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Canada Needs A Leader Like This!(Prime Minister John Howard - Australia )

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ANY prime minister since P.E.T. could have change the laws, as minister of immigration.

Any group could have lobby for change, as any citizen. What did you do to make those laws nearer what you want ?
Yrys said:
ANY prime minister since P.E.T. could have change the laws, as minister of immigration.

Any group could have lobby for change, as any citizen. What did you do to make those laws nearer what you want ?

Agreed...I wonder if you have contacted your MP regarding your concerns civvy?
Thats because every politician since is to afraid to do anything about it, and i'm only 17 so they would'nt do anything about it dragoon.
civvy said:
He changed our immigration to be open to just about anybody, he took away that(not sure the term) thing where people from Britain could move here very easily, making our country TOO multicultural. I

How does allowing pers from Britain coming to Canada make us too multicultural when Canada was founded by Britain and France?
civvy said:
and i'm only 17 so they would'nt do anything about it dragoon.

Being 17 means that you are not major, doesn't means that you can't do anything.
Just think of the young guy in the U.S. that start a project to make wells in Africa, at around 12 ...
He made a few thousands by now ...
Canadian politicians are gutless, plain and simple. That's why it hasn't changed. And to compare a boy who is doing something no one can oppose, like building wells in Africa to someone who would want to implement something as controversial as immigration reform is foolish.

To say Canada has always been multicultural is BS.. When it comes down to it, what are the real cultural differences between European countries? Aside from the language you speak, its pretty much all the same.. (Yes I do realize there are small things here and there, but the fact is, if they all spoke the same language you couldn't really tell one from the other)

Tell me, if you went into a largely non-European community, how much could they tell you about WW1 or WW2? Probably almost nothing. Yet it was during those wars that Canada really became Canada. I am not good enough with words, and its too late for me to go digging through my books, but there is one called 'Vimy' by Pierre Berton, and in it he explains how so many Europeans living in Canada went to war to protect their homelands when they were in danger, but by the end, almost every one of them would only call themselves Canadian. I wonder, if Canada had to go to war to protect say China (very unrealistic scenario I know, but humour me) and we needed an army on the same level in numbers of WW1, how many Chinese-Canadians would enlist without conscription? Now I personally know asians within the military, and they serve with honor and love this country. But they are the exception, not the rule. This country was built by Europeans. (yes they were all immigrants, but so similar to each other, once the language gap was overcome, they mixed extremely well with each other)  I'm gonna post a quote, I *think* I got it from Ruxted, but I am not 100% sure..

"Canada was created over centuries of hard work and effort despite the challenges of harsh climate, formidable distances and meagre population. From the settlers of New France to the builders of the CPR and the ‘March West’ by the newly formed North West Mounted Police, from the soldiers who fought in the Great Wars of the last century to Louis St Laurent setting the stage for Canada to emerge as a middle power, determined people carved a modern nation out of a hostile and uncompromising wilderness, protected their gains against predatory empires and struck out into the wider world to help create and sustain the international order that underpins much of our security and prosperity today. Their spiritual descendants move through the world today, some wearing their nation's uniform and others as workers and volunteers in NGOs, to bring Canada's values and good fortune to the less fortunate people of the world. This is a vision of Canadians as "people who build nations" and "people who save nations."

People say Canada has no culture, but anyone who truly considers them self a Canadian can't disagree with the above quote. This is Canada's culture. Its the Canada I want my children to grow up in. People say its the vocal minority who want things like Sharia Law and  other types of extremist things like that.. If that's true, great, but its impossible to get accurate figures on this, but I have lived in Toronto for a few years. Everyone brags its the most multicultural city in the world. Yet you can literally draw lines between where the different ethnic groups live. Its not multicultural. Its difficult to articulate my thoughts right now, but basically its a bunch of single cultural communities bordering each other and happen to be called the same name.

There is so much I want to say on this topic but its so late, and I am too tired to look up hard proof.. But I will end by using a line from another quote I really like:

"What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is dearness only that gives everything its value."

