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Canada Needs A Leader Like This!(Prime Minister John Howard - Australia )

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Celticgirl said:
I said more evolved, not more advanced. By that I mean that we are (I think) generally more accepting of other cultures and their beliefs and customs.

Technically (anthropologically) speaking, we can't be more evolve then Iran. Iran was populate maybe around the same time as Canada (?),
if we are speaking of the natives Canadians. However, Canada today, consist mostly of immigrants and theirs descendant that arrive in the last 4 century.
Canada, in 4oo years, can't be more "evolve" then a country that has  4 millennium behind it. Evolution is affair of time, it doesn't goes in 1 direction or another.

You (and I) can say that we have more freedom here, and that we prefer to live here. We can also say that it is better here, but that is
a western civilisation "anthropomorphism". I prefer it here, I am more use to it, but whenever I am tempt to say it is overall better then another place,
I know that, being part of one of the point reference of comparison, I'm bias.
Like I said, I do think the immigration system needs work. A lot of work, really. And I'm in complete agreement with your points, TCBF; the fact that the rig worker from Oklahoma would have more problems getting in than the Chinese rice farmer indicates that something is seriously wrong. But that's not to say that the Chinese gentleman and the American should not both be allowed to live here - though in the case of the rice farmer, I'm not sure how much success he'd have finding work in his chosen field.
- I would welcome them both with open arms.

- Fact is, our system is broken and the elements of some cultures take advantage of it.  We should not be granting citizenship to people who want it only to return to their homelands and use it as a life jacket or get out of jail free card.

- The ESL services our urban schools have to provide are crippling are over-burdened inner city school systems.  The kids are dropping out and joining gangs.
TCBF said:
- I would welcome them both with open arms.

- Fact is, our system is broken and the elements of some cultures take advantage of it.  We should not be granting citizenship to people who want it only to return to their homelands and use it as a life jacket or get out of jail free card.

- The ESL services our urban schools have to provide are crippling are over-burdened inner city school systems.  The kids are dropping out and joining gangs.

Yes, the system is broken. However, while I agree that people who wish to 'use' Canada as opposed to live in Canada should be turned back, we cannot approach this on a cultural basis. Would it be unfair to concede that just as when an Iranian calls for sharia law in Canada, they aren't the only one 'using' Canada. This sort of thing happens with people from all over the world: Rwandans living here trying to avoid genocide charges back home (like Leon Mugesera)...even our NATO ally Germany has one of theirs over here trying his best to tie himself up in the legal system and the Airbus affair so he doesn't have to face the heat over the CDU contributions scandal...
- Agreed.  We need to restore some balance, not go flange-ing off in a reactionary manner.  However, if the need now - on the eve of a recession - is well trained families who will integrate well into the new economy, I think our 'points' system needs rebalancing. A former example:

"I think a stalwart peasant in a sheep-skin coat, born on the soil, whose forefathers have been farmers for ten generations, with a stout wife and a half-dozen children is good quality".

- Clifford Sifton, 1922.


Mr Sifton's quote was made long after he opened up immigration to colonize the prairies with largely East European stock.  A concept that shocked the Anglo-French elites of central Canada.

But it worked and worked well. 

TCBF said:
"I think a stalwart peasant in a sheep-skin coat, born on the soil, whose forefathers have been farmers for ten generations, with a stout wife and a half-dozen children is good quality".

- Clifford Sifton, 1922.


No argument there - Canadian immigration policymakers should take a long, hard look at that.

Hey, Claude Belanger from Marianopolis! I took his Canadian history class in '05...
Well  when my ancestors came to Canada they certainly wanted to impose their standards, customs, and laws on the country as I am sure many of your ancestors did. Some changes were good and some were tragic. But they certainly did impose changes on the country.I know many immigrants who have good jobs, work hard, pay taxes, are police officers, and the list goes on. I think that some people who have had the pleasure of having their traditions followed for centuries are suddenly a bit uncomfortable if any changes are suggested. Doesnt mean that ALL change is wrong. Is the problem here just that its the Muslim culture that wants to make changes?
sgf said:
Well  when my ancestors came to Canada they certainly wanted to impose their standards, customs, and laws on the country as I am sure many of your ancestors did. Some changes were good and some were tragic. But they certainly did impose changes on the country.I know many immigrants who have good jobs, work hard, pay taxes, are police officers, and the list goes on. I think that some people who have had the pleasure of having their traditions followed for centuries are suddenly a bit uncomfortable if any changes are suggested. Doesnt mean that ALL change is wrong. Is the problem here just that its the Muslim culture that wants to make changes?

