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Ltmel said:
Army CIC are discernable from others (by military pers.) by their slip ons, the Air and Navy are not required to wear CIC slip ons with combats.

That's because with the exception of the TacHel types, no one in the Air Force or Navy wears unit identifying tabs on their slip ons. The only way to distinguish a CIC from the rest of the Air Force types is the cap badge on their headdress.

Strike, I understand your dilemma. You're on an army base and they're loath to issue kit that the army types don't all have even though you're entitled to it because you wear a blue hat. Everyone in Shearwater (including Aircrew) has been issued 3 x pants and shirts, ICE Jackets (heavy weight and intermediate), ICE pants (heavy weight and intermediate), Tilly hat, rain jacket and rain pants. All in CADPAT. The rain jacket is by far my favourite piece of kit, totally Gucci, you guys have them don't you?
Inch said:
That's because with the exception of the TacHel types, no one in the Air Force or Navy wears unit identifying tabs on their slip ons. The only way to distinguish a CIC from the rest of the Air Force types is the cap badge on their headdress.

Strike, I understand your dilemma. You're on an army base and they're loath to issue kit that the army types don't all have even though you're entitled to it because you wear a blue hat. Everyone in Shearwater (including Aircrew) has been issued 3 x pants and shirts, ICE Jackets (heavy weight and intermediate), ICE pants (heavy weight and intermediate), Tilly hat, rain jacket and rain pants. All in CADPAT. The rain jacket is by far my favourite piece of kit, totally Gucci, you guys have them don't you?

wow i know alot of Army guys that dont have the CADPAT rain gear yet let alone the new cadpat gortex jackets...
patty said:
wow i know alot of Army guys that dont have the CADPAT rain gear yet let alone the new cadpat gortex jackets...

Tilly hat: yes.
CADPAT Cbts: yes.
CADPAT Jacket/IECS:seen it, but not issued yet.
CADPAT Rain Gear: didn't even know it existed. Of course, what do us West Coasters need rain gear for.   ;)
The AF slip ons are going to be like the OD ones except when deployed, where it will be the regular ones that we have now.  At least I won't have people staring at my chest trying to see if they need to salute me or not.

As for the Gortex jackets (the ones with the reflective strips) they are not "officially" part of the aircrew scale of issue, only the techs, although some of us already have them.
patty said:
wow i know alot of Army guys that dont have the CADPAT rain gear yet let alone the new cadpat gortex jackets...

The CADPAT rain gear was a specific purchase by the Air Force and therefore is not issued to the Army. The only time I ever saw one was on a Sig OP attached to the TAC HEL SQN in Gagetown.

But I hope eventually the Army will get them.

As for the CADPAT Gortex Jacket I believe that they are currently issued while on deployment but I believe that they are in the process of exchanging the OD green ones for those.

Chimo! >:D
*Note to Air and Naval CIC* Army bin rats will provide nearly anything for you for the cost of a pint or two ;)
By this I mean treat them as you would your good neigbour, and catch them around lunch time, or near quitting time.
Civvy employees of the DND will rarely give you anything on your scale of issue so bypass them whenever possible.
Get to know the Military bin rats on a person to person level, and you'ld be surprised at what you might find in that "shopping cart"

I used this personal approach for years at Chilliwack Stores, go upstairs, hear NO! from the ladies, go downstairs or over to clothing  hear: "why the Heck not?"
paper gets submitted by the bin rats, or simply gets lost in the system  ::)
There is a limited amount of the Rain Suits floating around in the Army.  I know the some of 1 RCR got it, and I think some of the men out west received it as well.  There might be a few sets around that people on bases with air force might stumble on, as the Airforce is almost fully converted to the rain suit.
Define soldier?

I was thinking of a clever way to answer this, and went to dictionary.com and came up with these:

1 One who serves in an army.
2 An enlisted person or a noncommissioned officer.
3 An active, loyal, or militant follower of an organization.
4  a. A sexually undeveloped form of certain ants and termites, having large heads and powerful jaws.