The blood and sweat and tears to make this country great have already been shed. Now, anyone who moves here, or it born here has it very easy. Don't try to wow me with some foolishness about how your father or grandfather came here and worked from rags to riches to make a life for his family. Everyone starts at the bottom here. When you were 16, did you start working a shit job, or did you start out at the top? Everyone needs to work for what they get. The problem is, some value the money itself instead of the country that provided them the opportunity to earn that place at the top.
Sythen said:
Tell me, if you went into a largely non-European community, how much could they tell you about WW1 or WW2? Probably almost nothing. Yet it was during those wars that Canada really became Canada...

Well, it WAS European and North American countries who overwhelmingly were involved in that war --

Let's see; how much could the average Canadian relate about the Indo-China War (1945-54)?? The Second Sino-Japanese War (31-45)?? Even the Falklands War??

Canada did indeed come of age with Vimy -- that is why we know it.

I'd argue that most Canadians couldn't relate to you the events/specific battles within other wars that saw other nations come of age either.
Tell me, Vern, what do those wars have to do at all with Canada, or Canadians in general? I will admit I know almost nothing about other countries wars, except maybe Britain and the US.. The point I am trying to make is even 3rd and 4th generation non-European immigrants know almost nothing about the sacrifices it took to make this country great. If I were to move to another country, you can be dam sure I'd do everything I could to learn its history and adapt myself to its culture.

EDIT: Ermm this sounds way more combative/defensive then I actually wanted it to.. Don't mean it to sound like my backs up, but need to get to bed, and can't think of how to reword it right now.
Sythen said:
Tell me, Vern, what do those wars have to do at all with Canada, or Canadians in general? I will admit I know almost nothing about other countries wars, except maybe Britain and the US.. The point I am trying to make is even 3rd and 4th generation non-European immigrants know almost nothing about the sacrifices it took to make this country great. If I were to move to another country, you can be dam sure I'd do everything I could to learn its history and adapt myself to its culture.

EDIT: Ermm this sounds way more combative/defensive then I actually wanted it to.. Don't mean it to sound like my backs up, but need to get to bed, and can't think of how to reword it right now.

Canadian School kids learn about our Canadian contributions to various war efforts in school. Immigrant children who are attending school also learn that. Do they learn enough?? Absolutely not, but then neither do non-immigrant school children.

Immigrants who've attended our school system, learn what "Canadian" kids learn. It's not a simple matter of immigration or "ethnic communities", rather it's a lack of topic coverage (and yes, even coverage of "Canadian Wars & Battles" in history classes is sadly lacking) in our school curiculums.

I brought it up because of the question you asked ... I'll edit my last post to make your quote that I was answering bold and yellow, just so you don't miss it.
Though I totally agree with you about the subject not being given enough emphasis in schools, that is another topic completely.

And you are right, immigrant students are given the same lessons that non-immigrant children are.. This does not change the fact that the average immigrant/citizen on non-European descent knows FAR less about this countries history, accomplishments, and even present day politics. Its because people are WAY more willing to blame the government or school system for not teaching it, but when it comes down to it, as I grew up, I was taught not only in school, but by my mother and my grandparents. My father, and both of his parents were born in Scotland. I guess that makes me second generation? I never really think about myself that way, or as a Scottish-Canadian, I've been taught from day 1 that I am Canadian.

I am willing to bet that either of my grandparents know as much, if not more then entire communities of non-European immigrants in this country. In fact, I am willing to bet that the average European immigrant would be the same. They take no interest in our country, or our culture. There are exceptions to every rule, but in my experience, which is quite a bit, it is not as common as I would've thought, or as you may think now. They see Canada as a means to an end, and a lot of them don't even call themselves Canadian.

EDIT: Grammar is my friend.
civvy said:
He changed our immigration to be open to just about anybody, he took away that(not sure the term) thing where people from Britain could move here very easily, making our country TOO multicultural. I'm for immigration from anywhere but Asia. Only Asians with very special qualifications should be allowed to move here. I can't stand when they complain about us not being understanding about there culture. If you want to move here you should be willing to COMPLETLY adapt to our culture.

