I am not sure about everywhere else but, some of the PMQs here in Shearwater are being redone, completely. One was torn to the guts, just the frame left up and now its back up complete.
I think CFHA is behind the 8 ball; the 'big drive' to recruit new soldiers, sailors and airmen/women, and then not enough housing to hold all the people who, for various reasons, don't or can't buy a house off base.
I also do not think the prioritization of the available PMQs is being done correctly; IMO, a 'family' should have the first shot over single people with no dependants (as defined by the CF). I would suggest that rather than correcting the previous way, they overcorrected to the point it is TOO wide open now.
My biggest pet peeve is how CFHA charges based on CMHA (cough Mafia cough) assessment of the real value in todays market, for MQs that were build decades ago, and have not, for the most part, had ANY significant improvements in a long time. These properties were most likely paid for ages ago, and yet they still charge more and more each year for the MQs. They can't even use 'rising fuel costs' for the Shearwater ones, as all heating is out of the occupants wallet.
I realize CF mbrs should pay a reasonable shelter charge but...this CMHA BS for assessing how much that is goes outside of that reasonable part IMO. What with rising heating costs, that surely, are offset with PLD (which is really only 66% of what is actually allotted as 1/3 is sucked back in taxes...awesome beneift :

) but I don't think the formula and amounts are right yet.
Before the pile up starts...no I do not live in a PMQ ;D but I DID in Shearwater in the past and what I said is based on what I see and know from being here in NS, the highest taxed English province in Canada.