#4  made me laugh, because if you replace "ants and termites" with "men and women" it is pretty bang on.

I understand the argument that because CADPAT has become the dress of the day, CIC should receive it, and I think the majority of people accept it. I have issues with it, as CIC are members the CF, but there is no requirement for a CIC to have a camouflage uniform, as it is meant for combat. If they call the CIC to go to war, I would imagine that we have hit the bottom of the barrel, so to speak. Not that I've looked too closely, but I haven't seen any Canadian Rangers with CADPAT, and I would be more inclined to see them wearing it than CIC. Here's some info (snipped) from the DND site on their scale of issue:

What equipment and dress are Canadian Rangers provided?

The Canadian Ranger uniform is based on the concept that the Rangers, being outdoors people, are well equipped and able to survive in their environment. Rangers are issued only minimal Canadian Forces equipment and clothing. Their uniform consists of a red Ranger sweatshirt, T-shirt, ball cap, brassard, vest and toque.

I think the whole argument about there being very little in the way of OD combats leftover (to issue to CIC) is a pile of steaming hot shite. If we were to assume that every member of the CF had 2 pair before we switched to CADPAT, that would be 160,000 sets (based on a military of 80,000 (60000 Reg, 20000 Res). Plus all the war stock, etc, etc. So, let's say, even at the low end, 100000. Let's say 50% weren't serviceable (but considering I was forced to wear "negligee" combats (see through) for a long time,, I would be inclined to say "tough shit" if that constitutes unservicable), that leaves us at 50000. Hell, lets say only 25% were servicable, that's 25000. Now, with 6600 CIC officers (number given earlier in this thread), we could give them 4 pairs each (some would only get 3, but tough luck to them). Yes, I am forgetting about size issues, but so does the CF, and there are people who get paid big money to think about that, so I think I can be excused, as I am not one of those people. So, there's that issue. Would it be a burden on the supply system? Well, they already exist, so keeping a bunch of pairs on a shelf won't kill them. They stock maternity clothes, and that is for a fairly small segment of the CF (ie service women who are pregnant at any given time), so the old OD combats shouldn't be a problem.

After that exercise in futility, I feel a bit worn out..... Again, the original question has been answered by many, and whether or not we agree means little or nothing (like all decisions made by our hierachy). Personally, I think it's strictly a matter of kit envy, and the fact that it looks "cool". I doubt there was this much hubbub when the lovely camoflage army work dress came out. We were looking for ways NOT to wear it. I will be torqued if I see ONE CIC officer wearing the CADPAT ICE (goretex) jacket before I get mine (the majority of pers in Gagetown haven't received it yet)  :threat: , or again, if their is even one "real" soldier (ie one that goes to the field and gets wet.... not one who "needs" it to wear between their car and their office..... don't get me going on that....) that doesn't get it before a CIC officer.

2332Piper said:
When recruits on BMQ get issued their CADPAT (and gortex, and poly-pro, and a tac vest, and all the other gucci kit) like I did, I don't think it would kill the supply system to give the CIC folks two sets of CADPAT and a jacket. Its just easier tossing some CADPAT at them as opposed to making and distributing old OD or some other sort of workdress solely for the CIC.
Wow, I wish I got all that crap when I got my initial issue. I got no gucci kit in my initial issue, I still do not have a goretex jacket, won't be getting a tacvest for a long time and I'm not entitled to any gucci kit. All I am entitled to, or got issued at least, is one pair of goretex boots, polypro, and goretex gloves. Sure I don't need the other fancy stuff, but it would be nice to have for summer training. I mean, I wish I could even get a Gerber. Its a lot of fun cutting down a hoochie with your KFS during a bugout. Sure I don't need it, but if new recruits are getting the stuff, why don't I?
I would be happy with issued OD's! as long as they are issued, better than paying for them.  Allan you have a very valid argurment, but i think ti still goes back to the uniformity issue, and as members of the CF, we represent the image of the CF.

winter cdapt, you mean the winter whites in cadpat correct ?


