i also wrote it today lol. Were you at 4900 Young?
As for the LONG post dude. I had a very opposite expirience with the test. In the english part i only knew 5-4 words out of 15. I mean I NEVER saw other words in my life. But the math part was a piece of cake. I guess its the russian education system I have to give credit to. We were doing this type of questions in grade 5-8
. The shapes part was also very controversial. looked easy in the beggining, but turned out rediculiously hard in the end. Also i do not agree with your comment on calculators. Most of question you dont need precise calculations. And if your in the field your not likely to carry a calculator
i also wrote it today lol. Were you at 4900 Young?
As for the LONG post dude. I had a very opposite expirience with the test. In the english part i only knew 5-4 words out of 15. I mean I NEVER saw other words in my life. But the math part was a piece of cake. I guess its the russian education system I have to give credit to. We were doing this type of questions in grade 5-8