Ah, excellent points civvy. Very nicely put. Away with all Asians you say? Maybe you need to revisit your Social Studies hmm? Who built the Trans Canada Rail Way? Who decided to serve Canada in its efforts in both Asia and in Europe during the First and Second World War despite being discriminated against and taxed upon, and rounded up in our version of concentration camps? (Oh yes, ladies and gents lets not forget our dark days as a racist country and culture).

You know who the people I'm talking about are Civvy? That's right! Asians! The same Asians you apparently think are a big problem here in Canada, well guess what? Asians have been here since before Canada even was CANADA as you know it today. Heres a bit of info for you since you're too ignorant to know the difference, and obviously didn't bother to pay attention in school.

Chinese Canadians have been here since 1788. Many participated in the building of the Trans Canada Railway. During the First and Second World Wars Chinese soldiers and airmen helped battle abroad and on the home front, defending the coast from enemy ships. Especially during WWII an entire Special Operations Unit was formed comprised of almost entirely Chinese soldiers, whose main role is to parachute into Asia, Burma, Philippines, China and so forth to train guerrilla forces against the Imperial Japanese Army and Navy. Guess what guys the first Canadian SpecOps unit other then the Devil's Brigade was almost entirely made up of Chinese personnel. Chinese population was segregated and discriminated from the very beginning. The first piece of Anti-Narcotics Legislation or the Opium Act was created to target the Chinese population, to shut down supposed opium dens and to have them removed from the work force so the Caucasian residents and laborers could have work to do. The Chinese population moved on and endeavored to serve and help in the bettering of Canada.

The first Japanese Canadians have been here since 1877. During the Second World War they were treated like enemies of the state rounded up and imprisoned in concentration camps. Their properties seized and given away. Where I live currently here on the West Coast an entire village of Japanese Canadians were taken away. All of them. When the war ended they came back to find Caucasians, yup you got it, White folks living in their homes running their businesses and the government stripped everything from them. Every single penny, not a thing was left. They moved on and endeavored.

So, how many people here on this forum knew about those little facts that I just listed? You say you can't stand when they complain about "us" Canadians not being able to understand their culture, well here's a heads up for you, so do Indians, so do Italians, so do Muslims, so do Natives, so do... need me to go on?

What do you know about Asian culture? What do you know about Chinese, Japanese, Filipinos, Vietnamese, Indian or any other cultures? Come on civvy, what do you know? You know what you know? You know SFA.

What do you mean they should adapt to OUR culture? Who's WE? Need I remind you that Canada is made up of a majority of immigrants. You yourself are an immigrant. The only true 'Canadians' are the Natives, let's NOT forget that. Let YOU not forget that. By your argument we should give all the land back to the Natives and adopt their culture, because that is TRUE Canadian culture. Their way is the way because it's been established for generations before the Caucasian population EVER arrived here. You want to know something else Civvy? They're Asians too.

Your argument of adapting to "our culture" is flawed since the Asian culture is part of our culture. Just like the French culture, the Acadian culture, the Native culture and everyone else that lives, works and contributes to our society and our culture.

Since you're only 17 and not really contributing to "our" culture anyways, maybe you should get the hell out of Canada and come back when you're more productive, or more skilled at doing things other then shooting your mouth off? I, as a Canadian sure don't want someone such as yourself with no productivity to be living off of my dollars and hard earned money.
Sythen said:
Though I totally agree with you about the subject not being given enough emphasis in schools, that is another topic completely.

And you are right, immigrant students are given the same lessons that non-immigrant children are.. This does not change the fact that the average immigrant/citizen on non-European descent knows FAR less about this countries history, accomplishments, and even present day politics. Its because people are WAY more willing to blame the government or school system for not teaching it, but when it comes down to it, as I grew up, I was taught not only in school, but by my mother and my grandparents. My father, and both of his parents were born in Scotland. I guess that makes me second generation? I never really think about myself that way, or as a Scottish-Canadian, I've been taught from day 1 that I am Canadian.

I am willing to bet that either of my grandparents know as much, if not more then entire communities of non-European immigrants in this country. In fact, I am willing to bet that the average European immigrant would be the same. They take no interest in our country, or our culture. There are exceptions to every rule, but in my experience, which is quite a bit, it is not as common as I would've thought, or as you may think now. They see Canada as a means to an end, and a lot of them don't even call themselves Canadian.

