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Canadian Public Opinion Polls on Afghanistan

Everyone likes polls they can get behind. Im no different.


“The event unto itself seems to have had no galvanizing effect on the population in terms of turning it more anti-immigration or more anti-Muslim,” he said. “If anything, it appears that Canadians have accepted the whole event in stride.”

According to the poll, 71 per cent of Canadians say it's likely that an act of terrorism will take place in Canada within the next few years, up nine percentage points from August of last year. By contrast, 26 per cent say an assault is not likely, down 10 percentage points from the same period.

Canadians also appear to be convinced that Canada will be a target of terrorism because of its presence in Afghanistan. Fifty-six per cent say the Canadian presence there makes an attack more likely, up a substantial 18 percentage points from last year.

Interestingly, however, those same Canadians are also more supportive of the mission, with 48 per cent saying they back sending the troops, compared with 44 per cent who oppose the move. Support now outweighs opposition by four percentage points, compared with earlier this month when opposition outweighed support by 14 points.

Mr. Gregg says the figures show that Canadians are not prepared to use the threat of terrorism as an excuse to get out of Afghanistan. Interestingly, support for the mission has increased the most in the province of Quebec, where 39 per cent support the move, up from 27 per cent last month."

They must have polled more adults.

Interesting, in light of ANOTHER poll just out (by the Globe's "competition")....



''As the facts continue to unfold in the media about the lead-up to the arrests of several alleged terrorism plotters in the Toronto area, a new Ipsos Reid poll conducted for CanWest/Global News reports most Canadians (58%) feel the arrests represent the "tip of the iceberg" and there are likely many more potential terrorist groups in Canada not yet discovered.''

''...only a minority of Canadians (31%) offer the opinion that "terrorist threats like this one have everything to do with the fact that Canada's troops are involved in combat in Afghanistan" - most (61%) say "that even if Canadian troops weren't in Afghanistan we'd still be a target for terrorism because we are a Western Country".''

Hence, the risk of decision making by poll....

"Tip of the iceberg"!?

I sense a little "which of the following over-the-top phrases..best describes what you think?" in the poll  ::)

How in the world can any randomly selected group of individuals possibly know whether or not this is proof of anything?  Time for the media to take a breather.

                                "Statistics lie, 14% of us know that"

                                                                H.J. Simpson

I gotta say this is probably the last place I'd expect to see a bunch of nerdy hissy fit posts over a simple post like mine, but as I look over the other threads I see this isn't the only one. Its all over the place. "That I-snotty-'comeback'-for-this-guy" mentality. Some of you guys are claiming to be men?

No problem. I'll take it on down the road.

What in the world is he so twisted about?  The replies mostly commented on the dubious valus of "polls".  Pobably best if he moves on "down the road" to find a crew less likely to savage him  :crybaby:
I believe as others that it wouldn't matter weather or not our troops are there or not, we would be a target anyway and  at the very least an attact on/in Canada would only be a tool of terror and propaganda, to make a point that no one is safe.

I only wish there was more I could do to support my countries troops  :cdn: other then my words and a few stickers on my car or a fridge magenet.
I was in, not a long time, but I valunteered and would again.  :cdn: Canada is my family,  and I want to protect my family, all of it.
Ahkenaten said:

I gotta say this is probably the last place I'd expect to see a bunch of nerdy hissy fit posts over a simple post like mine, but as I look over the other threads I see this isn't the only one. Its all over the place. "That I-snotty-'comeback'-for-this-guy" mentality. Some of you guys are claiming to be men?

No problem. I'll take it on down the road.


Gr8, seeya. ::)

Nice troll, buddy, if you do decide to grace us with your presence again you can check that attitude at the door or you will be leaving, on my accord.
Everyone knows polls can be made to suit ANY purpose.

It was a good attempt at trolling and starting a flame war though.
Ahkenaten said:
Some of you guys are claiming to be men?

No problem. I'll take it on down the road.


Well I can only speak for myself, but I just claim to be a man.  There is only one of me.


Hey, maybe he is a "pollster".  :o
Mud Recce Man said:
Hey, maybe he is a "pollster".   :o

Keep it clean!

We know what statistics can do and how they are manipulated and questions worded in such a way that the answers are skewed.  I hope that is what kind of filthy pollster you were referring too?
All I have to say about those so-called Canadians that don't support our soldiers is:

If you don't stand behind behind our troops,
Please feel free.
To stand in front of them.
The CanWest/Ipsos Reid  poll:

In the end, only a minority of Canadians (31%) offer the opinion that "terrorist threats like this one have everything to do with the fact that Canada's troops are involved in combat in Afghanistan" - most (61%) say "that even if Canadian troops weren't in Afghanistan we'd still be a target for terrorism because we are a Western Country.

