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Canadian Forces Aptitude Test (CFAT) [MERGED]

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Thanks again to everyone that replied. I appreciate it. Im really worried about the math portion. Anyways, i'll keep you guys posted as to how I do once I complete it.
Reserve6 said:
Im really worried about the math portion.

Lots of CFAT Math advice here:


I did the CFAT yesterday and did not meet standards, I found some great sites that I know for a fact will help, because I still have an idea of what it was like. There is this book however, that is parallel to a program that the same company offers, called "The Comprehensive Guide to Canadian Military, Border Services, Corrections and Security Exams" it is 30 dollars. The program has video tutorials, and 4 more practice tests than the book, its 130 dollars. I would just like to know if anyone has used this program or read the book. the link to the book is http://www.chapters.indigo.ca/en-ca/books/the-comprehensive-guide-to-canadian/9780986668708-item.html?ikwsec=Home&ikwidx=2 and the link for the program is https://www.publicserviceprep.com/secure/ChooseAccountTypeNF.aspx

I know that it shouldn't be worth 130 to practice for the test, but I'm curious as to whether or not someone tried this program or not, In the mean time I will be only using free sources. I'd also like to know if there are any other books, cites, or sources that are extremely helpful or seem so. I'm going to the library tomorrow to look for the "GED" text book.

Thanks for reading and hope to see some informative replies.

Thank you and sorry to be annoying but even though it is extremely long, I haven't found most of my answers on it. I don't however, expect you to give me any answers at all. I only wanted to state this in order for others to not feel as if I've went off and found what I was searching for, and so they would reply.

Thank you and sorry for being bothersome.
Wantd to post this in the big CFAT thread, but it appears to be locked, this thread will likely get merged into the big one.

Pretty simple questions, do all officer positions require a higher score on the CFAT than all NCM trades?

Simple question, thanks.
It's locked because too many people kept asking the same questions again and again and again and again. This one is locked, now, too - for the same reason.
Good day,

  I applied for AESOP a month ago and was wondering if my CFAT is still good?  I did it in 2006 when i went form LCIS to Image tech.

Xvim said:
Good day,

  I applied for AESOP a month ago and was wondering if my CFAT is still good?  I did it in 2006 when i went form LCIS to Image tech.

Xvim said:
Good day,

I applied for AESOP a month ago and was wondering if my CFAT is still good?  I did it in 2006 when i went form LCIS to Image tech.

It all depends on whether or not your previous CFAT scores can be retrieved.  I do believe that CFAT results achieved prior to sometime in 2010, "might" require a rewrite.

I've never been able to get a straight answer on questions like this.  So my advice.....be prepared to re-write it!
Fwiw, when I was in to see the pso for iss. My cfat scores were still being used from 2003.

If they have it on file your cfat will still be good.

I received a letter from the Canadian Forces by e-mail congratulating me that I have passed the CFAT and that I should hear back from them within the next 30 days to continue the process. 30 days passed without hearing anything from them, so I decided to contact the Recruiting Centre in my city to see what's going on. The Recruiting Officer told me on the phone that the Canadian Forces will contact me when the time comes and that there is no average waiting time for such things. It could take weeks, months, or even years.

Years? Come on, I'm twenty-seven years-old and I am not getting any younger. I understand that there are procedures that the Forces must take before enlisting me, also the concept of position availability for what I applied for. I completely understand that. But, it puzzles me, because I applied for 1. Cook, 2. Combat Engineer, and 3. Infantryman. I find it very hard to believe that there are no job openings in any of those.

I haven't done the Medical Assessment, Fitness Test, or interview. I am curious if anybody else has this happen to them? How long did you have to wait? I understand that all individuals differ and so, the processing times differ as well.

Please give me some peace of mind and tell me how long it took you to get to the next step after CFAT?

Ningen said:

I received a letter from the Canadian Forces by e-mail congratulating me that I have passed the CFAT and that I should hear back from them within the next 30 days to continue the process. 30 days passed without hearing anything from them, so I decided to contact the Recruiting Centre in my city to see what's going on. The Recruiting Officer told me on the phone that the Canadian Forces will contact me when the time comes and that there is no average waiting time for such things. It could take weeks, months, or even years.

Years? Come on, I'm twenty-seven years-old and I am not getting any younger. I understand that there are procedures that the Forces must take before enlisting me, also the concept of position availability for what I applied for. I completely understand that. But, it puzzles me, because I applied for 1. Cook, 2. Combat Engineer, and 3. Infantryman. I find it very hard to believe that there are no job openings in any of those.

I haven't done the Medical Assessment, Fitness Test, or interview. I am curious if anybody else has this happen to them? How long did you have to wait? I understand that all individuals differ and so, the processing times differ as well.

Please give me some peace of mind and tell me how long it took you to get to the next step after CFAT?


It all depends on how well you did on your CFAT and the CFAT is NOT a pass/fail test.  The aptitude test is used to determine which military occupations are best suited for you.  So all they are saying at this time is "You are currently suitable to apply for your occupation choices."

Now you wait and nobody can give you an accurate time line on how long that may be.
I applied for Infantry over a year ago, did my CFAT in April was put "on hold" due to lack of processing and finally did my medical and interview last week, about a full year after applying. Of course your mileage may vary but I doubt it will be super quick. Take advantage of the time to increase your competitive level as an applicant.
Ningen said:

I received a letter from the Canadian Forces by e-mail congratulating me that I have passed the CFAT and that I should hear back from them within the next 30 days to continue the process. 30 days passed without hearing anything from them, so I decided to contact the Recruiting Centre in my city to see what's going on. The Recruiting Officer told me on the phone that the Canadian Forces will contact me when the time comes and that there is no average waiting time for such things. It could take weeks, months, or even years.

Years? Come on, I'm twenty-seven years-old and I am not getting any younger. I understand that there are procedures that the Forces must take before enlisting me, also the concept of position availability for what I applied for. I completely understand that. But, it puzzles me, because I applied for 1. Cook, 2. Combat Engineer, and 3. Infantryman. I find it very hard to believe that there are no job openings in any of those.

I haven't done the Medical Assessment, Fitness Test, or interview. I am curious if anybody else has this happen to them? How long did you have to wait? I understand that all individuals differ and so, the processing times differ as well.

Please give me some peace of mind and tell me how long it took you to get to the next step after CFAT?


The best thing you can do is keep in contact with your Recruiting Center every two weeks or so. You should go through a thread on this forum titled 'Application Process Samples" to get an idea how long people have waited for progress on their files. If it was meant to be, it will. Use this time to improve your physical fitness, learn the history, rank structure and your desired trade(s) of the Canadian Armed Forces.
Some background info: I have done terrible on the CFAT once and I was expecting to write another CFAT soon but I was called in to the CFRC.

Today I was told by a recruiter that I was going to be given a waiver in 2 weeks to a month. At the time I thought this was a sort of waiting line, but after doing some research on the Internet I am still confused on what exactly a waiver is.