EDIT: Grammar is my friend.

Thanks for insulting almost every immigrant servicemen and women in the CF. We see Canada as a means to an end eh? We don't call ourselves Canadian huh? Well, my goodness, I wonder what your grandparents thought when they came over, did they not see Canada as a means to an end? A means to a new life? Give me a freaking break! Who do you think you are? You are an immigrant, I don't give a damn if you think you know more about Canadian history then the immigrants do, does that make you any more Canadian? Would you like a gold star? Would you like to give all immigrants who don't know allot about Canada some sort of identification mark? Maybe after they take an exam perhaps?

Canadian children know less about Canada then anyone else, their peers whether it be immigrant peers or not. I can ask any middle aged man or woman right now, or even people YOUR parents age and they'll have no freaking clue what important events shaped Canada or why Canada is the way they are today. Please, get off your high horse. I can go out on the street right now and ask 10 people what Vimy, Ortona, Paschendale or who wrote In Flanders Fields.

Don't give me the BS about 3rd or 4th generation immigrants, or even immigrants today not being able to appreciate the sacrifices. Who do you think are defacing the monuments huh? It was Canadian kids eh? White Canadian kids? Since you want to be so cultural and racial about it. I thank a Veteran every time I meet one. I go as far as saying thank you to the drivers of a car with a Veterans' plate on it. The responses have always been one of kind thank you and some of them tears when I asked where they had served, how long and with what regiments. I go as far as thanking them for their service so I could have served.

You don't know about the other cultures what you see and spout are what misinformed people like you exchange amongst yourselves. In case you didn't notice one of the soldiers who past away in the Box was Asian, a minority according to you, and by definition should not know about what shaped the Canadian culture or the history of the CF. His family being here was a means to an end for him to be killed while serving honorably with the CF.

You're full of it. Just stop talking now.
So Civvy, let me get this straight, just cause I am a little confused being a first generation Canadian and all. Following your posts, you seem to have an issue with immigration which is fine, we all entitled to our opinion. The flaw that pops up in your statements and so called arguments, are not targeted at those who immigrate in general, but rather those who are not white.

My father was not born in this Country. He was born in Ireland, his parents in Scotland. He also speaks two languages Gaelic, and English. I noted Gaelic first, because this is more often than not the language that my family will address each other first in. While I was born here, and while I am white, much of my morale, speech patterns, religious views, and customs are deep rooted in Ireland.

I am disgusted by the fact, that you somehow believe that people who are born in this Country have better morals, and understanding of the Canadian way of life. Fact I find it to be the complete opposite, with most cultures, white or otherwise. If anything most appreciate it more, because of what it took to get here. You in your head can not understand what it means to give up everything you own, and use all of your money, to move to a Country where you know no one, and did not grow up in. To those that come to our Country it's no different than me traveling to the Middle East, they find our customs unfamiliar as I would find theirs. Thus is why people cling to tradition, you call it not wanting to adapt, I call it holding on to a piece of who I am.

I also speak Gaelic, it's a beautiful language, and I actually perfer speaking it over English. Does that make me ignorant to the Canadian way of life? Give me a break, go back to whichever hovel you crawled from.

I think it is you who do not understand how our nation works, as there is a reason why when people obtain citizenship, that they still retain their previous identity (Irish-Canadian). We are not a melting pot, the object is not to turn everyone in this Nation into English speaking, white people. I suggest tracing back your roots, you will find that most Canadian families, did not start out here, most came from the United Kingdom, and if you trace back even further than that, you would be surprised where one can trace your roots.

My advice, think before you speak, for your doing nothing but casting a shadow over your own background, makes me wonder where your parents, are from, and what kind of morals and traditions you were raised with. 
I believe in european immigration thats it. Also the Natives are immigrants to there bud, if you didnt know they came from the Mongolia area. I dont care what you people think, diversity isnt good it only creates problems. You are the ignoront people to think different. None of them have any respect for our tradions and beliefs. Banning christmas trees because some idiots get offended COME ON!!!!! wake up.
civvy said:
I believe in european immigration thats it. Also the Natives are immigrants to there bud, if you didnt know they came from the Mongolia area. I dont care what you people think, diversity isnt good it only creates problems. You are the ignoront people to think different. None of them have any respect for our tradions and beliefs. Banning christmas trees because some idiots get offended COME ON!!!!! wake up.

