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Can I still go on tour if my spouse is pregnant?

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I was wondering if my wife is pregnant, and I am slated to go on tour, would they still send me if she is due 1 month after the tour starts? Or will they tell me I can not go even if we are both fine with it, and she has support from her family at home?

Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
Depending on circumstances and an evaluation of your circumstances by chain of command:

- they may decide to leave you back if they have the flexibility to do so (i.e., more fit troops than required), in order to reduce family stress and avoid the potential requirement to ship you back mid-tour

- any recommendation during your DAG processing, such a a social worker's interview may raise it as a red flag item, which will see you left on the rear party

There will be other tours, perhaps you should ask yourself if you shouldn't be there for the birth of your child.
I actually know of a story when my husband was overseas that the day that they were leaving a man's wife went into labour and they called him back (he was on his way to the airport), he saw her have their child and then he was on the plane later that day.

Its all dependent on the situation at hand with each individual person and like Michael said with the dagging process.

Good luck!

My wife was 5 months pregnant when I left for Afghanistan. I provided a list of a few care givers and detailed plans for any eventuality to the padre and then asked my chain of command for a "preferred" leave date.

There was absolutely no problems, I went on tour, came home for my block leave that was scheduled for one week before her due date, my daughter was born and I got to spend a week with her before going back for my last month in Afghanistan.

My wife was 5 months pregnant when I left for Afghanistan. I provided a list of a few care givers and detailed plans for any eventuality to the padre and then asked my chain of command for a "preferred" leave date.

There was absolutely no problems, I went on tour, came home for my block leave that was scheduled for one week before her due date, my daughter was born and I got to spend a week with her before going back for my last month in Afghanistan.
Same for me on my first son, I was able to get dates that were "somewhere" around the "supposed" delivery date. As for the second one, called home one night (day in Canada), found out wife was having labour pains, (however far apart, I cant damn remember) my leave wasn't supposed to be for another two weeks, so my CoC authorized me to leave early. Got back, wife had C-section was told she could not do anything "strenuous", picking up the kid ect...info'd my CoC, they authorized me an extra week. Both kids born approx mid-tour.
As others have stated, they can still send you overseas if your wife is pregnant.
My personal experience was during my tour in Croatia 94-95. I planned my leave to be home during the weeks she was due....however babies have a mind of their own and my first daughter was born 4 days after I returned to Croatia. I did not see her for the first time until she was three months old.
So there are questions you have to ask yourself.  Do you really want to go? Can your unit afford to leave you behind? If you take steps through the Padre or social workers to get off this tour how will it effect your career? I know people will say it should not effect your career but ...it will ! Do you care if it effects your career?  Lots of questions for you to find the answers to.. Good luck in what ever you decide.
Elisha said:
I actually know of a story when my husband was overseas that the day that they were leaving a man's wife went into labour and they called him back (he was on his way to the airport), he saw her have their child and then he was on the plane later that day.

Its all dependent on the situation at hand with each individual person and like Michael said with the dagging process.

Good luck!


I remember that! They drove him to Trenton to catch the plane with everone else once the baby was born (that is if it is the same couple I am thiniking of - other wise it has happened more than once ;) )
Thanks for the responses, I was told today that I would not go on this roto, since the baby would be born so close to the time I was slated to leave. I really wanted to go, but there will be other tours, so I will for now just look forward to the birth of my child, and look forward for mabey the next roto. :)
theleg1 said:
Thanks for the responses, I was told today that I would not go on this roto, since the baby would be born so close to the time I was slated to leave. I really wanted to go, but there will be other tours, so I will for now just look forward to the birth of my child, and look forward for mabey the next roto. :)

Well, that's probably a good thing. If this is your first, once he/she is born, you'll probably quickly forget about the Roto.

BTW, congrats on the upcoming addition.

Good luck.
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