing to consider with the LWCC is sleeves up/down and the blousing of the pants.  The rest is...obvious, isn't it?
Lacing boots = whatever. But for inspections on a CO or other forms of parades then I give a damn. Rest of the time, what ever rocks your boots... Literally.
Jabrwock said:
CFP265 covers in detail all "parade" dress and related gear (mess dress, service dress, etc), but is there a CFP that covers the same for CADPAT & related uniforms (ie operational wear)? I'm familiar with most of "how to wear it" as other than some style and material changes they haven't altered much from back when I was in cadets (and we were wearing the old OG107 style combats), but is there a manual/pam that covers "operational wear" in more detail that Chapter 6 does?

Yes I'm aware that most of "how to wear your gear" is covered in Basic Training. But a reference is never a bad thing.  :)

Does it cover Scottish Regiment's DEU's as well?
greenjacket said:
We wear Number 1 Ceremonials on Nov 11 sometimes

There are units for which that applies and some to which it doesnt.
Dress regs can result in some amusing sights under the right circumstances.

I've been told of an RCR officer who CTed to air force and got posted to 427 sqn. For some time in Petawawa, as he had not yet completed all of his phase training, he was still wearing his old RCR cap badge that he was entitled to- but on his blue air force beret. Apparently correct according the regulations, as he wasn't entitled to his new cap badge yet, but one of those strange as hell occurances that nobody would have anticipated.

Similarly funny things can happen with dress regs when reserve infantry (and all the funny hats we're known for) start getting seconded to different units on workup training...
Which now allows me to tell this funny story.

Canada day, this year.  I am getting all my ducks in order for the Canada day ceremony at the old port of Montreal.  All the units tasked with personnel are to have them report to the BlackWatch armouries first thing in the morning for a quick practice, etc.  I am running around making sure all EIS, etc is where it's supposed to be.

I run down to the basement where everyone is lined up signing for weapons when I do a double take on a soldier who is wearing a black beret with an infantry (ducims) cap badge!!  I was a little too busy to converse with him as to HOW he had gotten that all set up but I told him to start asking around and to find a greeen beret..

Worst thing was.. I was not the first person of a supervisor rank to have passed him.. and he had somehow managed to come off course with that setup!!

Bzzliteyr said:
Which now allows me to tell this funny story.

Canada day, this year.  I am getting all my ducks in order for the Canada day ceremony at the old port of Montreal.  All the units tasked with personnel are to have them report to the BlackWatch armouries first thing in the morning for a quick practice, etc.  I am running around making sure all EIS, etc is where it's supposed to be.

I run down to the basement where everyone is lined up signing for weapons when I do a double take on a soldier who is wearing a black beret with an infantry (ducims) cap badge!!  I was a little too busy to converse with him as to HOW he had gotten that all set up but I told him to start asking around and to find a greeen beret..

Worst thing was.. I was not the first person of a supervisor rank to have passed him.. and he had somehow managed to come off course with that setup!!

Wow, that's a bit of egg on the face for some instructors...

I've seen a flight suit and balmorral worn as dress of the day by some reservists who lucked into a really obscure tasking. Plus SNCOs from the Argylls have the option of wearing a Glengarry in lieu of a balmorral, so there's been at least one glengarry being worn with a flight suit by a Sgt amongst that same group. The air force guys apparently just didn't know what to make of it.
Loachman said:
Door gunners.

That would be the one. I wasn't sure if it was kosher to mention specifics, as I've not seen that tasking discussed here before.
one of the worst things I've seen is the infantry cap badge on a 48th Highlander balmoral worn by someone on their BMQ
Need I bring up the flipside, of wedge with combats?

*dons flame-suit*