George Wallace Dinosaur
- Reaction score
- 223
- Points
- 710
peaches said:Forgot about YTR, sorry. With ref to Gagetown, it is a training unit, if we establish co-training with the US Army we would no longer need it, that is why I said 403 Sqn to support 2 CMBG.
Here's another idea, how about consolidating 1Wg on a single base, perhaps Borden or North Bay (NB is under used). At Borden/NB, with perhaps 28 attack helos, set up an attack helo squadron of 20 a/c, an assault squadron with 20-24 Grifs, and a Chinook squadron of 12. These three squadrons would support 2 & 5 CMBGs and CSOR, and also conduct type training. Then stand up a fourth TACHEL sqadron, with the last 8 attack helos and 4 Chinooks out west in Cold Lake to support 1CMBG. By closing down the TCHEL squadrons at the brigade bases and consolidating them on existing airbases we could reduce their need for support services such as fire, ATC, medical, log etc... as these services already exist on these bases. It is a radical idea I know, and I understand the manning issue, just throwing out some new ideas......
The above post just shows how little you really know about the CF and how it functions. I have noticed your lack of knowledge in other posts also, ie. your comments on Shearwater, Greenwood and Bagotville. You are making comments on matters that you really know nothing about, and as a result drawing totally out to lunch conclusions. Please STOP!