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Canada's 'second national anthem' silenced


CTV / Bell Globe just announced they bought the song and it's rights in perpetuity.

What a slick and evil business move !

Attention News/Sports Editors:
CTV Saves 'The Hockey Theme'; Acquires Exclusive Rights to 'Canada's Second National Anthem'

                  -- 40-year-old hockey theme song saved --
          -- TSN, RDS to employ song this Fall for NHL coverage --
              -- CTV to utilize theme song for Vancouver 2010
                        Olympic Hockey Coverage --

    TORONTO, June 9 /CNW/ - CTV Inc., together with Copyright Music &
Visuals, today announced that CTV Inc. has acquired all rights to 'The Hockey
Theme' in perpetuity, preserving the song's legacy and ensuring it will be
heard on national television for years to come. 'The Hockey Theme' song will
now live on CTV Inc. properties TSN, RDS and across Canada on CTV during
coverage of the upcoming Vancouver 2010 Olympics as outlined below.
    The deal between CTV and Copyright Music & Visuals was agreed to in
principle after the CBC publicly announced last Friday at 5 p.m. ET that a
deal could not be reached with the rights holders. Due diligence was completed
earlier today.
    The song, which was created by Vancouver's Dolores Claman in 1968, will
now be used in NHL broadcasts on TSN and RDS beginning this Fall. In addition,
CTV will utilize the song as part of its hockey coverage during the upcoming
Vancouver 2010 Olympic Winter Games.
    "The song has a long and storied history in Canadian sports and has
become ingrained in the hearts and minds of hockey fans across the country. It
is an iconic tune, embraced by Canadians everywhere, and we felt it was
imperative to save it. We know we will be in hockey forever, so there's no
doubt this acquisition will create value for us," said Rick Brace, President,
Revenue, Business Planning and Sports, CTV Inc. "It's an honour and a
privilege to own such a cherished piece of Canadiana."
    "I am very moved by how so many Canadians have taken the hockey theme to
heart. We are so pleased the song has found a new home," said Claman.
"Throughout our negotiations, CTV displayed a tremendous amount of respect for
my family and the song. 'The Hockey Theme' means so much to Canadians, and we
know it's in good hands with CTV."
    The announcement complements TSN's new six-year multi-platform NHL deal,
featuring more coverage of Canadian teams than ever before with at least one
Canadian team in every game. Earlier this year, RDS extended its exclusive
rights agreement with the Montreal Canadiens through the 2011-12 season.
    CTV, together with TSN and RDS, boast the most powerful and prestigious
sports programming lineup in the country featuring the NHL and Stanley Cup
Playoffs, NFL games and the Super Bowl, every CFL game including the Grey Cup,
International Hockey including the World Juniors, NBA, Blue Jays Baseball, all
four golf Majors, all four tennis Grand Slam events, Season of Champions
Curling, NASCAR and F1, and this month's NBA Finals and UEFA EURO(R) 2008.
CBC (publically funded money pit) couldn't keep the deal.  How long until TSN, in conjunction with CTV, broadcast hockey on Saturday Nights, complete with Don Cherry and Ron McLean? ;D
Newsnet just announced they have got the rights. It will be played on TSN and the French sports network (RDS?) as well as on the main network during the Olympics.
See this ladies Representatives say they offered CBC to keep the 500$ price tag for 2 years and then increase it 15% per year after that. They said it was a pretty standard industry price.  

So regardless in 5 years we (tax payers) would pay over 760$ and keep watching it get higher and higher. Its a hard call we live in a capitalist money loving society. She could go the patriotic route and offer it to the CBC maybe get an Order of Canada decoration or sell it too the highest bidder. Obviously the highest bidder won out.  Maybe her 22 (EDIT 2000!! OOPS) other jingles don't pay the bills anymore?  Maybe if she was brought up in front of the GG and recognised for her art which is what it is, she might have felt more about the future of her creation.  Atleast more than money anyways.

That song is close to the top of a list of very important Canadiana and like so many other things it was sold off. Hopefully it remains in Canadian hands in the future and is not sold to a Ted Turner Media mega company down in the US.

Its to bad we didn't buy the rights completely back in 68.

CBC screwed themselves out of Dave Hodge on HNIC years ago.  I'd love to see Cherry and McLean follow him to TSN.  HNIC 2.0, anyone?
Sigger said:
Holy Carp!!  That's like so rude!!

and devious

Rude and devious?? Excellent business move by CTV.

Too bad the numpties at that publiclly funded money pit known as the "CBC" couldn't gather their wits about themselves to think enough outside the box to buy the rights to "preserve that Canadiana" in perpetuity themselves.

"CBC", that publicly funded enitity known as a Crown Corporation with the below mandate apparently (CBC Policy 1.1.1 CBC Mandate)

(b) the Canadian broadcasting system, operating primarily in the English and French languages and comprising public, private and community elements, makes use of radio frequencies that are public properly and provides, through its programming, a public service essential to the maintenance and enhancement of national identity and cultural sovereignty;

(c) English and French language broadcasting, while sharing common aspects, operate under different conditions and may have different requirements;

(d) the Canadian broadcasting system should:

(i) serve to safeguard, enrich and strengthen the cultural, political, social and economic fabric of Canada,

(ii) encourage the development of Canadian expression by providing a wide range of programming that reflects Canadian attitudes, opinions, ideas, values and artistic creativity, by displaying Canadian talent in programming and by offering information and analysis concerning Canada and other countries from a Canadian point view,

doesn't realize the value of "cultural" safeguards if it hit them upside the head. Yes, Canada's "second national anthem" and HNIC are not linked to our National Identity or culture in any way, shape or form - otherwise, they'd have pulled off the same feat as CTV.

