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CAUTION- Windbag Alert!!!!

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  Most maynot have to mean YOU. Check out the most Canadian polls!. On AOL one poll had 75% disliking Bush. So relax. Ye she whined, she shouldn't have. Ever since Canada was Canada, our leaders have been calling Americans everthing. John A called them The People of Death. Trudeau refused to greet Nixon and called him an a55hole. As for loyalist roots. I have family in Britian with serving members, they dislike Bush more than we do. Even more now, that British soldiers have moved north in Iraq. But thats your opinion. We are becoming to Americanized, we are even starting calling our Battle Groups to Task Forces. I would complain more about that MP from Quebec than her.
My 2 cents!

I agree with you also, but I just finished being in an arguement with people here about the American's on two different threads and was chewed out for telling my opinion. Although I do admit I didn't post properly with backup facts and I was letting my anger override my common sense. But in anycase, I agree.

Caesar said:
The PM should demand an apology. He should demand this in Parliment, not behind closed doors, and the applogy should be to these people, in this order:
1-the American people
2-The Canadian people.
3-Gearge Bush
4-PM Martin.

good idea caeser that is ehat should be done but u know that she wouldn't mean a word of it!!
Perhaps the only saving grace is Parrish can spout off all she wants without really affecting the way the US does business. I look forward to seeing her have an anurysm at some press conference when she realises despite all she has said and done the US has neither noticed her or acknowledged her in any way.

My guess is when the US activates the missile defense shield...
a_majoor said:
I look forward to seeing her have an anurysm at some press conference when she realises despite all she has said and done the US has neither noticed her or acknowledged her in any way.

My guess is when the US activates the missile defense shield...

great post a_majoor :salute: LOL
Recruit Joe said:

I agree with you also, but I just finished being in an arguement with people here about the American's on two different threads and was chewed out for telling my opinion. Although I do admit I didn't post properly with backup facts and I was letting my anger override my common sense. But in anycase, I agree.


Your quite correct on that presumption and I would say off hand, you have'nt improved on this one.
Your quite correct on that presumsion and I would say off hand, you have'nt improved on this one.

Okay tough guy, first off I was agreeing with what he already had posted. Therefore I do not need to re-iterate exactly what he said. Waste of bandwidth obviously. And if your going to go trolling for a fight, at least find more cannon fodder than "You have'nt improved on this one"... And learn to spell it's HAVEN'T not have'nt. At least get the spelling write also when your going to try and point someone else's flaws out!

Other than that, good try pal!

PS> Shall we continue with the point of the thread? I was trying to be constructive and point out my own flaws thanks!
Recruit Joe said:
Okay tough guy, first off I was agreeing with what he already had posted. Therefore I do not need to re-iterate exactly what he said. Waste of bandwidth obviously. And if your
"you're" not "your"
Recruit Joe said:
going to go trolling for a fight, at least find more cannon fodder
incorrect usage of term "cannon fodder"
Recruit Joe said:
than "You have'nt improved on this one"... And learn to spell it's HAVEN'T not have'nt.
incorrect sentence structure:   mising punctuation (,) : misuse of apostrophe (should be "its" not "it's")
Recruit Joe said:
At least get the spelling write
"right" not "write"
Recruit Joe said:
also when your
"you're" not "your"
Recruit Joe said:
going to try and point someone else's flaws out!
bad sentence structure

Let's not play these silly games :P
Let's not play these silly games

That's exactly what I was saying. I wasn't trolling for any arguements. Nice use of the english language though 48Highlander. You've got to be a in college/university english or a teacher right now no???

Anyway, point being I wasn't trying to show myself as having an MA in English lit, I was pointing the fact out he's trolling.

Actually, I only got as far as grade 12  ;D  And I'm an imigrant to boot!

Anyway, I understand where you're coming from, but I don't think he's trolling.  Or, at the very least, he's not doing it intentionaly.  I think both of you just need to take a nice deep breath and start over.
48Highlander said:
Actually, I only got as far as grade 12   ;D   And I'm an imigrant to boot!

Anyway, I understand where you're coming from, but I don't think he's trolling.   Or, at the very least, he's not doing it intentionaly.   I think both of you just need to take a nice deep breath and start over.

You are quite correct, I am not Trolling, just snipping at his heels with one liners. If I were to express myself or opinions concerning his recent posts,  I would have been censured.

With regard to the incorrect contraction of "have not", its a bad habit I have got into. Also at times I error in the use of syllabication in spelling a word. Both faults are of no subsequence to a reader, unless you're Sh5t Disturbing.

And your grammatical review, boy!, if thats not the kettle calling the pot black, I don't know what is.

You are far too modest, I would say you have an excellent command of English.

Why snipe at each other when we have Ms Parrish and the other Liberal Party members as ripe, juicy targets! Get back on topic! ;)
This story made me smile. Its nice to see such disfunction. With Liberal members like this we don't need an opposition..... ;)

Thu, November 18, 2004

'He can't control me'

Carolyn Parrish isn't sorry for stomping a Dubya doll, and as for the PM and fellow MPs who are seeking to curb her: 'They can all go to hell'


MAVERICK Liberal MP Carolyn Parrish says she won't heckle George Bush when he addresses Canada's Parliament later this month, but she has no intention of toning down her criticism of the "warlike" U.S. president.

