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Challenge Coin

I picked up mine when I went to Borden and everyone in my unit knows what its for who's gone to Borden (and are the ones subject to the rules).

Last Mess Dinner I brought mine and pulled it on a couple guys. Although I didn't collect on anyone who didn't have theirs and I bought a couple rounds its a good morale booster. I find it primarily the reserve who use the coin as a builder for esprit de corps.
Trinity said:
Sig Des has learned the hard way MANY times from HitorMiss to bring his Army.ca coin with him!

It was only (counts fingers).... three times that he got me before I started porting it in my wallet.  :P

IT's sits alongside my C & E branch coin.

I've found that a lot of branches use the coins, as well as the airborne, and if you're fortunate enough to see it, there's the one for the black pyjama slumber party.