Wow.    ::)
civvy said:
I believe in european immigration thats it. Also the Natives are immigrants to there bud, if you didnt know they came from the Mongolia area. I dont care what you people think, diversity isnt good it only creates problems. You are the ignoront people to think different. None of them have any respect for our tradions and beliefs. Banning christmas trees because some idiots get offended COME ON!!!!! wake up.

Natives are immigrants to where "bud" ? To here? Sure, why not. But would they be considered immigrants if they were the FIRST to be here? I'm sorry where's Mongolia located? Oh yeah! Asia! Where did you think the Natives and their ancestors came from? That's right, Asia, as in China. If you have studied ANY anthropology you'd know that there are 2 distinct theories with regards to evolution of MAN as in Humans, as in Homo Sapient. One says they're from Africa the other says that both Africa and China had two distinctive species which evolved along side of each other for awhile. But thats beside the point.

You are one ignorant little kid you know that? Since you're so high and mighty, guess what? the European culture or even the British culture today is a mish mash of all different cultures. You think the Europeans invented gun powder? Pfft give up, the Chinese invented gun powder, and paper, and was the first to circumnavigate the world. Built the largest ships and established trade routes. Rome was NOT the center of commerce and trade for the world, it was China. All roads lead to CHINA.

You're more then welcome to go off to some isolated island and live by yourself. If you do, you'll help breed out intolerant and ignorant people such as yourselves that have NO place in the modern world. Welcome to the new age. Keep that line of thinking up and soon you'll find yourself in a world of hurt once you graduate High School and get a job. Here's a newsflash for you, Asia is where much of Canada's commerce and trade goes to, almost catching up to if not overshadowing the trade between Canada and the US.

Oh... and grow up. I'm an immigrant, and I have served Canada faithfully both as a CF and LE member for 5 years. I've been living in Canada for 15 years and let me tell you that I have allot of respect for OUR traditions and beliefs. That's right OURS. As in mine, and her, and his, and theirs but NOT yours. Get out of here you little troll, you've out lasted your welcome.
You have me all wrong and your just talking pure crap. I never said I hate Asians I said i hate Asians in Canada. Why they come here instead of a different asian country like Japan to start a new life. Canada is a white country and should remain that, but im not getting banned over what I believe, but I have the right to think what I want. If you want to move here you better be willing to adapt to our society, not us to yours.
civvy said:
I believe in european immigration thats it. Also the Natives are immigrants to there bud, if you didnt know they came from the Mongolia area. I dont care what you people think, diversity isnt good it only creates problems. You are the ignoront people to think different. None of them have any respect for our tradions and beliefs. Banning christmas trees because some idiots get offended COME ON!!!!! wake up.

1.  Learn how to spell and punctuate.

2.  You obviously DO care what people think, or else you wouldn't be on some internet forum defending your opinion.

3.  Good luck - with life. I'm sure you'll grow up at some point.

civvy said:
You have me all wrong and your just talking pure crap. I never said I hate Asians I said i hate Asians in Canada. Why they come here instead of a different asian country like Japan to start a new life. Canada is a white country and should remain that, but im not getting banned over what I believe, but I have the right to think what I want. If you want to move here you better be willing to adapt to our society, not us to yours.

No, but you will if you keep voicing it here. You just bumped up your final time. Next shot and you're gone.

Milnet.ca Staff
civvy said:
You have me all wrong and your just talking pure crap. I never said I hate Asians I said i hate Asians in Canada. Why they come here instead of a different asian country like Japan to start a new life. Canada is a white country and should remain that, but im not getting banned over what I believe, but I have the right to think what I want. If you want to move here you better be willing to adapt to our society, not us to yours.

You have a right to think what you want. And we have a right to not have to listen to your racist rant. You do not have the right to spout your racist garbage on a privately owned website ... but I see you've just met the site policy ... officially.

Welcome to the real Canada.

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