Moreover, Parrish met with Prime Minister Paul Martin late yesterday to advise him that his repeated efforts to shut her up are doomed to failure and are only fuelling controversy and making him look weak.

Parrish also refused to apologize for taking part in a skit for the CBC television comedy This Hour Has 22 Minutes, in which she stomps on a Bush doll. The skit was denounced by Conservative and Liberal MPs alike.

Parrish accused her colleagues and the media of overreacting to her various pronouncements on Bush.

"It's 'backbencher burps, world ends'. It's ridiculous," she said in an interview.

Speaking shortly before her meeting with Martin, Parrish said she intended to tell him: "Every time he gets up and reprimands me, be it ever so gentle, it just feeds it and he looks like he can't control me, which he can't.

"And if he wants to know why he can't control me, I have absolutely no loyalty to this team. None.

"After what they've put me through and lots of my colleagues, they can all go to hell. But he's not going to control me so all he's going to do is end up looking weak."

Parrish said she's "not out to get" Martin. Indeed, she said "I don't care what happens to him," having lost respect for him earlier this year when he refused to intervene to ensure a "clean race" for the Liberal nomination in the Ontario riding of Mississauga-Erindale.

That ugly nomination battle, in which Parrish defeated former Liberal MP Steve Mahoney, was rife with allegations of dirty tricks on both sides.

"If he loses the next election and he has to resign, I wouldn't shed a tear over it," Parrish said of Martin.

Still, she said she sought the meeting with Martin in a bid to head off undue controversy over any anti-Bush comments she may make during the president's first state visit to Canada on Nov. 30 and Dec. 1.

"I'm going to assure him when I walk through the door that there is absolutely nothing to worry about. I am not going to heckle the president of the United States, not because I have any respect for him (but because) I have respect for the office and I have respect for myself. I'd look like an idiot."

Nevertheless, she said she plans to take notes when Bush speaks and will give her opinion if asked by reporters.

"I have opinions. They're strongly held and colourfully expressed. They always have been ... I am not going to change the way I function. If I do that then (critics) have won, they've shut me down and ... there are thousands of people who agree with me."

Parrish, who was adamantly opposed to the U.S. invasion of Iraq, made headlines last year when she was overheard telling a reporter: "Damn Americans. I hate those bastards."

While she regrets that outburst, she said she has no apologies to make for any of her subsequent remarks, including her reference to supporters of the U.S. ballistic missile defence scheme as the "coalition of the idiots" or her most recent jibe that Bush is "warlike."

During the This Hour Has 22 Minutes skit, taped Tuesday in her office, Parrish said she simply followed the directions she was given by the 22 Minutes crew. She said she also kissed the Bush doll.

"Come on guys, this is humour ... I am not a monster lady. I'm not an angry wet hen. I am actually a pretty funny person and humour is one of those tonics in life."

This individual is probably wearing a great big invisible target on her back as we speak!

Slim >:D
Geez, with people like her running around in parliament and our government, the populace itself doesn't have to do anthing stupid to get made fun of.... The people of the south do seem to like Canada, for the most part that I can tell. Once they see crap like this it'll probably irk them at least abit!... Although I would laugh histarically if someone did it to a "Paul Martin" doll on TV...

I am not going to heckle the president of the United States, not because I have any respect for him (but because) I have respect for the office and I have respect for myself. I'd look like an idiot."

That's pretty scary - she doesn't see how idiotic she looks like now? She is a cancer. What positive thing does she bring to the table? She isn't well spoken, she doesn't make rational, balanced, well-thought out arguments, she doesn't back up her allegations with any facts or even conjecture, she has zero respect for our biggest trading partner, our closest ally, and the most important and powerful nation on earth. All she seems capable of is slander, school yard name-calling, and unwarranted and unprofessional verbal venom.

In my eyes, Paul Martin can show the US people and Bush how much he values relations with the US by doing everything in his power to refute, condemn, and muzzle this yappy dog. Here is a great opportunity for him to bridge the gap.

If there is a way to censure, sensor, fine, or fire her then that should be done. If there is not, I propose Bill 625, the "Embarrasing MP Bill" which proposes progressive 'corrective action' against MPs for behavior not fitting a representative of the Canadian people, or detrimental to Foreign Relations.

What a disgrace.
I watched a spot on CBC news the other day where Reagan was addressing a crowd in Ottawa and the public was being quite rude......

I'm not a Trudeau fan really ( I was too young to know what was happening at the time) but Trudeau stepped up and addressed the crowd saying to them 'Even I don't get treated like this when I go to the US or other places." and generally told the crowd they should be ashamed of themselves for being so rude.

Now all of you free speechers and freedom of assembly types, yeah yeah yeah, I know it's a right to do so, but where does one draw the line? It's one thing for the public to make silly remarks, I think it's fair to generalize and say that most 'people' don't have a clue when it comes to the world stage or politics in general. i'm guilty of bandwagon jumping once or twice on the political thought process...........I do think it's inappropriate for someone representing our country on a world stage to be ridiculing the leader of the most powerful contry in the world.........He might be an idiot, in fact he IS.....However, the game must be played and Paul Martin should get a grip of his 'troop' and sort her out.......She is a poor reflection on our country and Martin's government.

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