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CADPAT Rain Gear

I looking for new GTX (or more precisely say waterproof) coat and I my current choice is CADPAT Hardshell Jacket from CP GEAR.
What do you think about it? Is it good choice?

noneck said:
I have a set of the airforce raingear and I cut out the mesh liner, it definitely makes it a lot more packable.


So you have kit you aren't entitled to AND you damaged it?  ;D

FWIW, the AF raingear does have a epaulet (spelling?)  (front only) with a snap fastener for rank slip ons.
Still the question remains......   Where is our raingear. Yes I know that units that are going on TF are getting it for pre-depolyment train and that they should. But when the hell is the rest of us going to get it. I just want to know if we are getting soon or if I should drop some $$$$ and get a stealth suit. Any time I ask a Supply Tech this question they look at me and say " You are not entitled to the Airforce raingear ", I tell them that there is new raingear for the Army and that is in the system (cue the look of surprise) and the tell me that they never heard of it. This tells me that they (Base Supply) has little or no info on the new raingear or when we are getting it.
I am not a kit hog, I don't want it because its new and different, my unit is in the field a lot and I spend a lot of time supporting ranges and I just want it so I can say dry and not spend my own money to do it.
Frostnipped Elf said:
In Petawawa they have been issuing new TW rain gear to Sigs pers deploying to Texas as part of TFA HQ Roto 6. AR rain gear is available enroute to KAF.

Nice....What about the Battle Group?
Last time I went I wasnt entilted to it.

Still had the old crappy oil stained one in Texas...and waiting.

According to the CTS site, it is 'in contracting'.


The CTS site is a good reference site as to what we are getting and its care and maintenance, but how often do they update it?
( If TF units are getting the CADPAT Raingear for pre-deployment training then its no longer in contracting, its being delivered)
Someone, somewhere must know when it is going to get issued to the rest of the army, starting with all the combat arms units, then everyone else after that.
It's in contracting for the rest of the army.

421 -- ref your PM -- fire away and I'll answer you when I get a chance (give me all the gritty details at once!! --I'm not at work -- don't know when I'll be back there, but I'll answer what I can :D).

X-mo-1979 said:
Nice....What about the Battle Group?
Last time I went I wasnt entilted to it.

Still had the old crappy oil stained one in Texas...and waiting.

before we go to wainwright.
straight from the brigade commanders mouth when it was brought up to him when he was there with Lt-Gen Leslie talking to the Mike Coy troops.
Yeoman said:
before we go to wainwright.
straight from the brigade commanders mouth when it was brought up to him when he was there with Lt-Gen Leslie talking to the Mike Coy troops.

Thanks for the info brother...

And no there is no bomb on the plane. ;D
This reminds me so much of the fleece fiasco (my words) when we were deployed to Bosnia in January 97. When the fleece was issued, the pers at Velika Cladusa were issued it before the BG. The NSE pers used the fleece as "lounging pajamas" during their euchre tourneys. Oh, and we were sized for Goretex jackets, parkas and pants. When we got them issued, many of the troops pants and jackets were previously worn and repaired. Guess what...the NSE had brand new stuff. Are we surprised? Then people wonder why the Infantry generally dislike "wogs". I can't speak for the Armour or Artillery or the Field Engineers.
Its the same now. How about we issue it to everyone and be done with this "sharing" of kit. And for a change, would someone please tell whoever is in charge of issuing this stuff to give the "outside the wire" people first issue? I've seen pers who never set foot outside camps (unless to go on leave) recieve an issue of kit while the troops outside had to wait.
If I am "out to lunch", please steer me in the right direction.
OS, the aviators got the hand-me-down-hand-me-downs in Bosnia, the old UOR stuff that even the Army didn't want any more, but it sure was better that the absolutely non-operational blue stuff.  No disputing the sentiment caused by primo kit not being shared amongst everybody.

OldSolduer said:
This reminds me so much of the fleece fiasco (my words) when we were deployed to Bosnia in January 97. When the fleece was issued, the pers at Velika Cladusa were issued it before the BG. The NSE pers used the fleece as "lounging pajamas" during their euchre tourneys. Oh, and we were sized for Goretex jackets, parkas and pants. When we got them issued, many of the troops pants and jackets were previously worn and repaired. Guess what...the NSE had brand new stuff. Are we surprised? Then people wonder why the Infantry generally dislike "wogs". I can't speak for the Armour or Artillery or the Field Engineers.
Its the same now. How about we issue it to everyone and be done with this "sharing" of kit. And for a change, would someone please tell whoever is in charge of issuing this stuff to give the "outside the wire" people first issue? I've seen pers who never set foot outside camps (unless to go on leave) recieve an issue of kit while the troops outside had to wait.
If I am "out to lunch", please steer me in the right direction.

Armoured guys:
We had our "jean patch's" combats when we were there. On parade there for our medal's half of our guys were wearing combats that had cadpat sewn over the holes.My boot's had guntape as a toe.

It took my troop WO while we were patroling in VK going in and talking to the supply techs there.We got our kit finally.

No your not out to lunch Bosnia was like that.
OS... a story that is as old as the CF (unfortunately).
Trust me, sappers are not ones to be first in line for any distribution of new kit.
You ever notice how our sappers always seem to be wearing kit worn down to the cord?  (not by choice)
Hmmmmmm....I thought I was on the right track.
Can anyone give me any idea when the PRes will get this new rain gear?
OldSolduer said:
Hmmmmmm....I thought I was on the right track.
Can anyone give me any idea when the PRes will get this new rain gear?

I would be asking the same question for the battle group deploying.
X-Mo if you are asking that question, then our issue is years away. I'm not holding my breath on this one.
Last I checked, they have pert much cleaned out the inventory of OD raingear.
I believe they started issuing the new CADPAT raingear to the St Jean recruits last fall... cause they had nothing else available for them.  So... distribution shouldn't be too far down the pipeline.
Well geo that is good news.
With the Total Force concept, the Reg Force and PRes are supposed to be close to equal partners.
As an aside, some of my troops who are currently away....are performing at levels that are equivalent to their Reg Force brothers!!

One more question, and if its been answered, boot my old tail end over to the proper area:

When is the PRes infantry going to be issued the new ruck?I've tried it on and I like it. But the proof of the pudding (in this case the ruck) is in the eating (otherwise known as tactical exercises and ruck marches).

Thnaks for listening to a rambling 50 year old (but going on about 19 or so)
Slow down there OS, the new ruck is only now starting to get fielded to the BG and the Reg Force give it some time for it to get down to the P.Res level.