Any culture.

Explain any change that has happened that did not derive from "evolution" ?


Glad to hear that its any culture that we are discussing here, and not just one. As for evoluton, lets hope we all continue to do that.. !!
sgf said:
Glad to hear that its any culture that we are discussing here, and not just one. As for evoluton, lets hope we all continue to do that.. !!

- Are you saying we are all descended from monkeys?  That's crazy talk.

sgf said:
I am curious, how have immigrants asked us to change Canada?

Come and live in lower-mainland BC for a while and take a good look around. Last few "honour killings" sure sparked a good debate about all this.
lone bugler said:
wow no wonder he hasn't been in parliament since November, someone with that kind of view as the PM of Australia scares me.

Really. Hummm, he has lasted since 1996! The election was in November, so any that lost their seats on both sides have not been in Parliment  ::).

Pro-Defence, and some of that email is correct, but other parts are hyped up.

He was the best PM this country had seen in post WW2 times, and what did him in was AWA's (work agreement contracts) and the loss of rights for mainstreamers from these AWA's.

His policies on assylum seekers literally curbed the invasion of them. We'll see what the new 'limpwristed' left will do, as they are very touchy'feely-gay about most things, stereotypical of leftist mentality.

I liked him and voted for him, so before you gob off with silly comments, how about a bit of research, because its people with you mentality who SCARE me!

Howard did not lose by that much, it was the preferences which did him in.
CDN Aviator said:
Come and live in lower-mainland BC for a while and take a good look around. Last few "honour killings" sure sparked a good debate about all this.

I am not disputing the fact that there can be a lot of issues and problems with immigrants, but for the most part they are hard working family people, who come to Canada for a better life, to work, pay taxes, just like the rest of us. There are more than a few natural born Canadians who arent exactly the cream of the crop either. My way of life has not been changed by any immigrant, I am still able to celebrate Christmas and Easter, go to work and church, collected my pension, walk the streets. Has yours been changed?
the 48th regulator said:

The fundamental laws.



Thanks tess.
How about this as well,

Come and live in lower-mainland BC for a while and take a good look around. Last few "honour killings" sure sparked a good debate about all this.

I am not disputing the fact that there can be a lot of issues and problems with immigrants, but for the most part they are hard working family people, who come to Canada for a better life, to work, pay taxes, just like the rest of us. There are more than a few natural born Canadians who arent exactly the cream of the crop either.

No argument there, for most do assimilate quite well. It's the vocal minority who wish to bring in Sharia Law and the removal of the word Christmas from our schools and public life. To even remotely think that Canada was founded on anything other than Judea-Christian beliefs and customs is dishonest, but is to be expected from the "enlightened" people in this country.
2 Cdo said:
.... It's the vocal minority who wish to bring in Sharia Law and the removal of the word Christmas from our schools and public life.

I don't think you can blame attempts to secularize Christmas on recent immigrants, that falls on the shoulders of "enlightened" Canadians.
AJFitzpatrick said:
I don't think you can blame attempts to secularize Christmas on recent immigrants, that falls on the shoulders of "enlightened" Canadians.

I blame both the "enlightened" and the recent vocal immigrants who wish for Canadians to change their ways versus them adapting to our society.
2 Cdo said:
Actually, if it was true, I find it refreshing. Unfortunately, we don't have any political leaders who will publicly state what a great number of people think. Immigrants should adapt to Canada, not Canadians to immigrants. :cdn:

Exactly, if you move to a country then you should change. In some parts of Canada, Christmas trees have become offensive. It's all Trudeau's fault., the way Canadas immigration is today, and the multicultural BS in this once European cultural country. European Canadians are the real Canadians. I'm not being racist either as I have plenty non-white friends.
civvy said:
Exactly, if you move to a country then you should change. In some parts of Canada, Christmas trees have become offensive. It's all Trudeas fault.

How is it Trudeaus fault? Please provide a source that puts the blame on PETs shoulders....
He changed our immigration to be open to just about anybody, he took away that(not sure the term) thing where people from Britain could move here very easily, making our country TOO multicultural. I'm for immigration from anywhere but Asia. Only Asians with very special qualifications should be allowed to move here. I can't stand when they complain about us not being understanding about there culture. If you want to move here you should be willing to COMPLETLY adapt to our culture.
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