Good on CTV who recognized the value of this ditty to "Canadiana", bad on CBC.
The CBC is publicly funded and hence hasn't the financial resources to compete against a private network.
Do Canadians want the Harper government to increase the CBC budget ? >:D
Baden  Guy said:
The CBC is publicly funded and hence hasn't the financial resources to compete against a private network.
Do Canadians want the Harper government to increase the CBC budget ? >:D

Nice try.  ;)

I'd dearly love to audit their books and "call" some (which means tonnes) of crap they actually do produce and pay for with that taxpayers money that can certainly be classified as 2nd-rate Canadiana - at best.
It doesn't matter that CTV has the song, the fact that it is no longer associated with HNIC will result in it fading away probably within 5 years.  The real issue (with me anyway) is that this song was always associated with watching hockey on Saturday night or playoff action through the week, with family and friends.  The fact that the song is part of CTV/TSN/RDS is not good as some may think, hearing it on a Tuesday night on TSN will never be the same as hearing it on Saturday night on CBC. 

The only way that Canadians will still feel the same about this little tune in 10 years as they do now, would be if CTV somehow started to broadcast hockey games on Saturday nights.

It is my opinion that CBC was never going to get a deal done, and not because they couldn't afford it, but because the woman was determined not to give it to CBC regardless of what was offered.
Dolphin_Hunter said:
It doesn't matter that CTV has the song, the fact that it is no longer associated with HNIC will result in it fading away probably within 5 years.  ...

But, apparently CTV has got the hockey too ... and getting much much more of it every day. Bet you that 5 years from now, they also have Don Cherry ...

And, being Canadian -- we WILL follow that hockey to whatever channel it's playing on ... like we're going to Veto hockey if it's not on CBC? Please.

CBC is just becomming completely irrelevant.
True hockey is watched no matter what the channel, how many people can hum the TSN hockey night song?  Sure everyone will be able to do it next season.

The ratings are always higher for Saturday night hockey games compared to those that are aired through the week on TSN.  All I am saying is that Saturday night hockey and everything that came with it is a tradition for many, because this tune has been taken away to TSN/CTV will not change that tradition and it most certainly won't start any new ones.  Now in the era of NHL center ice, perhaps the nostalgic value of watching the one or two weekly games on Saturday with the family will eventually be worn off
ArmyVern said:
CBC is just becomming completely irrelevant.

I suspect you could delete these two words already.  8)
Harris said:
I suspect you could delete these two words already.   8)

My feelings exactly. If it wasn't for HNIC, I think they'd be done. I don't follow hockey so the CBC has no place in my life, except for raiding my pocketbook. ::)
ArmyVern said:
CBC is just becomming completely irrelevant.

Except for their news programming. When I was down in the States for a few years I found there was nothing could match the CBC newscasts.
No matter how much we complain the CBC as a whole is a big part of our culture too.  The News is one of my most valued sources and brace for it...I still listen to CBC radio in the car  :warstory:  David Suzuki is a little NDP for my liking but truly loves Canada.  Rick Mercer! Enough said.  The hour is one of the best talk shows out there too.  CBC is boring like English class or geography in high school but we still needed to sit through them and would expect our kids to do the same.  We need at least one station that will at least still try and broadcast aspects of our culture.  CTV is a good second but the CBC is part of us.  We only have a few things left that make us Canadian.  If we loose them we might as well hoist the stars and stripes over Parliament Hill, cut loose Quebec and jag'er in. 

Navy_Blue said:
No matter how much we complain the CBC as a whole is a big part of our culture too.  The News is one of my most valued sources and brace for it...I still listen to CBC radio in the car  :warstory:  David Suzuki is a little NDP for my liking but truly loves Canada.  Rick Mercer! Enough said.  The hour is one of the best talk shows out there too.  CBC is boring like English class or geography in high school but we still needed to sit through them and would expect our kids to do the same.  We need at least one station that will at least still try and broadcast aspects of our culture.  CTV is a good second but the CBC is part of us.  We only have a few things left that make us Canadian.   If we loose them we might as well hoist the stars and stripes over Parliament Hill, cut loose Quebec and jag'er in. 

Agreed my friend.

CBC seems 95% Canadian, unlike CTV which trys to mimic the southern stations.
I much rather tune into a game on CBC than CTV anyday. TSN the same.. not my bag, baby. The tune will be missed, as I will never watch a game on TSN, unless of course the Leafs get more play there.

It may have been a smart business move, but comon, its CBC's song. It just wont feel right.
Navy_Blue said:
The hour is one of the best talk shows out there too. 

I actually like this show. It's all that I tune in for.

Sure beats the hell out of that Counter Spin with Avi Lewis crap they used to torture us with.