This is what The Globe/Strategic Counsel poll found:

Canadians also appear to be convinced that Canada will be a target of terrorism because of its presence in Afghanistan. Fifty-six per cent say the Canadian presence there makes an attack more likely, up a substantial 18 percentage points from last year...

Note that these answers are not contradictory. They simply give very different impresssions as a result of different questions. It is actually quite reasonable to believe that our current mission in Afstan makes terrorist attacks more likely in the future (Strategic Counsel) while at the same time believing we would be a target even without our military presence (Ipsos Reid).

But the former poll produces much more negative-seeming results than the latter.


For anybody who knows anything about these 'radical' Muslims and their faith it should be so blatantly obvious that they make no distinction between Canada and the U.S. that they should wonder what the hell is wrong with everybody else. It doesn't help when the Government tries to keep the war under wraps, but...that's a good thing. I think the people of Canada are so used to our 'traditional' role as peace-keepers that a sudden, dramatic change in our international role will startle them into forcing us to abandon our mission: exactly what the Taliban want.
Now the other side of the double-edged blade, if the people of Canada are deprived of the truth they will resent our mission because they have no idea what we are doing and force us to pull out because of their fear of the unknown and thinking the mission is senseless and pointless. From a nation so used to soildiers who carry unloaded weapons doing humanitarian work to a nation at war with an enemy that is so ruthless it preys on innocent people: this is a drastic change in roles and I think our people should be fully disclosed on the nature (not the details of the operation) of the mission so casualties are softened by the fact that we were prepared to deal with them here at home.
The threat almost has to literally hit home like it did for the U.S. on 9-11 for us to open our eyes and finally say "Let's do something about this". I, personally would rather be blown to pieces by an RPG blast in Afghanistan figthing for the safety of my family and my country than have my family killed but a terrorist attack on here on Canadian soil. Every Canadian needs to adopt this attitude I think in some form or another. There cannot be a parlimentary debate on the issue, we are either all in or not at all. It's time for the fence jumping to stop. I think once the government makes a solid commitment that is not debatable or even questionable it will hopefully help the citizens of this great nation follow suit. Remember that division creates conflict which in turn weakens the foundation and that is exactly how our enemies intend on beating us.

If you don't stand behind behind our troops,
Please feel free.
To stand in front of them.
:salute: to that GUNS.
Canadians support combat for a 'just cause'
Sat Oct 28 2006 By Chris Lackner

OTTAWA -- A majority of Canadians support military participation in "conventional combat missions," such as the Afghan counter-insurgency, as long as they're convinced the cause is just and progress is being made, according to a new poll conducted for the Canadian Defence & Foreign Affairs Institute.
The survey revealed that 55 per cent of Canadians are willing to send troops into danger -- even if it leads to deaths and injuries -- as long as they believe in the military's goals.

"Some people might be surprised to see the level of Canadian commitment to getting on the playing field and not just sitting on the grandstands when it comes to military combat missions," said Greg Lyle, managing director at Innovative Research Group Inc., which carried out the survey.

Only 19 per cent of respondents said they've always been firmly opposed to combat missions, while 23 per cent said they'd be willing to send troops, but that casualties would affect their level of support.

"This isn't a blank cheque for the government to take troops wherever they want," Lyle said. "But if Canadians are convinced the cause is right and we're making a difference, they are prepared to send soldiers into harm's way -- even if there is no direct Canadian interest at stake and no Canadian lives at risk."

But the poll also showed Canadians are increasingly uneasy with the military's current role in Afghanistan.   
While 54 per cent support the troops presence, opposition to the mission has risen to 42 per cent from 36 since a similar poll was conducted in June.Dawn Black, defence critic for the New Democratic Party, said the poll demonstrates that the public is increasingly uncomfortable with the mission because it lacks focus and doesn't appear to be offering tangible benefits to Afghan civilians.


Support for Afghan mission continues to decline
Allan Woods
CanWest News Service

Sunday, November 05, 2006

OTTAWA - The level of support among Canadians for Canada's military mission in Afghanistan dropped considerably over the course of the last month, according to a new Ipsos Reid opinion poll conducted for CanWest News Service and Global Television.

The latest figures peg support for the use of troops in combat operations in the troubled country at 44 per cent. That number is down 13 per cent from the level of support expressed by survey participants at the end of September....... more on link.
. :boring:..and once again we wonder how many polls got trashed and how many people got hung up on when they answered the first question "wrong".

Move along folks, nothing to see here.......