Allan Luomala said:
I was thinking of a clever way to answer this, and went to dictionary.com and came up with these:

#4   made me laugh, because if you replace "ants and termites" with "men and women" it is pretty bang on.

much hubbub when the lovely camoflage army work dress came out. We were looking for ways NOT to wear it. I will be torqued if I see ONE CIC officer wearing the CADPAT ICE (goretex) jacket before I get mine (the majority of pers in Gagetown haven't received it yet)   :threat: , or again, if their is even one "real" soldier (ie one that goes to the field and gets wet.... not one who "needs" it to wear between their car and their office..... don't get me going on that....) that doesn't get it before a CIC officer.


I never asked for a Cadpat IECS coat, just said as members of the CF we are entitled to the same basic uniforms.
and thank you for defining solider it supports my point any one who acaccepts the Queens $ is a soldier but not all are combat soldiers.
my72jeep, I think it would be prudent to point out that not all members of the CF are entitled to Goretex jackets. For me, my basic combat uniform consists of CADPAT and a combat 4 seasons jacket dating from 1981. If it is deemed that I do not require Goretex to do my training, how is it fair that a less qualified CIC officer receives that kit for doing weekend exercises with cadets? My point here is simple, the basic uniform of the CF does not include a Goretex jacket, therefore the CIC basic uniform should not have it either.
I have not said i am entitled to a gortex jacket.I have said " same basic issue".
OK, at the end of the day it boils down to this..... As members of the CF(and they are), they are entitled to wear the uniform of Canada, whether if its CADPAT, or DEUs.

End of argument. If you are RegF, PRes, CIC, you all have equal rights for clothing as members of the CF.


Wesley H. Allen said:
OK, at the end of the day it boils down to this..... As members of the CF(and they are), they are entitled to wear the uniform of Canada, whether if its CADPAT, or DEUs.

End of argument. If you are RegF, PRes, CIC, you all have equal rights for clothing as members of the CF.



I know what you're getting at Wes, but I'm going to disagree. I'm RegF, I'm issued 4 flights suits, does that mean every member of the CF should be issued 4 flight suits? Also, until the Air Force changed to the CADPATs for their work dress, I wasn't entitled to a combat uniform at all. The point is that there are differences between what kit you need which will dictate what you're entitled to. I don't see why a RegF OCdt would still be wearing a 4 season combat coat while CICs that wear combats once or twice a month are be issued IECS.

CIC's are not yet entitled to IECS jackets yet. If they have them its by the old boy net, a supply guy who takes timms bribes, e-bay, or like me its an older used version that no one in the reserve unit wanted. but as I,v seen the closer to NDHQ you parade the newer your uniforms are.
That is it on the head Sir, the closer you are to the base the better the clothing or faster you get it. ( They wanted some of our Officers to drive 5 Hours to Chilliwack Stores to pick up thier CADPAT). Eventually mailed but still.....
The Old Boys Network/Timbit bribe is a far faster way to obtain almost anything you need, or want :salute:
badpup said:
That is it on the head Sir, the closer you are to the base the better the clothing or faster you get it. ( They wanted some of our Officers to drive 5 Hours to Chilliwack Stores to pick up thier CADPAT). Eventually mailed but still.....
The Old Boys Network/Timbit bribe is a far faster way to obtain almost anything you need, or want :salute:

I really love the ethics and morality shown by this, and the post that said that "paperwork got lost".  ::)
CIC officers do not have an operational requirement for Tac Vests or helmets. Nor strictly speaking do we have an operational requirement for Cadpat. The fact is that we are issued Cadpat and we are entitled to wear it. If the system changes and CIC officers do become a deployable part of the PRes, helmets, tac vests and all the other goodies should be considered for issue, depending on trade etc.  That being said an '82 pattern set of webbing would be nice, but not absolutely required.
I am quite happy with any and all kit supplied to me by the crown, and anything I want in addition to my scale of issue is between me, my wife and my Visa card. And seeing that I am a bit of a kit sl*t, that's saying a lot!

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