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Canada's tanks

Weight really isn’t an issue for most roads, it’s ground pressure. Which is where wheeled armored vehicles really have issues, it’s also why they don’t do as well in a lot of off road terrain as tracks.
Would M10s fitted up with engineering and recovery gear be a useful addition to a LAV unit?
Sorry I was distracted earlier and didn't reply.

Anyone can market something as a C-UAS system -- but it doesn't make it an effective one.
The Slinger RWS doesn't do anything that the LAV/Bradley doesn't do with it's 25mm (other than offer the 30mm proximity fuzed round).
It's a stabilized gun - but has no AD feed or STC to aid hitting the target.

So for some of the slow moving low altitude straight line flying UAS it could be effective once they where detected - but for an effective C-UAS gun system you need an AD intended fire control.
I wonder if there are any of the old M163 Vulcan systems sitting around?

I wasn't aware that the Delco turret was radar guided.


  • High precision weapon platform weighing less than 400 kg
  • Fully stabilised for on-the-move operation
  • Echodyne ultra-low size, weight, and power (SWaP) 4D targeting radar with active beamsteering ESA
  • 4-axis sighting system with sensor unit that moves independently of the gun in both elevation and azimuth
  • Exquisite pointing technology for extreme accuracy
  • Bushmaster M230LF 30 x 113mm cannon
  • Lightweight 30 mm Proximity Sensing Ammunition with radio frequency proximity-fuzed, high explosive, fragmentation round
  • Wind sensor

Having said that I think this is a piece of the puzzle I neglected to include


Northrop-Grumman, capitalising partly on the PABM and its auto-cannons, has in a company-funded development designed and demonstrated the M-ACE system. The Mobile Acquisition Cueing and Effector integrates one of their 30mm Bushmaster auto-cannon (either the M230LF or XM813) with a sensor package of electro-optic/infrared, radar, and radio frequency (RF) with a command/control suite. Robert Menti, Director Armament Systems Business Development explained, “The system provides a fully networked complete kill-chain decision/engagement cycle (target identification, classification, and prioritisation) through sensor fusion and autonomous/artificial intelligence.” M-ACE is further designed to utilise any sensors while networking multiple effectors on the battlefield. It enables bringing nondedicated systems together or to integrate with agnostic gun systems to provide a multi-domain force protection system.


I see that there is now a dual feed / dual mode (air and ground) LF 30mm x 113mm



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Weight really isn’t an issue for most roads, it’s ground pressure. Which is where wheeled armored vehicles really have issues, it’s also why they don’t do as well in a lot of off road terrain as tracks.

Wheeled vehicles will ruin a road much faster than tracks, assuming the track is not running steel grousers. Even more so for softer roads.

Personally I wouldn’t put much concern in Ferries - for if you haven’t put the effort into getting transport for your Army before hostilities, well there are probably larger issues you also missed. Then either you have a port for larger Ro/Ro, you make one, or you don’t bring in armor.
Lot of places the ferries are used to cross rivers. As I said the large MBT does not fit everyone's needs.
Weight really isn’t an issue for most roads, it’s ground pressure. Which is where wheeled armored vehicles really have issues, it’s also why they don’t do as well in a lot of off road terrain as tracks.

Wheeled vehicles will ruin a road much faster than tracks, assuming the track is not running steel grousers. Even more so for softer roads.

Personally I wouldn’t put much concern in Ferries - for if you haven’t put the effort into getting transport for your Army before hostilities, well there are probably larger issues you also missed. Then either you have a port for larger Ro/Ro, you make one, or you don’t bring in armor.

Somewhere buried in there is the rationale for stopping with the Bison as a LIGHT Armoured Vehicle (13 tonnes).

If you want 30 tonnes of armour then you might could be better off with tracks. And at 60 tonnes you don't really have an option. Eh?

PS - the Grizz at 10.5 tons is still heavier than what the army thinks of as Light today.


13 tonne Bison/Coyote or 18.5 tonne TAPV? And the TAPV is Lightish or Mediumish?
I wasn't aware that the Delco turret was radar guided.

View attachment 88420

  • High precision weapon platform weighing less than 400 kg
  • Fully stabilised for on-the-move operation
  • Echodyne ultra-low size, weight, and power (SWaP) 4D targeting radar with active beamsteering ESA
  • 4-axis sighting system with sensor unit that moves independently of the gun in both elevation and azimuth
  • Exquisite pointing technology for extreme accuracy
  • Bushmaster M230LF 30 x 113mm cannon
  • Lightweight 30 mm Proximity Sensing Ammunition with radio frequency proximity-fuzed, high explosive, fragmentation round
  • Wind sensor
Odd some of the literature I’ve seen missed that aspect.